Hi my name is Agrio(IGN)
I would like to start a guild.. now i am not level 60 yet, so i am not looking to be a hardcore guildmaster yet lol, for now i would just like to start a casual guild with a few people who dont mind just talking every now and then
I have owned guilds before on games such as WoW, GW2, and some others that dont really matter.
So if you would like to help start it, please PM in game, or reply on this post, and we will try to get together so we can start it, I believe you need 5 people to start a guild so let me know if you want to join

Founders so far
oops i forgot to put that in there lol
I am on Mindflayer
Yes i am, nobody has wanted to join yet lol not too many people prefer casual guilds i guess
Alright cool!
We just need 3 more i belive, i can try to get my cousin to help too so maybe just 2 more.
Then we need a name also, if you have any good ideas im up for anything!
My cousin plays also i can ask him if he wants 2 join if he isnt already in a guild.
WEll then we just need one more then right?
And a name lol, thats important
And if you wanting to join, please leave your in game name so i can update this post, so you can be referred to as the founders of our guild when it is up!
Also everyone who helps create it, will have the highest rank possible