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Tips and tricks I have found to help at least for general usage. Please Read and Add

wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
This is a recommendation list for other gamer's who read this to either add to or enhance as the time progresses for Beginners come to the game.

1) If for example you are a thief you thus have Thievery automatically but NO Abilities for Religion, Dungeoneering, etc.. But That does not mean you cannot when reaching the Protector's Enclave, find a merchant that sells the Kits. Recommendation is 3-5 kits of each type bought outright except for your specialty(Mine being a rogue/thief does not need thief kit). As you enhance through the levels, keep 10 for when going into dungeons that are single player in general. Please note when doing dungeons with a group - first gets to it first gets it.

1a) With this said, scour for these types of items - they will be sparkling blue if you have the necessary kit, otherwise as you most likely have found out will be glowing red and you can't do a bloody thing with them. Though if you have the kit you can sometimes get anything from items needed for professions to runes to even items for your character that will help or can be sold.

1b) Try and remember where the "drops" are of these items as some quests repeat you to go into an area with them numerous times just to finish out a zone/areas quests. If they aren't there. Someone beat you to it already.

2) Gold/Silver/Copper IS Important. I saw one person say in global chat it isn't. That's garbage because it allows the buying of Injury Kits and Healing potions and previously stated the kits. And it takes a lot of copper to be built up from the drops of killing monsters to earn the gold. It's taken me to level 30 to finally make it with 10 gold still being built.

3) Do your dailys As much as possible - But remember they are timed as to when you can do repeatable daily's again. Sometimes it's 20 hours others are 4 or such. I don't recall the exact times but they are needed and I can appreciate these time frames. But do them for the unrefined Astral Diamonds. People are complaining this is not a free game. Well it is so to speak. You can earn the Astral diamonds this way slowly but it can take time. Patience is needed as with any game.

4) This game is not always necessary to play with a tank and healer and support etc... as many of the other mmo's out there are doing. Coming to this world, of Neverwinter, you need to throw a lot of what you may already know of games, online at least, and relearn how to specialize and work the keyboard even how to make a team without a healer work well.

5) Kill Kill Kill, I say this because it levels a bit faster and allows for more bonuses etc. Heck if you die, as long as you found the camp site you'll just need an injury kit to fix you up. I had a leg injury and went against a boss once, slowed me down significantly so I say keep a stock of 5 injury kits at all times for any deaths.

6) Well I'll stop here and say, Others PLEASE contribute to this thread and Dev's/Moderators, I ask that you make this a sticky if possible when it has enough info for everyone or at least an editable sticky to help.

Those who feel I'm wrong say so, and give why. So we can all work together to help make a great game experience. I can be reached via PM and I will be glad to respond to questions.

Thank you for listening and hope this helps some beginners.

Wraith - 20 Years of AD&D and still playing the game. Gary Gygax RIP
Post edited by wraithgore on


  • mitzelpikmitzelpik Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just want to throw out there, you can't buy scrolls of identification with gold, it's astral diamonds. So far the use of gold that i've seen is for kits (class kits and injury kits), a mount and the basic companions. I'm praying the books for leveling them (when they do arrive) will be gold and not zen
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe with they'll have an exchange so to speak about exchanging gold/silver for astral diamonds. Like they do with Zen to Astral and Vice Versa. I mean the copper drops thus far and I've only made it to level 33 and I've only been playing not too long are so minimal. 2 here 30 copper there. Where I make the money is either the Auction or just Selling outright to a vendor to clear out bags.

    Btw corrected first post, Mitzelpikl. Thanks for the heads up.
  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Don't ask help before you try to figure it out on your own. It makes you a very annoying non-enjoyable dependent player and human being to be around.
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Text taken out- unnecessary
  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    That was my advice to new players. I wasn't talking about you, calm down.
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry Fcrowles. It just seemed it with the way you stated it. My apologies. But definitely agreeing with dependent players. Sure it becomes very annoying, and can lead to flame wars in global chat if not private messages sadly. Which does make the game unenjoyable. If you pardon me for saying and maybe enchance what you said Fcrowles : Asking for help is good but first look to the forums or the Wiki for answers that may be able to be found. Websites sites like Zam.com will most likely having a Neverwinter section and others doing their own websites, once the game is fully released. Also Do NOT Spam Global chat with one question repeated numerously. You will either get an answer or be put on ignore by those in chat. Once is enough.

