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Losing interest in this MMO ( fix the dungeons )

samsonsethsamsonseth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
ok im now lvl 44 ... i missed out buncha stuff and missions cause fast lvl and very very small margin for queue the dungeons and skirmishes.
Which by the way in my opinion are TOO Da&$# HARD .. for exp Gray Wolf Den.. max group players with 41-43 lvl .. not even a scratch to last boss .. one hit u dead and constantly u are knock on the ground ( i hit 44 lvl in this dungeon without finishing it and now not able to repeat it by queue ) i don't have many friends who are playing this game to look for group to enter this dungeon manually... and i don't have time to stand in the middle writing in chat " LFG GWF lvl 44 please invite me for Gray Wolf Den .... my only option is queue

So Explain this to me Cryptic/PWE how we suppose to finish dungeons ... by buying 100000000 zen ??? cause now if u dont lower the bar on that and fix the fast leveling missing content ( content should unlock with the storyline not your lvl ) than i don't see the point of enter any of dungeons or skirmish .
Post edited by samsonseth on


  • aracosykeeneyearacosykeeneye Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    :eek:I'm sure they will get it fixed.. It is still beta.. :eek:
  • beardyalebellybeardyalebelly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    Any dungeon you missed you'll be able to do the epic version at 60. While it's annoying to outlevel the dungeons, it's not gamebreaking...they'll be there waiting for you at 60, where you can farm them all you want.
    -= Dark Star Syndicate - Heavy RP, Dark Themes =-
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  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any dungeon you missed you'll be able to do the epic version at 60.

    Sadly though skirmishes aren't. :( I just did questing, but went so fast that i kept out leveling the narrow band you can get them, now there is no way to do them on that character.
  • beardyalebellybeardyalebelly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    tfangel wrote: »
    Sadly though skirmishes aren't. :( I just did questing, but went so fast that i kept out leveling the narrow band you can get them, now there is no way to do them on that character.

    True, I'd really like to see some higher versions of the Skirmishes, or at least let us mentor down to other levels to run them with friends. I'm just using my 2nd character to try all the skirmishes I missed the first time around.
    -= Dark Star Syndicate - Heavy RP, Dark Themes =-
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  • extornextorn Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm still only level 27, honestly as far as I can tell... people just don't know how to play yet.

    Everyone is just running in, going ham and expecting the tank take all of the damage while they stand in the corner and push q e q q e r q e q q e r until the boss is dead.

    From what I've seen, playing smart makes all the difference.

    For example, in one of the dungeons there is a crazy pirate santa looking guy who basically targets someone and chain cleaves the **** out of them, dashes to them and cleaves them etc etc etc.

    That fight is horrible for melee if whoever has aggro tries to run behind him, since he just turns around and cleaves the DPS.

    Last time I did it, I pulled aggro so hard on my TR, that the tank couldn't actually get it back no matter what I did. So while I was trying to DPS he kept turning around and cleaving everyone.

    So since the tank couldn't get aggro I just stopped DPSing, I would wait for him to wind up his attack, and step back, he would run to me, wind up his cleave, I step back. Over and over and over again, until he died. He stopped hitting everyone, I took no damage, and it was super easy after that, when they finally pulled aggro off of me, I just stealthed in, hit lurkers assault and went completely ham until I pulled aggro again, and then I just went back to kiting him in a straight line so he would stop turning around and cleaving the DPS.

    So I'm not saying that it's designed flawlessly... clearly the tank couldn't hold aggro and I wasn't able to DPS. The fights look crazy chaotic and such.. however it seems that most of it is just from nobody having a clue how the encounter works, or being under geared for it.

    I mean... that fight is super easy once you know what's going on. However... a level 28 Trickster rogue is going to pull aggro off of a level 25 guardian.

    So I'm not certain 100% of the blame is theirs. Granted I haven't been to that dungeon yet.

