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i'm new. is pvp gonna get better at 60?

delavega86delavega86 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
im playing a cleric. i just finished with the second pvp bracket 20-29.

im starting not to like pvp... but i'm hoping it will be better at max level. tell me how it is.

the reason is that it is very frustrating being perma-stunned/dazed while you're watching your health go to zero,
not being able to do anything, other than run around for no reason... some times not even that.

this really isnt fun.
doesnt this game have some sort of diminishing returns or something?

my buddies are thinking that one of us should roll a wizard to babysit me when the usual rogue-duettes assassinate me within 5 sec of stun.
but even he could only cc one of them for so long.

current team: GF,GWF,DC,TR. we're rl friends.
GF seems really strong. he can hold his ground against two or three. he complains about wizards a bit.
GWF, average player, is thrilled with the class.
TR usually kills our enemies. with incredible success.
myself, when ignored, i win us the match. when focused by TR/TR or TR/CW, im 100% dead. CW/CW, 75% dead.

need ideas on how to survive TR/TR TR/CW duettes that stunlock me.
if he's just one i can get a knockback , maybe a chain on him. but that wont guarantee that i'll live.
CWs, i can "los" them, but at the same time not support my group.

need your experience and ideas!


ps: remove horses from BGs... seriously.... or dismount when in combat.
Post edited by delavega86 on


  • mothrfkarmothrfkar Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    its still OBT, the classes will get balanced eventually. As of now, TR is made to assassinate everyone and thats what they do and theres nothing you can do about it. The devs will either nerf their damage or buff the other classes eventually.
  • spazzenspazzen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have to disagree with what you said. I main a tank and I've done a couple of PVP runs on it. PvP is about positioning and as a cleric you're supposed to stay behind with the CW's. You will never be perma dazed/CC'd that never happen (I'd love as a tank if I could do that).
    As a tank I'm always try to be in the face of the cleric/CM's to annoy them to the point that they have to start focusing me which is what I want them to do. While my shield is raised and they are focusing all their attacks att killing off me my team can kill them.

    Your GF friend shouldnt even complain about CM's since GF's have a power that makes them immune to control abilities, thats what I do when everyone is starting to focus me, I pop that ability then I charge a CM or a cleric > break their knee and continue being in their face and as annoying as I can be until they are forced to focus me.

    I think the prob is that your team just doesn't play well togheter yet as I only play with pubs and never have had any problems with "perma cc, stunlocking" it was something that was very present in SWTOR but it is not present here thankfully. If you are getting killed by their rogues then the rogues are obv doing their job and your CM's are not since they are supposed to lock down melee attackers while your tank disrupt their support/ranged dps.
  • spazzenspazzen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mothrfkar wrote: »
    its still OBT, the classes will get balanced eventually. As of now, TR is made to assassinate everyone and thats what they do and theres nothing you can do about it. The devs will either nerf their damage or buff the other classes eventually.

    Ehm no... TR can't kill me as a GF however I can lock them down by breaking their knees. In every single match I've played it ended with their team focusing everything on me because I was so annoying (I love bully classes) that they had no choice but to try to get me out of the way first before engaging my support.
    They think they can ignore me "oh hes just big and in the way but doesnt do damae" but they learn very quickly that they will do what I tell them to do by smashing my shield in their face/breaking their knees and locking them down in positions they do not want to be in.

    Ppl who ssly believes that TR's are OP is just bad, sorry but thats the truth. The prob atm is that it seem that a vast majority of players doesnt understand CW's role in a team composition and that's what hurting the game. CW's is one of the most effective TR killers atm if you do understand what you are supposed to do in a fight. Sadly kids believes that Wizards are some kind of WoW mage nukers.

    Just give it time ev ppl will learn how to play their classes
  • mopbu2mopbu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think another problem is the TR gets an amazing PvP kit right out of the gate with their available skills, while other classes have to wait a while. I know my GF was less than optimal (couldn't do my "job" of sticking to squishies like white on rice) until I hit 35 and finally got Threatening Rush. I'm sure other classes have the same problem.

    So I think a lot of the complaining will die down as the majority of players out-level the teens and twenties. Or maybe not!
  • pantamimepantamime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short answer is yes it gets better at 60. But you will notice a big difference in gear when you are a fresh 60 going up against Epic Dungeon geared or PVP geared people.

    But sense you are alreay PVPing you should have enough glory saved up to get all the pvp gear when you are 60. And since you are a cleric, you will very much enjoy yourself at 60

    as for how to survive a tr/cw or tr/tr duette going up against you. That is where your team has to come in to play. If someone can win a 2v1 straight up then either the 2 people he's facing dont know anything about how to play or he completely outgears them. Or its a TR that uses his insta kill daily on 1 person and them kills off the second person. (this does happen but not very often)

    I think to fully enjoy yourselves in pvp and have a better chance you are missing a key component to a good pvp group. You guys really need a CW friend that can go with you.

    DC and CW are the best at watching everyone elses back via their control and heals. If you are getting focused down then the CW can CC the 1 or 2 people jumping you. He has many ways to ruin their plan of killing you. And if they try to focus the CW thats where you come in with your immobilizers and heals on top of his CC.
    PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
  • aedndorfaedndorf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Protect the healer is typical in these types of class based pvp minigames. basically your party needs a CW or better yet a 2nd healer, since your inherent weakness as a DC is that you cant really heal yourself all that well. So the issue is basically your GWF or GF need to be stepping up and providing you cover as much as possible, as a 4 man team, the 5th player will always be a random variable with your current setup.

    mopbu2 is also pretty much spot on, CW and TR tend to flatten out on the power curve compared to other classes in the 30-40 range from what i can tell.
  • delavega86delavega86 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    spazzen wrote: »
    never have had any problems with "perma cc, stunlocking" it was something that was very present in SWTOR but it is not present here thankfully.

    you were obviously playing a different game. SWTOR had diminishing returns. pretty strict ones too.
    if u were stunned, you couldnt get stunned again for quite a while, instead of just minimizing the duration like in wow.

    and yes, if its one TR, im locked until im at 50% hp at best. if its TR/TR or TR/CW, then im locked till dead.
    pantamime wrote: »
    Short answer is yes it gets better at 60.

    You guys really need a CW friend that can go with you.

    good to hear.

    ****, we do? i was afraid of this. we'll figure something out i guess.
  • sprawl141sprawl141 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what levels is the first bracket?
  • reskalreskal Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Get a wizard on your team. They are incredibly strong at the moment. I've run a few pvp games with 3 CW, 1 DC, 1 TR and the wins were so easy it didn't seem fair.

    Also, regarding daze - if you see a rogue jump in the air next you, mash that dodge button like there's no tomorrow.
  • delavega86delavega86 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sprawl141 wrote: »
    what levels is the first bracket?

    first bracket is 10-19
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