Just a question. Why am i still receiving gold past level 20? I've bought my mount. But everything else costs diamonds.
Apart from the two additional companions and random splurge on kits because mmo's have turned me into a lewt wench, then i'm just stock piling it for no particular reason.
Pretty sure i could speed up my leveling abit if i left the glinting little paper weights on the floor instead of chasing them over a fence.
Is there a way to convert gold into a usable form without being a twit and reselling vendor items on the auction house?
Just a question. Why am i still receiving gold past level 20? I've bought my mount. But everything else costs diamonds.
Apart from the two additional companions and random splurge on kits because mmo's have turned me into a lewt wench, then i'm just stock piling it for no particular reason.
Pretty sure i could speed up my leveling abit if i left the glinting little paper weights on the floor instead of chasing them over a fence.
Is there a way to convert gold into a usable form without being a twit and reselling vendor items on the auction house?
Would you rather just have AD and use it to buy all your pots, injury kits and other stuff you might need?
I've never bought a pot or injury kit. Without meaning to sound like a jerk, its kinda difficult to die so far especially with a cleric companion healing you.
So yes. I'd prefer to be picking up a usable currency. Is there any way to convert it into AD?
I've never bought a pot or injury kit. Without meaning to sound like a jerk, its kinda difficult to die so far especially with a cleric companion healing you.
So yes. I'd prefer to be picking up a usable currency. Is there any way to convert it into AD?
The difficulty ramps up quite a bit eventually and your cleric companion loses much of it's effectiveness since it only levels to 15 (no training manuals available still). You will need potions eventually.
Potions and kits, buy them and use them. If you aren't using potions, you aren't playing well, every class is meant to heal themselves when they can.
LOLWUT? If you aren't using potions you aren't playing well? If you are using potions you're not playing well. I've leveled multiple classes to 60 and almost never had to use potions.
Its hard to un-train the instinct, but there really isn't much reason to pick up loot past level 20. Do it if its convenient but so far not much to spend gold on.
LOLWUT? If you aren't using potions you aren't playing well? If you are using potions you're not playing well. I've leveled multiple classes to 60 and almost never had to use potions.
I bet you did... As you slayed those poor inncent Ogres trapped in boxes otw to 60.
(Anyway, that was a joke.)
Ur FoS tho if you say u didn't use pots, I will except that from only a cleric if at all...
Kk, cheers guys. I feel that's a little bit of a hole the dev's have failed to recognise. Shame they cant just scrap diamonds and continue with just two currencies to make it a bit more player friendly. I completely understand why Zen is there. I just don't see the point of a useless currency. The only way i seem to make enough AD to buy anything from the auction house is by reselling boe boss drops. Which opens up huge amounts of theft potential because of the lack of restrictions on need/greed.
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
a) youll need the gold later for your gold teeth
b) you will die a lot more in higher levels, especially in the dungeon. Thats when you will spend a lot of gold on injury kits and potions. Also you can buy skill kits which i do - every one - since lvl 45 or so (late thinker) - because sometimes you find rare profession ressources and runes which you can sell for quiet some ad (made around 500k in the last 7 levels so)
darkstarmjpMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Leveling my GWF I died all the time I rarely died on my trickster rogue I think I must have spent like 10g on pots.
They need to find a way to remove gold from the game, because in not long enought every character will have like 100gold hanging out with nothing to do with them... (Plus we cant even send gold to our other char to help them start with some nice gear ....
I dont know, maby a lotery... 1gold per tickets... every time 100000 ticket is sold, 1 winner get 100k AD or something !?
or make it 3 winner with 50k/35k/15k or i dont know ... Lottery sounds good to me
how about 1chance out of 5 to get 1k AD that would actualy be my best pick!
Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision
seonsaengnimMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
What no gold, Seriously?
Oh come on this is D&D. If they didn't include copper/silver/gold there would legions of whiny fan-boys complaining about it. Gold is cannon to D&D like Bread is to Butter.
On a separate note I as a cleric felt pretty useless most of the time back at the lower levels in groups. The cool-down on the potions was short and so my heals didn't seem as useful. But in the 30+ dungeons I heal like hotcakes, I can't cast fast enough. So yeah it get better:p
There are merchants who sell weapons, armor and jewelry for gold in the city as well.
It's not even the same rarity. I have to admit, my levelling as slowed down and my enthusiasm is draining. I'm the last of our group of friends on here. The different currencies are irritating. The pvp imbalance has destroyed that part of the game and now it's shifting into the skirmish/instance farm, as more and more people turn rogue.
Cheers for the input guys, apologies for the mini rant.
zerofgivenMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited May 2013
Your not alone. The numerous currencies are excessive. It seems extras were thrown in just for additional diversion without considering if the economy would be fluid.
Astral Diamonds
Rough Astral Diamonds
Ardent Coins
Celestial Coins
Does the game really benefit from all these?
Potions and kits, buy them and use them. If you aren't using potions, you aren't playing well, every class is meant to heal themselves when they can.
I'm a cleric and I never....well rarely use pots, I have over 300 pots of all kinds up to the level 30 ones and the only thing they do is sit in my bags...I never use them since I heal myself.
Would you rather just have AD and use it to buy all your pots, injury kits and other stuff you might need?
So yes. I'd prefer to be picking up a usable currency. Is there any way to convert it into AD?
The difficulty ramps up quite a bit eventually and your cleric companion loses much of it's effectiveness since it only levels to 15 (no training manuals available still). You will need potions eventually.
No there is not an conversion method.
LOLWUT? If you aren't using potions you aren't playing well? If you are using potions you're not playing well. I've leveled multiple classes to 60 and almost never had to use potions.
I bet you did... As you slayed those poor inncent Ogres trapped in boxes otw to 60.
(Anyway, that was a joke.)
Ur FoS tho if you say u didn't use pots, I will except that from only a cleric if at all...
b) you will die a lot more in higher levels, especially in the dungeon. Thats when you will spend a lot of gold on injury kits and potions. Also you can buy skill kits which i do - every one - since lvl 45 or so (late thinker) - because sometimes you find rare profession ressources and runes which you can sell for quiet some ad (made around 500k in the last 7 levels so)
I dont know, maby a lotery... 1gold per tickets... every time 100000 ticket is sold, 1 winner get 100k AD or something !?
or make it 3 winner with 50k/35k/15k or i dont know ... Lottery sounds good to me
how about 1chance out of 5 to get 1k AD
Oh come on this is D&D. If they didn't include copper/silver/gold there would legions of whiny fan-boys complaining about it. Gold is cannon to D&D like Bread is to Butter.
On a separate note I as a cleric felt pretty useless most of the time back at the lower levels in groups. The cool-down on the potions was short and so my heals didn't seem as useful. But in the 30+ dungeons I heal like hotcakes, I can't cast fast enough. So yeah it get better:p
It's not even the same rarity. I have to admit, my levelling as slowed down and my enthusiasm is draining. I'm the last of our group of friends on here. The different currencies are irritating. The pvp imbalance has destroyed that part of the game and now it's shifting into the skirmish/instance farm, as more and more people turn rogue.
Cheers for the input guys, apologies for the mini rant.
Astral Diamonds
Rough Astral Diamonds
Ardent Coins
Celestial Coins
Does the game really benefit from all these?
I'm a cleric and I never....well rarely use pots, I have over 300 pots of all kinds up to the level 30 ones and the only thing they do is sit in my bags...I never use them since I heal myself.