When buying Items through the Auction house you can only SORT by bids, there is a huge problem with this.. the auction house is not accurately sorting items in the correct manner! Please add sort by BuyOUT! It is not there, and sorting by bidding needs to be removed because nobody uses the bid feature! I am sure we can all agree that the bid feature is NOT used pretty much at all. Arynne ~ Dragon Server
other filters was working fine.
I also noticed the "by level" in advanced search being faulty in a couple of searches.... bringing in items outside of a specific range, both lower and higher.
These kinds of problems are taking away from the ability to move items effectively and find the ones you want easily, of course. Hope they are addressed soon!
Other problems people have seen? Oh one more is tied into the mail. Seems like you get two mail notifications sometimes for an item or for outbid notification. One might have your AD refund and another might tell you about the refund still, but no AD attached.
Others? Is there a longer thread compiling all of these somewhere someone can direct to?