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A few noobie cleric questions

gorgonofsparta1gorgonofsparta1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Temple
Im lvl 20 and have not had a difficult time soloing or skirmishes/dungeons yet.

Anyway i was curious, after reading some of these build threads, i noticed that
ability scores should not exceed 20?

At lvl 21 my wisdom is 21. Is that gonna be a waist of an ability point? Should i respec that?
Does a respec token cost more at later lvls than at earlier lvls?

And ive looked around the forums and asked in game...but there is no way to easily target
group members correct? like f1 f2 kinda thing? I noticed in the keybinds there was nothing in regards
to targeting group members, but i want to be certain.
Post edited by gorgonofsparta1 on


  • streamofsolacestreamofsolace Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's not that ability scores should not exceed 20. Some people consider Wisdom to not be the best, nor second best, attribute for the Cleric; of those people, some believe that it is likely that the game will be rebalanced to change the desirability of Wisdom. Individuals that fall into this category might choose to hedge for Wisdom becoming better, selecting a starting attribute array that favours Wisdom and/or putting their racial ability bonus into Wisdom if it is an option, and then putting all of their leveling up attributes into their preferred stats.
    For a Human, starting [16, 14, 14, 11, 10, 10] and putting the racial attribute into Wisdom, and all leveling attributes into Charisma and Strength, happens to work out to 20/20/20 at level 60. If Wisdom is ever rebalanced, they can re-specialize and put the leveling attributes into Wisdom. Note that character creation choices cannot currently be changed.

    I have explained the why, I'm not going to tell you what to do; there are threads on a Power-centric build (which favours Wisdom) and a Recovery-centric build (which favours Charisma, and due to not favouring Power devalues Wisdom as an attribute). The threads are old, but their ideas are generally still relevant.

    You are correct, there is no easy way to target group members. The combination of enemies moving, allies moving, and you generally running away from a mass of enemies all make applying a targeted heal to the correct target quite challenging. My understanding is that you can lock on to a single party member by holding Control, but that this also locks your camera; not exactly ideal.
    I believe that most clerics have decided that Healing Word is, at best, a situational power at higher levels, when we have more options. Recovery-centric builds in particular will dislike Healing Word because the time required for it to regenerate a single charge is not affected by Recovery, whereas all other Encounter powers are.
  • unseenbrawnunseenbrawn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think Healing Word is a great encounter when you combine it with the feat that gives you divinity bonus when encounters come off cooldown. So casting Healing word that cooldown is like 2 seconds maybe, gives you 10% of a pip of divinity. That is pretty significant in my mind.

    Gorgon your stats really depend on what you want to do.. Try not to be a follower (not that its bad) but try different things build your cleric the way you want to play and how you play best. Look at what the attributes give and think about end game what your shooting for, what important to you and your play style.
  • yushimushiyushimushi Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    HW is also a pretty good AP builder.

    It is tough targeting your teammates with it while they are all mobbed together, but later on you'll have more powers that heal in AoE taking the strain off of targeting (Divine FF, BoH, SB, etc). Much easier in my experience.

    As for your stats, I wouldn't worry so much about it. 1 or 2 points doesn't amount to much if you aren't min/maxing your character. As you play in more parties, you'll figure out what kind of healer you want to be. Then, adjust your points accordingly.
  • gorgonofsparta1gorgonofsparta1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    In other DnD games... a cleric needs x wisdom to cast y lvl spell..any wisdom beyond that is irrelevant.
    Obviously this is not that version of DnD but wanted to be certain i wasnt doing something obviously wrong.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I need help understanding what is going on with the cleric, but first let me express my absolute hatred of this message board disallowing users such as myself from creating new topic threads that would make asking questions and posting so much simpler and easier (I don't know any other game that disallows members from posting a new topic and it is very upsetting).

    Anyways, I was doing good on understanding the cleric until level 10 upon which I did the PvP quest. Around that time a white curved bar with three or four plusses showed up being displayed next to my character. I have no idea what this thing is supposed to do and its annoying and not at all fun to look at. I can't figure out how to use it or how to get rid of it off of my screen. Also at this time I started having problems with the stupid holy symbol torch thing that if you press tab or you teleport comes up then you click tab again and it lights, anyways its always coming up for me and I want to attack and I have to put the thing away cause I can't do anything while holding the stupid thing. I have no idea what it is supposed to be doing other than disallowing me to do anything other than to run around and take damage cause I can't at will attack while its being held. I have a control wizard and I've never seen these silly things before so I need them explained, on a side note my cleric seems to be playing in god mode compared to my control wizard that seems extremely weak in comparison.
  • malaclypsmalaclyps Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    that's your divinity bar. tab to toggle the mode on and off. hold left button dmging enemies beam, hold right healing energy beam.
  • laudon1laudon1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like to keep all of my stats pretty equal, because as one gets higher, it diminishes itself.
    I'm running this right now http://puu.sh/31M7s
    Lemonade Stand.
    Dragon Guild
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    I like to keep all of my stats pretty equal, because as one gets higher, it diminishes itself.
    I'm running this right now http://puu.sh/31M7s

    This, he has the right idea.

