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Have you Abandoned your GWF?

zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Just a Simple Poll, Have you given up on the GWF and if so for what reason?

The game has been out long enough for anyone who has wanted to try the GWF to give at least a good serious go. So lets here it.
Post edited by zardoz007 on


  • galvayragalvayra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I leveled mine to 60 and did some dungeons it felt like i wasn't even there at some times, the time it takes me to kill one minion mob two wizards or rogues clear the whole room and they call it balance

    I guess they expect me to spend 500 dollars on gear to be effective, good luck with that

    Unstoppable is a horrible mechanic for a striker class, i have to sit in the fire and take damage so i can use it? who comes up with these things? at least make the destroyer feat that makes you gain determination from doing damage actually fill the god **** bar like the rage bar from WoW warrior

    I don't even like this class but i dislike the others even more, so i sorta quit.. waiting for either a buff or some other class
    "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
  • ashikuroashikuro Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Good GWF's are beasts.
  • nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I get the feeling that the GWF is supposed to straddle the line between Striker and Defender. It's not even really good enough to be a secondary party member at either of those roles, though.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my GWF, and she's my main. But, compared with my wizard... well, GWF is very obviously the worst class in the game.
  • steppenkatsteppenkat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    GWF takes some wit, but it's a perfectly capable class. In a world of insta-gratification and predictable developing, the GWF has felt like a breath of fresh air for me. She's hard to level, making Solo-grinding interesting. I've been playing for 4 days and I'm level 45 so it can't be impossible - it just takes dedication.

    Also, its a quite viable class for endgame content, just need to build properly - she's not a faceroll.
    - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
    - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
    - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
    - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)

    Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
  • theninjortheninjor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am in the 29 and was getting tired of doing quests to level as my clear speed was to slow to even attempt anything.

    Figured Id try some PvPing, went into it and rogues are 1 hitting me and CWs CC me to the end of the earth. I am very close to just throwing the GWF away.
  • oneirosoneiros Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The GWF is as bad as the Priest used to be in WoW, like when you couldn't go shadow til like level 40. Too many of the early powers require you to stand in the area that mobs drop their attacks and you take such a beating that it's just not worth it for the pathetic damage you do. I prefer playing my Cleric, at least it can move around to avoid damage and with a tank companions can solo fairly well. Seeing how useless the GWF is I wouldn't want one in my party. WTB Titan Grip and another 2 hander, maybe then I will do some damage!
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    At level 35 I've easily topped raid damage & kill scores (about 20% margin) and rarely fall out of top three in PvP, either everyone else are really bad players or GWF is reasonably good class. For I am not an exceptional player.

    Never had any class related problems in PvP and PvE seems easier than with my Rogue (both at level 36 now).
  • harye84harye84 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I got to 60 in the early start and continue to play my GWF.

    I fully admit I used Leadership to fast level because levels 20-45 were a pain to run with. Yet post 45 I feel I'm doing quite well for myself actually. If GWF had a tad more control with stuns/roots/slows it'd be a perfect class. It'd have a niche of sorts for taking adds and it wouldn't be the potion hog it is right now.

    Potion hogging is my only real complaint. I don't want more defense or mitigation though. The class is fine there compared to other classes. Our biggest weakness is the terribleness of our control. The sheer lack of it is terrifying when facing more than one foe, and with our AoE we WANT to face more than one foe.
  • zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Even though I can top damage and kills 50% of the time in a T2 dungeon, I bring nothing to the table that couldnt be done better with another TR or CW.
    Character is what a man is in the dark
  • kikoodutroa8kikoodutroa8 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have I Abandoned my GWF?

    Well I actually rolled another one, so I have one that at keep for when my friends are online, so we stay at the same level, and a new one for when I play solo.
  • nerdbanenerdbane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Playing since release and i'm still laughing maniacally while im moving down hordes of enemies and yelling at the screen while i'm charging. No other class is giving me the same satisfaction.

    Now all Cryptic needs to do is fix little things like numbers, feats and god awful mechanic decisions (Oh you stood on fire like a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>? Here have some damage&survival buff)
    P.S Leveling a GWF is not hard (or leveling one automatically turns you into a gaming god)
  • zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was told by My guildies today that they will not bring a GWF to t2 Runz, I am stuck in T1 Gear and will never get Better. I now Officially abandon the GWF.
  • markovich87markovich87 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    I was told by My guildies today that they will not bring a GWF to t2 Runz, I am stuck in T1 Gear and will never get Better. I now Officially abandon the GWF.

    First off just gonna say...doesn't sound like your in a good guild to begin with to reject you from t2 runs just because of your class. ( unless your under the circumstance that you have another character that's at end game that you enjoy playing)
  • lokaidraxmartislokaidraxmartis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    no... i havent...everyone says 35 is the sweetspot i'm always 1-3 place in damage in dungeons... i know might be a crazy idea...and it might be insane concept but... GWF are ... weapon based class... get a blue weapon... and enjoy the mayham. At present i easily annihilate everything in my path with minimal effort... i can only imagine it gets easier from here on out. Do yourself a favor make sure you have some blues equipped and take the cleric companion it makes everything so much easier.
  • jezetjezet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, I haven't and will not abandon it. Not the greatest class I agree, but I think I can manage with it.
    Do or do not, there is no try.
  • amuze12amuze12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Leveling was a piece of cake to be honest, If you keep track of your gear and get the cleric companion like stated above.

    What has frustrated me so far is the last destroyer feat which allows us to gain determination by doing damage. The determination gain is so bad i would rather stand in a red circle for a quicker gain, which is stupid. The other way to gain determination is roar or shout. Both of which rely on there being a ton of enemies bunched together for it to be effective (as with our aoe dps). I believe Both Control Wizards and Clerics have the ability to massively push packed monsters back, which apparently increases the rate they gain AC. I've been in parties where every single time i pop Unstopable and Slam, the mobs are continually pushed back, whether it be off a ledge or out of my aoe range. Over and over again. This class relies HEAVILY on having bunched groups of monsters and that's it. (Come and get me's range is too poor to suck pushed monsters back towards you and the cooldown seems to be greater than other class's push backs).

    Now i've really enjoyed mowing down monsters thus far but after doing dungeons at level 60, i have on occasion left the battle and sat in the corner because there is zero point in me running around like a chicken trying to single target dps monsters that are flying around the room. This is not the Wiz or clerics fault, i will not blame them, i see it as a design flaw.

    How to solve the GWF issue? I have no idea, i am not a designer.
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