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Chartillifax vastly overtuned and the Dungeon Finder tool fails.

zendad01zendad01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
So with my 3rd Dungeon Finder group failing to be able to kill Chartillifax, the final boss in 'Lair of the Mad Dragon', and now that I cannot queue for it anymore since I am 35, I felt now was the time to post some feedback.

Most players by now have probably noticed that the majority of parties that are put together by the dungeon finder tool cannot finish the last boss, this is mainly because the constant spawning adds are not just a bunch of weak trash that can be AoE'd down, but are actually high HP strong adds that require group focus to defeat. This is often compounded by the fact that the Dungeon Finder doesn't equate a 'Holy Trinity' concept into it's player selection so one group I had was actually 4 Trickster Rogues all 30-32 and me, a Control Wizard. We had no one that could heal and nothing that could really hold aggro.

The majority of groups being put together manually out in Helms Hold (as opposed to through Dungeon Finder) actually want players to be 35 though at 35 you can't even queue anymore. I think that says something about how difficult players find Chartillifax.

As far as the encounter goes the main thing needed to balance it is changing the add spawns to something weaker, have all these ranged nuke classes like Eyrineyes (sp) and Summoners, then later the demon lord ones is what inevitably kills everyone off. The second is the amount of HP Chartillifax has, I'm noticing that the Cryptic idea of an epic fight is simply to give bosses obscene amounts of HP so that it takes 10 minutes to wear it down, even if you have the adds under control. At least Chartillifax has the poison breath and puddles to make it seem like it's something somewhat different.

The other thing though, and perhaps even more important than the balance issues is that I think the Devs need to look at the Dungeon Finder tool itself. I think it's important not for just balancing fights, but also loot that you set the Dungeon Finder to not allow for multiple players of the same class to be added to a party, this is one of the big mistakes the tool in DCUniverse fails with so much as well, I fear it won't be long until are running into the same issues they do in that game where a lot of groups will just kick or ask you to leave if you are put into a group and you are not the class (read 'not a healer') that they feel they need. Don't make this mistake, it wastes our time to be in a queue for 20 minutes only to be kicked because all the party wants is a healer.

Lastly, right after the second boss one of our party members dropped group because they had to go. We never received a new player, nor could we queue for one. Is this working as intended? We made one attempt as a 4 man group to kill Char and then everyone started dropping because we never got our fifth. Is there a reason for this? It's going to be very frustrating if there is no way to re-queue for a new member.
Post edited by zendad01 on


  • gravityx19gravityx19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited May 2013
    If we were forced to wait on a healer every time, you would be looking at up to 20+ min queue times for most DPS.

    Make sure people are using pots and even the cleric healing companion if you have it.
    Griff Hawk - Hybrid GF - Beholder Shard
    Griffeth - GW Fighter - Beholder Shard
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  • pinchzpinchz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 50
    edited May 2013
    As a Cleric, I find it funny that the epic version of Chartillifax is easier than the normal version, simply due to the skills available at level 60 versus 34.
  • molaighmolaigh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So... You are suggesting that the final boss has of the storyline should not take planning and coordination to beat? No thank you, some of us are here for the challenge, not just to collect shiney things.

    WoW is the welfare epic, other games can present some challenge.
  • gravityx19gravityx19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited May 2013
    A level 30-35 mob is the final boss of the game? Or are you talking of the zone. If you are talking of the zone, the previous 3 bosses we have had to fight have not been nearly as difficult as this one. I have had 3 groups fall apart at this boss due to just being overwhelmed by adds. I can only do so much to control them before there are just too many.
    Griff Hawk - Hybrid GF - Beholder Shard
    Griffeth - GW Fighter - Beholder Shard
    Twitch - WoW and NWO Gameplay - YouTube Channel
    GF/GWF Gameplay Highlights/Dungeon Runs
  • arsvaldearsvalde Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gravityx19 wrote: »
    If we were forced to wait on a healer every time, you would be looking at up to 20+ min queue times for most DPS.

    Make sure people are using pots and even the cleric healing companion if you have it.

    Welcome to the world of DPS. If you don't want to wait in a queue then make a Tank/Healer, or make friends with one. I don't see an issue with DPS having to wait to get into a dungeon, since people -always- heavily lean to DPS and there's never enough support to go around.

    Better to wait extra time for a proper group via the queue rather than waste all your time for a bad group of DPS that can't do it.

    Especially since you can circumvent the LFG tool to get into a dungeon without it, and with friends, I see no issue making the finder work the right way and building a balanced group.
  • gravityx19gravityx19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 85
    edited May 2013
    I do play a tank, and with the exception of this pain in the rear dragon (which is supposed to be the strongest mob in all of D&D) I have not had a single issue with 1 GF + 4 TR or 1 GF + 4 DPS groups.