    Agree or disagree Fcrowles? And again sorry for getting my dander up. Sorry it's late and been a rough day and wanting to kill some monsters LOL.
  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    There are four types of learners:
    Visual - Learn through seeing things.
    Audio - Learn by hearing things.
    Kinesthetic - Learn by doing things.
    Tactile - Learn by touching.

    The two most common methods are Kinesthetic and Tactile. Visual learners are very rare, usually people with a photographic memory. If someone figures out how to do something on their own not only did they find a solution to their problem they also figured out HOW to find a solution to their problem making them a more intelligent useful person. I never invite people to raids I constantly see asking very obvious questions like "How do you stealth as rogue" - "Where do I get a companion" and a few other big ones I can't remember I see literally every 30 seconds in PE.
  • syllphsyllph Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My only tip is that you don't need to fight everything. Some mobs can just be avoided (hug walls, etc). This is fairly nice if you're soloing.
  • syllphsyllph Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fcrowles wrote: »
    There are four types of learners:
    Visual - Learn through seeing things.
    Audio - Learn by hearing things.
    Kinesthetic - Learn by doing things.
    Tactile - Learn by touching.

    Heh, just so you know: Kinesthetic and tactile learners are the same thing, it's just another name for the same style. (http://www.studyingstyle.com/tactile-kinesthetic-learners.html)
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So in short - Follow the tutorial and READ, it is very important to follow the beginning objectives as they teach you how to use your character, no matter what specialty it is.
  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    syllph wrote: »
    Heh, just so you know: Kinesthetic and tactile learners are the same thing, it's just another name for the same style.
    No they aren't. Tactile is physically touching. Kinesthetic is doing. They are VERY different.

    They literally teach you how to do everything in this game. The tutorial is fantastic and the helpful hints. The dialogue for the quests. Common sense isn't even required. All you need is the ability to read.
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    syllph wrote: »
    My only tip is that you don't need to fight everything. Some mobs can just be avoided (hug walls, etc). This is fairly nice if you're soloing.

    Agreed, also handy with the soloing, where you are low on energy and just want to reach a campsite/healing spot and are out of potions.
  • psendaronpsendaron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    Start crafting as soon as possibly. Crafting takes a lot of time and you'll want to level up as fast as possible to really make anything worth while. Crafting can also be done through the Gateway as far as I know.

    Stop identifying equipment you can't use. Identify scrolls are pretty expensive and the low payoff for selling equipment you can't use doesn't really justify using an identify scroll IMO. Unless something looks really cool, like a sword dropping from Boss in upper levels. Then you might go for it hoping to cash in at an auction. I've run out of identify scrolls a few times and it's really annoying having to spend your AD's to buy new ones. In general I think ppl should consider trading more and just trade unidentified equipment they can't use to something unidentified that fits their class. It would probably be worth the payoff. Same goes for Kits you don't need.

    To me it seems the game throws you a huge amount of portable altars so don't be afraid to use one before a big fight or instead of using potions to heal.
    "Don't change colour to match the walls.
    Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."

    - Kender Proverb
  • syllphsyllph Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fcrowles wrote: »
    No they aren't. Tactile is physically touching. Kinesthetic is doing. They are VERY different.

    They literally teach you how to do everything in this game. The tutorial is fantastic and the helpful hints. The dialogue for the quests. Common sense isn't even required. All you need is the ability to read.