    I don't like how people underplay Wisdom and bonus healing so much.

    When you only have 10% bonus healing but 40% crit already, more healing bonus will actually be better than more crit, you can't just look at them point for point.

    Also because Astral Shield CANNOT crit and it's a big portion of your healing that's also why I've been favoring Wisdom.
  • naughtypussycatnaughtypussycat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    I like to keep all of my stats pretty equal, because as one gets higher, it diminishes itself.
    I'm running this right now http://puu.sh/31M7s

    Can you confirm that these are your character stats?

    Tiefling, Devoted Cleric
    18/13/13/10/10/8 - (Base stats)
    18/13/15/12/10/8 - (add Tiefling Racial Bonus: +2 CHA, +2 INT)
    21/19/20/14/12/10 - (upon reaching level 60: +2 to every Ability, + 1 to WIS, +4 to STR, + 3 to CHA)
  • laudon1laudon1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    But you can manipulate a lot later depending on what you roll at the start.
    Lemonade Stand.
    Dragon Guild
  • naughtypussycatnaughtypussycat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »

    But you can manipulate a lot later depending on what you roll at the start.

    Thank you very much for that screenshot.

    You have confirmed that your Ability stats are as per my post here:

    With your specs, you can re-allocate more points to WISDOM (maximum 24),
    which would make healing bonus and damage higher.

    Cheers! :)
  • asanaramaasanarama Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know any other game that disallows members from posting a new topic and it is very upsetting
    I recently found out that you can't post in the official forums for "Star Wars The Old Republic" unless you're a subscriber. Well, I know you can't make a new topic. It didn't occur to me to try replying to an existing topic.
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    asanarama wrote: »
    I recently found out that you can't post in the official forums for "Star Wars The Old Republic" unless you're a subscriber. Well, I know you can't make a new topic. It didn't occur to me to try replying to an existing topic.

    I think I first couldn't post new topics, but now I can, so it must unlock after you post enough.
  • malaclypsmalaclyps Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    i believe it's when you get a toon to level 10 or 15.
  • winterburnedwinterburned Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Exuse me for using this recent thread for asking my few qeustions myself, as this forum has the anti-spammer function and i wont be able to post a thread for 3-4 days untill ive posted/replied on something.

    Im currently a cleric full t2 with my desired pet "the allure stone", my t2 choice immediantly went for the miracle set due to its 450 recovery bonus, although im not really liking the 4 set bonus, i geuss its alright.

    I'm currently just running CN over and over and for end game purposes it doesnt really matter that much what my stats look like as long as i perform as my group desires me to, which usually consists of Astral shielding and Hallow grounding, and a occasional encounter when needed. ( apart from divinity stacking. ), with that said, i keep playing because i want to be the best i can be, and that brings me to a few qeustions i have.

    Ive noticed when stacking recovery, that around 35% recharge i can perfectly chain my astral shield when the last one expires. so surely i dont need more recovery then that, simply because theres no point in doing so, however i do wonder what the next stat to "max" should be. surely its a no brainer that crit is equally important, as crit heals not only heal for more but also add alot more to your amount of divinity. Now.. currently i have stacked ALL my offense sockets with Azure just to add as much crit as i possibly can.
    and ive socketed my companion with 2x Recovery sockets and a eldritch defense. just to not worry at all about my recovery as it exceeds the cap that im aiming for. but my qeustion is - even though i have the recovery to power transition - arent i neglecting power to much?

    The reason i ask is because the astral shield is pretty much the bread and butter for the cleric, but im not quite sure what it feeds off or if the healing ticks on it are fixed. what i do know is that astral shield does not crit at all so all my sockets on my gear pretty much go to waste as far as astral goes. i could probably remove my recovery sockets on my companions when ive equipped him with a some necklace/ring/icon that does that, but that still leaves me confused about what to socket. as im aiming for lvl 7 sockets next as im currently running lvl 5 on my gear - and dont wanna waste to much ad - i would like to know what you people think, and why.

    On a side note: am i the only one that is comparing miracle healer mainhand with the ancient one and puzzled with which one to take? while one is 900k and the other over 4m? i mean.. miracle healer does have more recovery, 7 less crit and 100 less power. and sure ancient has a slight increase in damage ( woopdiedoo ).

    and euhm.. what DD are you guys running and why? im getting tired of 1-3 hours CN constantly to be faced with a bloody necklace nobody needs.

    Thanks in advance. WB
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