    Based off of other encounters though, I'd say maybe try to figure out how the encounter works, there is probably a little trick you can use to keep the fight more organized.
  • damnationaldamnational Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Couldnt find anywhere suitable really to post this so I'll post it here- first of all I hope the devs have plans to add MUCH more variety to the weapons I have a Wizard currently (and I HATE the orb idea- i'll get to that later) and a GWF.. now my fighter is a Dwarf and for the life of me I cannot seem to find any~ other style of weapon than a freaking humans Greatsword.. this game is based on a very beloved and In-depth IP- Neverwinter Nights.. and in its current state it is a poor homage to it. Secondly my Wizard, now I get they are trying to do something "different" with the Orb approach but I just dont like it... I want a conventional Wizard like in NWN with a staff and the option for something in his other hand, again VARIETY in the chosen weapons etc.. he looks rather silly when he is walking in combat ready mode when the other classes look really cool, he seems to be dancing with himself or something. PLEASE give me the option to remove the Orb, like the Tiefling wizard in the opening Cinematic.. you know we dont want to be stuck with the orbs come on.
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    First issue you have is you think it is a MMO. This game is more of a 3D campaign game. Think of it as sitting down to roll dice with your buddies! Max level means nothing it is about great campaigns and stories played with your friends.
  • femaelstromfemaelstrom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My biggest issue at this point is that it seems like the design of all of the encounters (dungeons & skirmishes) is just lazy. I can't think of another word for it. There are no tactics. There are no mechanics to the encounters. It's just "Throw a bunch of adds in every once in a while and have them spam aoes to take down the players. Oh, and for the "epic" dungeons let's just have them do the same exact things, just more and faster." So disappointing. Even the majority of the player made content (the ones that aren't the ogre massacre ones) are basically the same thing.
  • damnationaldamnational Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also I hope they add prestige classes to this game like the original NWN and epic spells and abilities... I dont want to say Copy and Paste Bioaware's Neverwinter Nights but thats basically exactly what I mean.
  • extornextorn Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It only seems that way because everyone just runs in and starts going ham.
    Enemies have aggro tables, All damage can be avoided. So the fact that people are completing content without even realizing the encounter has mechanics that you can use to win, says maybe the content isn't hard enough.

    The only problem I've seen sofar, is that Guardians really seem to suck at holding aggro.
  • damnationaldamnational Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Damnational...Instead of highjacking a thread. why dont you try starting your own.

    lol why dont you grow up and flame somewhere else anyone with a brain can realize until a certain point you cannot~ start youre own thread but I should still be able to post some feedback if I wish. So thanks for youre trolling but good day.
  • femaelstromfemaelstrom Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    extorn wrote: »
    It only seems that way because everyone just runs in and starts going ham.
    Enemies have aggro tables, All damage can be avoided. So the fact that people are completing content without even realizing the encounter has mechanics that you can use to win, says maybe the content isn't hard enough.

    The only problem I've seen sofar, is that Guardians really seem to suck at holding aggro.

    I've not found this to be the case. I've (as a DC with reduced aggro from heals maxed) still grabbed aggro from every wave of adds. When you have a boss and two lts. and each of them summons 4 adds and they ALL drop aoes it's impossible to avoid all of them. Often when you get hit with one you're then prone and get tagged by a second and a third.
  • extornextorn Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I haven't experienced anything quite that brutal yet... but again it sounds like Guardians need better aggro utilities, or they need to actually figure out how to use the ones they have to help alleviate some of the randomness of the encounters.

    I have seen some eddie gordo style chain knockdown/damage skull ****ery.. but it hasn't been too horrible sofar... then again I'm only level 27, so I still have a lot of content to explore.

    I kind of want to play my guardian though so I can figure out if all tanks are crappy, or if they're just super impossible to hold aggro on.

    The only reason I know for a fact there is an aggro table is because I've actually tanked quite a few boss encounters on my TR simply by doing so much damage that whenever I'm out of stealth the boss Bee lines directly to me. Many cases completely preventing me from DPSing. Which actually caused me to pay attention to what the boss was doing.

    This allowed me to formulate a strategy that stopped everyone from taking damage. Walking the boss backwards in a circle seems highly effective.
  • chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Done two dungeons which are particularly difficult. Lair of the Mad Dragon and Gray Wolf Den. Completed Lair of the Mad Dragon when a level 60 guild member joined us. Haven't yet completed Gray Wolf Den, but have only run it with pugs.
  • chaddiwickerchaddiwicker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • damnationaldamnational Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Damnational that is pretty obvious. You should wait then until that point to provide more constructive feedback because you can clearly not at this point. Posting problems in a thread that has nothing to do with the OP is just stupid and arrogant.

    The only thing stupid and arrogant are you're condescending posts that are just as unrelated to the OP as mine- Hyprocritical as well? Go play forum moderator somewhere else.
  • manestream1manestream1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited June 2013
    LoL just tried Gray Wolf Den, everything went fine till last boss, then we got pawned. Group consisted of a lvl 38, a lvl 40, 2 level 44 and a level 60.
    Once the adds start they are continuous (they don't stop) they just keep spawning no matter how fast you kill them, eventually you will be overpowered once the 3 tough adds spawn and 4 archers and 6 ghost wolves, wolvers and archers fine, other adds plus boss plus more spawns not so fine. This is boardering on the pure insanity and to be honest I have fought in other online games on heroic level that have been easier.

