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Can't make subdue encounter disappear, request advice

mortisperpetuamortisperpetua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in The Foundry
I've created a situation where I talk to an NPC who tells me I have to prove my fighting before he'll let me enter a room. I then use a trigger to hide the NPC and spawn an encounter with a single mob in his costume that is set to fight to subdue. Once subdued, I want the encounter to disappear and trigger the arrival of a clone of the original NPC who says some more stuff, then lets me into the room. The NPC part is working fine, however, after subduing the encounter, it wont go away, leaving me with the appearance of two of that character. I set the second coming of the NPC to become visible once the encounter component is complete (which works), but I have not been able to make the encounter disappear using either "this component complete" or "component complete" with itself selected.

How do I get around this? Please
Post edited by mortisperpetua on


  • forien69forien69 Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but killing an encounter should make it disappear. messing with options about it's disappearing could only create the problem
  • mortisperpetuamortisperpetua Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Killing him does move it along; however, if he's dead, he wont be easy to talk to after the fight (though in games like this, not impossible). My problem was the need to subdue him rather than kill, but I think I figured it out while tweaking settings. There is an option for linger time, which I understand to be how long the subdued hang around after the fight. I had it set to 0 - apparently, that means forever. I changed the value to 1, and it worked exactly as planned. Hopefully, that little tidbit can same someone else a bunch of time.
  • forien69forien69 Member Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Lol. From what you wrote I think you have wrong idea how Contacts and Encounters work

    Make player kill him. KILL. Encounter isn't for interacting/talking. Kill the guy. Dead. Just put encounter that becomes visible when dialog prompt is reached. Don't mess with disappear options. Let player KILL him.
    In the very moment of his death ("component complete") make ANOTHER NPC-Contact (just duplicate first one) appear (become visible). Change his dialogs and set animation to "ground, hurt" (3 of them make character kneel, last is for lying).

    Just make effect to convince PLAYERS he isn't dead. They will think there is only one character in this place, while there are 3 different guys.
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