Maybe there was a post it on the fridge and I didnt see it.
Maybe someone sent a mass email and I didnt get on the list.
I dont know but if I seem like an idiot for not knowing, please link me and tell my why.
There is a cleric power in the 20 point section that says to unlock all other skills rank 3 before it. It has the same design and layout as the channel divinity mechanic, so it leads me to believe it is also a tab mechanic skill that could potentially replace Divinity. Unless of course its a skill not completed and slated for release later. Or a skill that was removed for either fixes or balancing.
Long story short, what is the skill with the special border in the 20 point section of the cleric power tree?
I think it is just a notification that you are now able to unlock rank 3 of above powers. I was confused at first too because it does mirror the divinity power unlock.
its just a notification.....its not a skill? even though its in the skill area, with the same design as another skill. Well....I cant say I'm the one who feels stupid. Its pretty asinine to announce it like that when its announced on every skill you click on. I guess they might generate alot of confusion when they treat everyone who plays the game like an imbicile.
I'm talking about a power that says you have to unlock all previous powers to rank 3.
You see that skill all the way to the left, what is that skill. Its not channel divinity, cuz thats a 10 point power.
It is not a skill, and is nothing to unlock.
The purpose of it, is to let you know that once you spend 20 points, all previous skills can then be upgraded to rank 3.
lurkersx is right. Its there way of saying hay we want you to waste your points in these skills before we let you move all.