    Do I agree that this dragon needs a bit of tuning? Yes.
    Do I think that a dragon should be a pushover? No.
    Griff Hawk - Hybrid GF - Beholder Shard
    Griffeth - GW Fighter - Beholder Shard
    Twitch - WoW and NWO Gameplay - YouTube Channel
    GF/GWF Gameplay Highlights/Dungeon Runs
  • pzzdachupzzdachu Member Posts: 398 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really? Damage per Second has corrupted D&D!?!
    Allow me to introduce myself, I am P'zzd Achu.
  • mcjigglesmcjiggles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pain in the rear dragon (which is supposed to be the strongest mob in all of D&D)

    who ever said that? Tarrasque was the big nasty in all the Monster Manuals.
    Dragons were fightable across all levels depending on their age.
  • vikinggamervikinggamer Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I want there to be very challenging fights in this game but this one is simply too difficult for a leveling dungeon. I tried it though the finder with 8 different groups and only once did run into a group that got it past 50% and that was on the third try. People are using item shop consumables and still not even getting close on it. I am not saying that it can't be done with a highly coordinated group but if you need a pre-made group of lvl 35+ to get it done then it simply shouldn't be available to a random group at lvl 30.

    I am sure there are elite players out there that have succeeded on this dungeon but I would rather not have leveling content limited to the elites. I don't think that most groups should be able to kill it on the first try. It should take a bit of planning but I would like to see it be something that a pug can get though if they stick to it.

    All die, so die well.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pinchz wrote: »
    As a Cleric, I find it funny that the epic version of Chartillifax is easier than the normal version, simply due to the skills available at level 60 versus 34.

    This does seem funny, but true. Not sure if altering the regular version would affect the epic version, but for the level, the normal version feels like huge step up in difficulty, with the following not being so hard.
  • hadryel1hadryel1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well i find the mayor problem to be with random groups (i have yet to try with an organized group). Not sure if it should be toned down for that, if the game is made easier players will just slack.
    When i wiped on him it was mostly cause 2-3 players was just dpsing the dragon and not even moving out of the red circles, just waiting the rest to deal with adds and heal up them. Or even refusing to use potions at all....
    Maybe it can use a bit of hp reduction on boss tho, he is just soooo long. The adds r hard and we can try to deal with it, but i dont think its funny to just have a 10 min long fights. Longs fights rnt hard at all, just boring.
    Also i want to notice the "if some1 leave, screw you" thing. I wasnt able to get more players either, and its a pity to need to start all over again cause some1 left :S
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited May 2013
    Out of the 3 pug Mad Dragons I ran, 2 of them completed the first try. On the other one, after we failed on the first try, 2 people said "this is BS, can't be done" and left.
  • unblessedhandunblessedhand Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    I can't really picture beating Chartillifax with a pick-up group unless I got very lucky. I played it last night with guildies and four of us were in Mumble. We got wiped two or three times before we finally succeeded by appointing a full-time Cleric babysitter and immediately calling everyone off the dragon when adds spawned.
  • vyssalarevyssalare Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only thing that should maybe be tweaked it the last big spawn. The rest of the fight is pretty well tuned but having the dragon + 3-5 imps + 2 hellcasters + 1 abyssal lord + 2 erynees (sp) and 2 abyssal demon guy is nuts. Wiped 4 times and two of those were on that stage. Great fight overall and I was loving the increased difficulty in this dungeon. I honestly wonder if having the tank on adds and trickster on dragon would have been better. They have a ton of HP and without anyone to tank them... my damage goes down the drain as a CW.
  • veeiveei Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can't really picture beating Chartillifax with a pick-up group unless I got very lucky. I played it last night with guildies and four of us were in Mumble. We got wiped two or three times before we finally succeeded by appointing a full-time Cleric babysitter and immediately calling everyone off the dragon when adds spawned.

    The fight is not "hard" if people listen and follow directions. In fact I think that other than maybe the pirate guy, this is one of the best dungeon bosses I have seen. It actually takes working together and following mechanics versus just standing in a circle and holding your left mouse button down.
    Rigas Crimstone, Officer

    "Perfecting the art of being a meatshield since 1998"

    Banners of the Light
  • reskalreskal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed. This dungeon is considerably overtuned. I love the mechanics in a general sense (the mixture of snaring imps and poison puddles to move out of made a nice for a nice sense of urgency)

    Slightly off topic (but not really, since this was brought up already), why on earth are groups even allowed to enter without a cleric? Dungeons seem to be tuned under the assumption that there is a dedicated healer (or leader, in DnD 4e terms). Tanks (defenders) are definitely considered separate for queues. Why are healers not? I don't get it.

