Followers of Destiny guild recruitment is now open.
FoD is currently looking for mature gamers who prefer to take leveling slow and want to enjoy the company of others while questing. If you are concerned with your gear or loot more than a fellow team mate, FoD is not for you. We are are a small group of friends that have been playing together for years and we'd like to add a few more members to our ranks. If your looking to quest and help others while haveing fun, give us a try. We are a PVE guild and based in the USA (est)
Mumble server is avalible upon full membership.
Streaming channel (neverwinter/minecraft/etc...)
Recanem on Twitch
Edit: Ok, I think hes back to playing Neverwinter.
Edit Edit: Actually, you never know what Recanem's going to do. (be warned
Sergentchau - still waiting on application
I'm in search of a decent guild to join and I came across your post. I just have a few questions. It says "We are a PVE guild." does this mean that this guild doesn't PvP at all, because I'm looking for a guild that has a balance of PvP and PvE. Also "Mumble server is avalible upon full membership." what does full membership mean?
1) PVE is the main way our members level up. There is no restriction on playing PVP if you enjoy it. If someone asks in guildchat for help passing a boss encounter, someone usualy goes to help. (depends on who's online and what they're currently doing)
2) If you apply to the guild and get approved, you start at "new recruit" status for about 2 weeks. Everyone so far has recieved mumble access just so we can interview you and group up. However, the mumble server is limited to 10 slots (10 people on at one time) so , if we get crowded, I'd have to up the slot # which will cost more $. It's not a big issue at the moment, there is plenty of room and I can add slots to the server at any time. Our last Ventrillo server had a few "AFK" people that would take 2 or 3 spots all day. We're trying to avoid that situation this time.
I hope you decide to give us a try. Three of us just started icespire peak last night. We also have some lv 20's and lv 10's still coming up the ranks. OH, and remember, if you get into the livestream mumble channel please becarefull what you say. (Recanem likes to stream his neverwinter adventures.)
Alright man, everything sounds great. How do I join?
My in-game name is Ehyo, im level 47 control wizard.
Just hit me up with a reply on how i go abouts joining.
Just head to our website and click "apply to guild" button on the left. We'll review your application and send you a privage message. You can see our mumble status on that website too, so you know if anyone is on. Our normal members pop on around 3-4 pm EST. I should be on around 4 pm MST. I'll look for Ehyo@far2lucky in neverwinter also. Hope to see you tonight.
I have filled out an application, hope to join FoD!
Thanks for all the feedback.
Hello Ehyo,
Our guildleader wanted to focus more on helping guild members then doing PVP or leveling. He reviewed your application and declined it. I'm sorry you feel disappointed about that decision. I believe you might fit in better with a PVP/raid guild. We are more of a casual coopertive based guild.
If you'd like, you can re-submit your application and I can explain to our guild leader that your "sometimes" choice for helping people was an error. I hope you don't hold any bad feelings toward FoD.
Edit: I did look for your in-game name "Ehyo" to try to explain to you last night. Sorry I couldnt find you online.
Good luck to you,
Thank you for all the applications into FOD. We have 3 pending for review tonight (5/7/13). Please be patient with our answer, our core members login around 4pm EST. We normaly have 3 or 4 sr members give a yes/no and our Guildleader has the final say. If you applied, please check your private messages for updates later today.
Thank you,
I tend to play after 7pm BST. Don't know if that will make a difference to my application.
Hello ngilhooley,
Are you the Brightfame applicant ? If so, we will take into consideration the time differance. Most of our players are USA based in the Eastern time zone. We'll see what our guildleader Cevoo says
We have reviewed and sent out acceptance/declined private messages for todays applications (5/7/13). If you have any questions, send me a msg or post here.
Thank you
Applications will be reviewed again at 4 or 5pm EST on 5-8-13. Thanks for all the interest!
Our main group hit the dungeon Icespire's Heart last night. Here's the video
FoD Icespire Heart run
We'll be reviewing new apps tonight. Thanks for applying.
Sorry I missed your post tsuprpou.
FoD has played DC universe, Starwars the old republic, and Neverwinter. We have a small group of people so, we arn't realy active in DC or STOR anymore. I think FOD was founded while playing DC universe but, you'd have to ask Tallon to be sure.
I don't have admin rights to the older pages so they are still up if you want to check them out. (old dc universe page) (old starwars page)