He has so much hp. The fight wasnt difficult. I was tanking it. It took like over 10 minutes, no one ever came close to dying. It was one of the longest fights ive ever had in an MMO, and it wasnt remotely fun. The rest of that skirmish was awesome then you get to this boss at the end and its like '... is this ever going to end'. Way too needlessly long.
Is this what the game starts becoming? Just a ridiculous amount of hp on stuff or is this bugged/a mistake? Im kinda worried because I read bad things about the level 35 dungeon boss too.
Also, its kinda messed up that the fastest way ive seen to get AD is to like farm the level 9 skirmish during a skirmish event. It seems unbalanced that I could get way more AD at early levels, i mean you could finish almost 2 level 9 skirmishes in just the time it takes to fight the boss at level 20.
Post edited by mikelove9 on
papi032Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
If you're talking about that grandpa pirate, i agree. Other skirmishes don't have bosses that tough, 2 mins at most
I thought the same thing the first time I fought him. The fight itself was overly simple, 2 waves of adds and him just teleporting to nearby people, but he has a raid boss hp pool.
akercookeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
I enjoyed that boss the most because of that. I was quite impressed when I did the next map Skirmish and it was easier.
My thought is that adding more 0s to the HP of a boss doesn't actually make it more difficult just more tedious. I'd imagine it must be hard to come up with original ideas to raise the difficulty of a final boss, but adding huge amounts of HP isn't really such a good idea.
WTF: Why did it edit 'come'?
carrotpakMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
yea fk that boss.. i was so bored the last 8 mins of the fight
its because people run un enchanted and do HAMSTER damage, this isnt even a exaggeration, i wish it was
im consistently doing 2.5-3 times the dmg of the person next to me on the dmg list
2 good enchantments = 4 pieces of gear worth of stats
fully enchanted set not even comparable to un enchanted, its worse than running naked vs wearing armor, more like naked and debuffed vs wearing armor
people live in denial of the whole attach/remove enchants "choosing to skip the enchants til endlevel, cause AD cost aint a problem!"
so we who bite th ebullet and pay up these silly ad prices get to carry the rest, fun stuff
No. It's not even that.
I soloed Cloak tower the other day because I had just outleveled it and couldn't queue (I was 21). From beginning to end, I cleared the entire thing, and my total damage at the end was 750,000.
When we did this Skirmish, at the end, I was at the top with some 337,000 damage. The guy below me did 318,000 damage. Guy under him did 228,000 damage. The last two were 147,000 and 131,000. This entire Skirmish had a total of 1,161,000 damage done to it.
The boss in this Skirmish took longer for five people to kill than it did for me to kill any of the bosses in the dungeon.
This is not a case of undergeared/unenchanted characters. I keep all my gear enchanted. This Skirmish is broke, mang.
It took pubs (i've done it 7 times now) around 4 minutes to kill the boss. That's not a long time at all. The longest was probably seven and that only happened once. Get on your deeps game.
ladyredmichelleMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
He bugged out on my team today.
We had him at 25% and he disappeared, never to return. I was so freaking exasperated - all that time, and we couldn't even kill him?! URGH.
In all honesty though, I dunno that I minded it. There was something kinda satisfying in it, but I'm a huge fan of the red marker AoE combat system NWO has got going on, so I'm a bit biased. It's definitely very out of place to have such a huge health bar, compared to previous bosses.
Tell your people to fight him better. Most don't have a clue about the Combat advantage and positioning. Most people just run around making everything take twice as long as it should. In a full guild group that boss doesn't take nearly 10 mins.
sman421999Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I wouldnt be too worried, the game was just launched few days ago, not everything is going to 100% balanced correctly right? This is probably one of the reasons they are describing the game as still being in open BETA. IMO if you think the game is going to be perfectly balanced at this point, the jokes on you.
I wouldnt be too worried, the game was just launched few days ago, not everything is going to 100% balanced correctly right? This is probably one of the reasons they are describing the game as still being in open BETA. IMO if you think the game is going to be perfectly balanced at this point, the jokes on you.
If you really think this game is in "beta", the joke is on you. You do realize there are F2P games that have been out for 3+ years who still claim to be in "beta".
That boss isn't about crappy dps, or positioning, or 'get better players hurr durr'. His HPs are just disproportionately high. He has more HPs than the boss of the Cragmire Crypts (essentially the same fight). It is not even a debate.
That boss isn't about crappy dps, or positioning, or 'get better players hurr durr'. His HPs are just disproportionately high. He has more HPs than the boss of the Cragmire Crypts (essentially the same fight). It is not even a debate.