    Your end dungeon boss's seem to be severaly OP'ed, I have done dungeons upto gray wolf den and pirates one. Then I stopped, end boss's are purely Overpowered with the same makeup, boss+adds+adds+very fast respawn of adds and more adds (which get tougher in lvl). This is not my idea of fun, spending an hour or so moving to last boss then getting pawned left right and center, then someone leaves and the whole group may as well disband.
    Look into the difficulty of your boss's please and try to give AT level players a chance. I wont even think about heroic versions of the dungeons, if normal are this hard heroics would be impossible
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Gray Wolf Den's last boss summons 2 shadow wolves and they deal TOO MUCH damage. I was lvl 41 cleric, and as soon as they appear they ONE SHOT me, every hit is like 3500~ damage, and they run too fast, once i dodge red circle (that could killed me from 100 to 0 almost instantly) and dash away of wolves i run out of stamina and they NO WAY kill me. Even if they are CC'd or killed, the new 2 appears IMMEDIATELY and this is a guaranteed death. I'm not talking about Mad Dragon. I'm not sure if its' last boss has got killed at least ONES by a group of lvl 30-35 players.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • griennegrienne Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    yeah lol Mad Dragon and Wolf Den are complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> at those level lol
  • gwendiethegiddygwendiethegiddy Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A couple of days ago my friend and I queued into the epic level Lair of the Mad Dragon dungeon. In cue, it took almost an hour to get into the dungeon. Bare in mind we're both level 60s with 9400+ gear scores (almost twice the required gear score to enter) who have defeated the regular Lair of the Mad at least six times. We had a good party balance with all experienced players with exceptionally good gear. We were entirely party wiped twice on the low level boss, but we stuck with it and eventually defeated it. Then came the dragon. We were completely party wiped three times before the party finally gave up. Even with double the required gear score and potion enhancements out the wazoo, we could barely scratch the boss, and even the boss mobs were three times harder to kill than the other dungeon mobs had been. I tried every available power I had as a control wizard on the boss, tweaking my lineup multiple times, only to have the boss show he was immune to every single one of my attacks. Afterward, the cleric said she'd been up against the boss 30 times, and had never had a party successfully beat the boss.

    You know, in real DnD we used to have a Dungeon Master like that-- no matter how good you got, he always made the bosses impossible to beat, and if you found a workaround, like creating a wall for defense, he would try to just blow it apart. Back then, though, we had a rulebook too, and we could just say, "Screw you, buddy. The rules say that wall can take x-amount of damage and takes 10 turns to destroy. Even the DM has to obey the physics of the game, or there's no reason to play." The frustrating thing about Neverwinter is that there IS no rule book (even though it's supposed to be based on DnD 4.0), and if they want to build a mechanic that cripples players and makes a boss impossible to beat, no one can stop them.

    I did not just spend a million freaking astral diamonds on the best gear money could buy just to be gimped out of being able to complete the lowest level epic dungeon on the list. This may be a little emotional, but what a load of total f-ing BS. It's not just Lair of the Mad Dragon or the epic dungeons as a whole, either-- in the regular dungeons, everything past Throne of Idris is scaled so that the higher level you are and the better your stats, the worse you actually do against the baddies inside because you're gimped. I have no problem with the idea of gimping if you tell players going in they are going to be gimped, and exactly how much they are going to be gimped. But making players waste an hour in cue and three hours in a dungeon just to find out on their own that they've been handicapped because they're too good for what the developer had in mind and will be un-able to complete said duneon is friggin' ridiculous. Gimping also would not be such a problem if the mechanism of it weren't so flawed-- I've seen it glitch so that even the lowest level dungeon mob was un-scratchable.

    If developers want to place limits on the characters going into a dungeon, they should implement caps on the epic dungeons instead of utilizing gimping. In other words: if you don't want 9400 gear score level 60s romping through your 5400 gear score epic dungeon, then make it accessible only to gear score 5400-5600 players. Since hitting level 60, I have obtained a butt-ton of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> L60 gear-- mobs drop it like toilet paper. It would be an easy thing to say, "Hey, I wanna do Epic Lair of the Blah Blah Blah, but my gear score is too high. Awww. Well, good thing I can just pop on a set of this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> armor I have in my back-pack. Whee! Now I'm in!" The mechanics would still work, powers would still work, and all anyone would have to is bite the bullet and put on lower level armor if they had a certain cue in mind.


