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Inspect Object trouble

moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
I'm following along with Gillrmn's guide. For some reason, when I test my quest, the "Inspect Object" objectives, automatically complete. Any thoughts on why this is happening? I'm sure it's probably a mistake on my part, but it's ticking me off! lol

Let me know what info you need to help (if any). Thanks in advance:)
Post edited by moriktrask on


  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everything else seems to work fine. Still stuck on this though:(
  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just a bump to see if anyone that's currently on the forums can help:(
  • forien69forien69 Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I don't quite get your problem. Show screenshots with quest settings and linked item settings, maybe then I will be able to say something
  • auroradragonessauroradragoness Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have the same problem.
    Here's my picture of it with all the options. After completing the investigate area, the inspect option is automatically completes afterward. :(


    (I couldn't insert the picture directly into the forum :()
  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That screenshot really covers my issue as well, except that I have two objectives in parallel. When I try to test the quest from the beginning, I get a message telling me that the "Inspect Object" has been completed successfully.

    Let me see if I can get some screenshots. Can I add them here or do I need to put them elsewhere and link to them?
  • forien69forien69 Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have the same problem.
    Here's my picture of it with all the options. After completing the investigate area, the inspect option is automatically completes afterward. :(


    (I couldn't insert the picture directly into the forum :()

    Everything seems to be okay, can you post screen of barrel's settings? I really have no idea (for now I always used "interact" instead of "inspect")
  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did get "Interact" to work. So it isn't a big deal (also, I'm not publishing this, just practicing).

    CAn't find my darn screen shots:(
  • auroradragonessauroradragoness Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well it is just the standard barrel found on Neverwinter's street. I can't seem to have any settings beside what's on the screen. If there is, could you tell me?


    And also I have the dialouge but it is different from what I want to work out.
  • auroradragonessauroradragoness Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    moriktrask wrote: »
    I did get "Interact" to work. So it isn't a big deal (also, I'm not publishing this, just practicing).

    CAn't find my darn screen shots:(

    What did you do? This still bugs me, I seem to have tried everything.
  • jackpepper7jackpepper7 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am also having the same problem. I am creating a quest where the first thing the player needs to do after getting the quest is inspect Pile of Crates (#10). Doing so will give some information about the quest that I don't have room for in the description. However when I start the quest from beginning, or even play from that objective, it is automatically completed and the quest tracker goes onto the next objective. When I go to the object, it is not sparkly and cannot be inspected. I have tried changing the object to something else, (Barrel #10) and it still does the same thing.

    Thinking perhaps the quest was corrupted, I started over, and made a single objective; to inspect an object, and added a dialog. I played the quest from the beginning and it was immediately completed and the next objective was to collect reward.

    Here is a video capture of what happens. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  • mithegilmithegil Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My only guess is that it doesn't work in the premade adventure zones. I got the same results as you when trying to inspect the Protector's Enclave fountain, but my inspect quests work fine on custom maps. It's probably because the objects in the AZ's aren't editable. i.e. you can't make them interactable.
  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow! I'm sort of glad that it isn't just me.... but, at the same time, it sucks that so many people are having an issue. I didn't report it as a bug, because I thought I was doing something wrong. Looks like we should go ahead and report it.

    I sort of worked around my problem by using the "Interact with Object" Objective instead of the "Inspect Object". With "Interact" you seem to be pretty limited though. You click the sparkly object and get a result. There's no dialogue.
  • auroradragonessauroradragoness Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh well this sucks, but I just have to figure out something else.
    By the way I already reported it, I hope this will be fixed up soon, along with the music. I really would love to publish my quest once :)
  • theh0sertheh0ser Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm also having this problem as well. Guess I'll just work on the rest of my quest until this issue is fixed. It's integral to my quest that characters can inspect objects in the adventure so before heading to the instanced map.
  • adakkaradakkar Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Have you tried making an invisible sphere the inspection point on top of what you want inspected, and just labeling it the fountain? It is possible it is a bug with inspecting protectors enclave objects. Then again not sure what restrictions fully apply to enclave objects, so may not be able to use a sphere either.
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  • myrkolithmyrkolith Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes premade maps cannot be changed or effected, you would have to add a new Barrel onto the map yourself and then use that for the Inspect object objective. Basically if you want them to do anything other then use a door to go into your quest etc, then you need to add your own elements to the Cryptic maps.

    The other option you can do is make the object a Contact for the Interact with objective and then give it a dialogue so it can "say" whatever you want to the character.
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  • moriktraskmoriktrask Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    myrkolith wrote: »
    Yes premade maps cannot be changed or effected, you would have to add a new Barrel onto the map yourself and then use that for the Inspect object objective. Basically if you want them to do anything other then use a door to go into your quest etc, then you need to add your own elements to the Cryptic maps.

    The other option you can do is make the object a Contact for the Interact with objective and then give it a dialogue so it can "say" whatever you want to the character.

    That's great info. Thanks a ton:)
  • mzwintermzwinter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can also confirm this bug. I just completely gave up on the foundry because of this. I don't even feel like playing at the moment. It might not seem like a big deal, but I need this in my quest and every workaround I can think of eats away from the already thin immersion. I keep getting stuck on problems like this every time I open up the foundry editor, it's frustrating. I miss Aurora toolset ;_;

    If it helps you, here are some workarounds I tried (disclaimer: they suck)
    • Place an interact objective and right after it place an inspect objective with a new text. That way you can have some lore display for the player when she interacts with the object.
    • Make items with lore in the description and put them in the interact objectives, and also make them required item for some other objectives so you can automatically clear them from the player's inventory.
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