No one is debating if he has high HP. People are debating if that is an issue. I don't find it to be an issue. It doesn't take 10 mins to kill that boss with a competent group. 7 mins at most. Which is pretty fair considering they weren't through the trouble of letting the mobs come to the lazy players in the first place.
sman421999Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If you really think this game is in "beta", the joke is on you. You do realize there are F2P games that have been out for 3+ years who still claim to be in "beta".
Never said "I" think its in beta. I said they are using the beta tag probably for this very reason among others. Either way, if your very concerned about balance issues 4 days after a game launches... maybe start thinking reasonably
That boss isn't about crappy dps, or positioning, or 'get better players hurr durr'. His HPs are just disproportionately high. He has more HPs than the boss of the Cragmire Crypts (essentially the same fight). It is not even a debate.
They are using the lazy man's difficulty slider! lets make the bosses a bullet sponge! seriously...its most annoying thing in the world for me... if he has that much hp he better have like 10 phases....each one unique and interesting.
My thought is that adding more 0s to the HP of a boss doesn't actually make it more difficult just more tedious.
The last time i ran that, that fight took half an hour. No exaggeration. One of the dps people disconnected, and me as a CW couldn't get the aggro off me, so it was me being followed by a mob i couldn't control or even shake, kiting him around, trying to whittle down his health, and also trying to control adds while everyone else focused on him. This is the boss i hate the most in the whole game so far, he just feels cheap, even more so for the level you fight him at.
If you really think this game is in "beta", the joke is on you. You do realize there are F2P games that have been out for 3+ years who still claim to be in "beta".
Gmail was in "beta" longer, and that company is HUGE and really has no excuse. I don't care if game companies call something a beta, it's a game, not as essential as something like email. :P
yeah thats exactly who im talking about
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i have no idea what youre trying to say lol
WTF: Why did it edit 'come'?
im consistently doing 2.5-3 times the dmg of the person next to me on the dmg list
2 good enchantments = 4 pieces of gear worth of stats
fully enchanted set not even comparable to un enchanted, its worse than running naked vs wearing armor, more like naked and debuffed vs wearing armor
people live in denial of the whole attach/remove enchants "choosing to skip the enchants til endlevel, cause AD cost aint a problem!"
so we who bite th ebullet and pay up these silly ad prices get to carry the rest, fun stuff
No. It's not even that.
I soloed Cloak tower the other day because I had just outleveled it and couldn't queue (I was 21). From beginning to end, I cleared the entire thing, and my total damage at the end was 750,000.
When we did this Skirmish, at the end, I was at the top with some 337,000 damage. The guy below me did 318,000 damage. Guy under him did 228,000 damage. The last two were 147,000 and 131,000. This entire Skirmish had a total of 1,161,000 damage done to it.
The boss in this Skirmish took longer for five people to kill than it did for me to kill any of the bosses in the dungeon.
This is not a case of undergeared/unenchanted characters. I keep all my gear enchanted. This Skirmish is broke, mang.
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We had him at 25% and he disappeared, never to return. I was so freaking exasperated - all that time, and we couldn't even kill him?! URGH.
In all honesty though, I dunno that I minded it. There was something kinda satisfying in it, but I'm a huge fan of the red marker AoE combat system NWO has got going on, so I'm a bit biased. It's definitely very out of place to have such a huge health bar, compared to previous bosses.
And we were all below 24.
If you really think this game is in "beta", the joke is on you. You do realize there are F2P games that have been out for 3+ years who still claim to be in "beta".
No one is debating if he has high HP. People are debating if that is an issue. I don't find it to be an issue. It doesn't take 10 mins to kill that boss with a competent group. 7 mins at most. Which is pretty fair considering they weren't through the trouble of letting the mobs come to the lazy players in the first place.
Never said "I" think its in beta. I said they are using the beta tag probably for this very reason among others. Either way, if your very concerned about balance issues 4 days after a game launches... maybe start thinking reasonably
The last time i ran that, that fight took half an hour. No exaggeration. One of the dps people disconnected, and me as a CW couldn't get the aggro off me, so it was me being followed by a mob i couldn't control or even shake, kiting him around, trying to whittle down his health, and also trying to control adds while everyone else focused on him. This is the boss i hate the most in the whole game so far, he just feels cheap, even more so for the level you fight him at.
Gmail was in "beta" longer, and that company is HUGE and really has no excuse. I don't care if game companies call something a beta, it's a game, not as essential as something like email. :P