    Read my link please: http://www.studyingstyle.com/tactile-kinesthetic-learners.html

    wiki states the same: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinesthetic_learning

    Short quote: Making up about 5% of the population, tactile and kinesthetic learners absorb information best by doing, experiencing, touching, moving or being active in some way.
    Enjoy feeling, discovery and action

    They are the same thing. I'm not trying to knock you here, but just google kinesthetic learning. You'll find thousands of other references that same the same thing, it's not my opinion vs. yours.
  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    syllph wrote: »
    Read my link please: http://www.studyingstyle.com/tactile-kinesthetic-learners.html

    Short quote: Making up about 5% of the population, tactile and kinesthetic learners absorb information best by doing, experiencing, touching, moving or being active in some way.
    Enjoy feeling, discovery and action

    They are the same thing. I'm not trying to knock you here, but just google kinesthetic learning. You'll find thousands of other references that same the same thing, it's not my opinion vs. yours.
    Tactile Learner

    A student who is always touching things is a tactile learner. These are the learners who need to practice what they learn. Learning for this type has to be tangible. These were the students in lab class that always touched items before instructions were given. They just have to touch what they are learning. It is difficult to transfer some subjects into tactile lessons, but a tactile learner need to be active with his learning.

    Kinesthetic Learner

    For a teacher, these students are sometimes frustrating. In the middle of a lecture or directions, these students will be walking around the classroom. These types of learners learn by moving. Some classrooms are installing stand up desks. A kinesthetic learner will remember better when being taught learning. Also, letting a kinesthtic learner move while he learns is best. A teacher might give this learner a reading assignment and let him walk down the isle and back to his desk while reading.

    I'm not asking if they are the same. I'm telling you they are different. If you really want to believe they are the same then that's on you. I'm a professor at a college with a masters in teaching and a MTS in the military.

    Also tactile-kinesthetic is a kinesthetic learner. It's not a basic form of learning.
  • syllphsyllph Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fcrowles wrote: »
    Tactile Learner

    A student who is always touching things is a tactile learner. These are the learners who need to practice what they learn. Learning for this type has to be tangible. These were the students in lab class that always touched items before instructions were given. They just have to touch what they are learning. It is difficult to transfer some subjects into tactile lessons, but a tactile learner need to be active with his learning.

    Kinesthetic Learner

    For a teacher, these students are sometimes frustrating. In the middle of a lecture or directions, these students will be walking around the classroom. These types of learners learn by moving. Some classrooms are installing stand up desks. A kinesthetic learner will remember better when being taught learning. Also, letting a kinesthtic learner move while he learns is best. A teacher might give this learner a reading assignment and let him walk down the isle and back to his desk while reading.

    I'm not asking if they are the same. I'm telling you they are different. If you really want to believe they are the same then that's on you. I'm a professor at a college with a masters in teaching and a MTS in the military.

    Ok, if you insist. But for a university professor you blatantly plagiarized that quote from http://voices.yahoo.com/four-basic-learning-styles-7103082.html?cat=4.

    It's a word-for-word rip-off from that site.

    Technically that should get you fired, but this is off topic completely so I will politely agree to disagree.
  • psendaronpsendaron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 43
    edited May 2013
    Please stop discussing in here. Find another thread or something. It doesn't help any newcomers to the game to learn about the definition af learning styles.... SO PLS
    "Don't change colour to match the walls.
    Look like you belong and the walls will change colour to match you."

    - Kender Proverb
  • wraithgorewraithgore Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Very true about crafting - Professions - Which is the N key on the keyboard to use it which i didn't realize till the second or third day of playing this game. Definitely helps if you have IMO the Leadership trained to Level 3 by Level 30 of character so you have at least 3 slots available to train with. Other's thoughts on this are welcome, if a different profession should be trained faster?

    Thus far thank you to all who are contributing to this. I am looking to make this into one long thread after I see how it progresses in a day or two. Please though I ask disagreements such as Tactile Vs Kinesthetic to PM's please. If you find the information wrong, that IS NOT pertinent to the game, PM the person so this thread stays clear of any unnecessary info put into it.

  • fcrowlesfcrowles Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    syllph wrote: »
    Ok, if you insist. But for a university professor you blatantly plagiarized that quote from http://voices.yahoo.com/four-basic-learning-styles-7103082.html?cat=4.

    It's a word-for-word rip-off from that site.

    Technically that should get you fired, but this is off topic completely so I will politely agree to disagree.

    Yes it was a copy and paste because I don't waste my time typing up paragraphs for a ignorant internet troll.
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