    Little frustrated I guess. Thanks for listening.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    You guys like archeology too?
  • vallivvalliv Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    [Warning: was going to make a short reply post.......
    and, well, it got bit out of hand and is now allot longer than intended.
    *you have been warned*

    I've got all classes, and only done two low level dungeons, and one skirmish while leveling .. that is on all the characters put together.
    not worth the time, effort, and not that fun...
    (well, second dungeon run was fun, but that was with guild members, all leveling together, and that was pretty fun). but Generally , not that fun. compared to the time used on it vs rewards/(insert reasonable objective for doing something)...... (almost a good item for about 3-4 levels if your lucky)... *sure there are designs in the dungeons that are enticing, and neat'ish.. but not really worth the huge time (in Queue!) and the dungeons normally take quite some time, (if you finish them at all..)

    I've laughed a bit reading a few of these posts, but as far as doing dungeons on the lower levels, (pre: 60) there are just no reasons, nor anything really that fun about it. except if your lucky and have good company ;) *and that's not a game design*

    But then again, I find Dungeons at lvl 60 pretty horrid as well.
    (anyone get the feeling it's all about the exploits? to win, you Have to use exploits'ish features....) ;)
    *sure some people will say, "no i dont exploit any of my runs* (but remember your not running alone, and how many times have you ended in a pug??..
    (you ever get the feeling they changed something in the dungeon, or the boss...? And get owned?!?!?
    *only real difference were that you didn't have that or those guys who really knew what "exploits" to use*) ...

    don't get me wrong, exploits, and cheating isn't really the same.
    It's often just knowing the tricks of the trade, or/and lay of the land sort of thing.
    And if too many don't know these things in the group, all the group is ... well dead/pwnd (insert RIP words here)

    And another thing, QUEUES!!! I hate this about the game.. it's broken, horrible, evil,
    should go into that Grave diogene0 posted
    diogene0 wrote: »

    You guys like archeology too?
    wait for hours, ages even, or 2minutes(If you expect it to take ages and walk away from the computer.).. you will never know. nor will you get any indication of progress, nor the lack of it.

    if it doesn't throw you into a broken group, or swapp your members out even, etc etc etc.. (when my guild members want me to do dungeons I get shudder down the spine, and look at the clock.. (*do i have the next 2-8hours to spare infront of the computer?? "humm..?"*) hence I havn't done a dungeon in .. uhm... 2'ish weeks now? maybe more.. ?
    * I' have Queue'd upp a few times, and gotten broken groups, (or non responcive ones) etc.. *
    if they would "Accidentally" Select all the Dungeons, and hitt Delete, I wouldnt notice to be honest, and wouldn't care.

    so far:
    gameplay ratings:
    lvl 0 - 59 == Great (really enjoy and Love it!).. *praying for new classes!!!*
    lvl 60 == "pondering if one should delete to start over again??.. nah.. something might change?.." (wishfull thinking? maybe...)
    still got 2 char's to finish their lvl'ing to 60.. after that?.. not sure..
    (don't really see anything that will break out of the end'game'play style that is ongoing.)
    Sadly, I feel it's the AD that ruins the game.. the focus is stuck there, and won't go away.
    and the actual game / gameplay, starts to loose it's fun factor, and it's all about the AD.
    I had Huge hopes for the foundry! .. (only reason one play's it, seems to be the daily Ad?.. *sighs*)

    I've almost stopped pvp'ing (have had allot of fun, but ...well 3 pvp maps and same objectives only goes so far...)
    dungeons are Queue broken, and overall rather boring...
    skirmish...well, yeh... done a total of 4'ish?? including once while leveling my first char.....

    (The event /Skirmis thingy, was a nice breakoff, and having different lvl's was kinda cool.... the first few times ... and.. well.. get's stale really fast.... )

    Gauntlgrym...... *facepalm*
    pve?? erm.. *coughs* anyone who's done it a few times, knows what im *coughing* about...
    pvp .. okey.. bigger version of the pvp domination (with a few twists).. cool but ... get's really tired fast..(horse race with a pvp Domination twist)..... cool concept, but shorter,? faster, event? .. something? riding around for that long again.. and again.. and again.. get a bit repeatable.. right?
    now.. the GG dungeons... (I think we have so many threads about this.. *sadly only dungeon run that is worth anything in grinding terms... (doesnt take hours and hours..)* as sad as that sounds... (If you don't get bugged out Queue)....
    anyone actually doing the T2 one??? lol!

    stop the extreme AD focus, fix/remove/do something about the Queue!!! and get back to building the game, because all in all, I really like the game. even with a broken end game content.(I know some people don't agree)
    but hey, this is my 3Ad's worth of feedback I guess.
  • thesnowleopardthesnowleopard Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2013
    OP is wrong, PVE is great and the leveling system is fun.
    Try epic Spellplague before you post about dungeons again please.
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