    By the way, for those of you worried about queues taking longer because you'd have to wait for a cleric -- you won't. Tanks will still be the deciding factor for how fast your queues are.
  • xirrixirri Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vyssalare wrote: »
    The only thing that should maybe be tweaked it the last big spawn. The rest of the fight is pretty well tuned but having the dragon + 3-5 imps + 2 hellcasters + 1 abyssal lord + 2 erynees (sp) and 2 abyssal demon guy is nuts. Wiped 4 times and two of those were on that stage. Great fight overall and I was loving the increased difficulty in this dungeon. I honestly wonder if having the tank on adds and trickster on dragon would have been better. They have a ton of HP and without anyone to tank them... my damage goes down the drain as a CW.

    That is pretty much exactly what my group did. Rogue tanks are op. Heres the run for prerusal from the clerics point of view: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xzlcvt_neverwinter-lair-of-the-mad-dragon_videogames

    Basically, rogue tanks the dragon, tank runs around like headless chicken trying to dps down anything that isnt a dragon, cleric plays a game of "dodge the red circles" and everyone else just survives until the counter (dragons hp) ticks down to 0.

    I recall fondly while I has like, 0 guard meter for most of the last waves add spawns solely due to facetanking them and drinking potions like a fat kid inhales cake. Even then, I couldnt keep all of their attention. Also protip, 1 tank isnt enough dps to take down a Eyrinyes when they start aoe healing. Needs a lil help on those.
  • zendad01zendad01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think I made it clear in my original post that I think the bigger issue is the Dungeon Finder tool and not the fight. I personally like the fight, and it is tuned just fine for a balanced party with a tank, healer, control and a couple dps classes. However, this is not what the Dungeon Finder does. The DF does not attempt in any way to put together balanced teams to help ensure success. I manually put together a balanced party after my 3rd DF fail group and we easily cleared the whole dungeon.

    The point is they either have to tune fights so that say, 5 of one class can clear it OR they need to fix the DF tool so that it makes balanced teams. Yes, this means that DPS typically get longer queues, but it's better to wait in a 20 minute queue, which by the way, we all typically are already doing unless it's Dungeon Delve bonus hour, than it is to queue up multiple times and get to the final boss only to not be able to clear it.

    The balance issues in any MMO are almost always unimportant to people who are strictly putting together groups through their guild. My post wasn't about that, I was specifically writing about the experience and tuning for the random groups the DF tool puts together.
  • lurkersxlurkersx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have seen lots of problems with the dungeon finder tool like long ques when people are queuing seemingly making people think it broke. The dragon however seemed fine. You kill the adds, stay out of red circles, and the fight is easy. He may have to much health as the fight does last about ten minutes but its not hard by any means if people just do the strategy. One ranged on the boss, other four on adds unless there are none seems to work without flaw.
  • saeyronsaeyron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    well these guys cleared it with you know.....COMMUNICATION
  • darknight0354darknight0354 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    First group I ever got had it down to 10% when someone dc/d and we all died shortly afterwards. If your dps is ****, you will lose. If your cleric doesn't know how to kite, you will lose. If you are a proper group and everyone knows how to do their role correctly this dungeon and boss is easy.
  • xasthur502xasthur502 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    took it down earlier, was pretty straightforward once everyone knew what to do, GF tanked boss turned away, 2 TR's killed the Magus/Devil adds, CW stayed on boss and CC'd when able and I healed and kited. I think the problem is some people just try and zerg it which makes the adds spawn quicker so people just get overwhelmed.

    I've noticed a lot of impatient groups who just focus the boss and leave me to kite then inevitably die because they think its just tank and spank.
  • buffbc1buffbc1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 13
    edited May 2013
    Now that I am past 50, I still found this dungeon to be the hardest I had done...but of course at the time I was doing it, we all had no idea what we were doing, or facing :) With a decent group we got it down to about 25% before we wiped...several times like that. It is just one of those dungeons that you need to figure out fully what to do with him before attacking. Like it was said, communication is key.
  • kiry3kiry3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    I think the dungeon is a bit overtuned. Not a lot, but some. it's a huge scale up from what people have seen before. Many groups don't seem to get the idea of adds > boss. They will, but in the meantime, this is quite the wall and people can que in at 30.

    I did it at 34, and feel like it's not worth my time and mats to bang my head against it. More fun things to do out there...and that could be a problem. If a game isn't fun, why play it eh?

    Could use a small adjustment.
  • cett2cett2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agree, slightly overtuned for the level. Also the voice coms in dungeons are highly underused :\
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