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gulisagulisa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
lagging soo much,its tottally unplayable....beta weekend 2 no lagg for me,but this third beta weekend is soo much lagging
Post edited by gulisa on


  • parvarageparvarage Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay this is insane..please can a Dev atleast address this issue? And dont tell me its a problem on my side because its not. I can play any other game fine with no lag at all. However when I play this game about 3 mins into it I get a message saying "Server not Responding (Then it counts) and I freeze.. Its unplayable so please can somone address this?
  • llphantomllllphantomll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mine isnt that bad but something is definitely wrong, i lag pretty bad in this game no matter what graphics settings i use and i know its not my laptop because i can play Skyrim on high graphics settings with no lag, and i know its not my interenet connection because I play a lot of mmos such as Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide2, Age of Conan, Age of Wushu, etc... there has got to be some sort of issue with the server or some kind of bad game programming going on. It probably wont stop me from playing but it does ruin a bit of the fun for me so i really hope they can do something about it.
    Also just a suggestion for the Devs, how about a graphic setting option that hides other players? that usually seems to help quite a bit in the games that have had it :)
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Are you guys playing from europe like me ? In the last 15 mins I'm experiencing 10 secs delay - unplayable to the point where I can't even return my quest . Funny how some people told me that they don't lag whatsoever ....while in the mean time I can't even move properly .
  • kegoragekegorage Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same thing here. Was in just a few minutes, lagging bad then got the disconnect with timer, then it really dc'd me. Yesterday before the servers went down, it was playing smooth.
  • bustermaniaxbustermaniax Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    same here, I keep getting killed by mobs because I lagg so much, I have no clue what
  • broaxosbroaxos Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the game been having major lag issues ever since the new patch and since the server crash yester day.
    and I don't see mages having any aoe skill around lv9 and when battling zombies thats a alot of them in a quest I;m doing the zombies keep respawning to fast and after I kill so many of them I die after wards and when I go back to kill the rest the ones I just killed off respawned back !!
    there was No end to that quest and I can't click the chest to end it cause the zombies keep me in battle mode none stop.
    and if the timer runs out I failed the quest and lose every thing/
    I don't see the use of that quest when I don't have any aoe skills what so ever to do damage to half the zombies in time !
    other MMO's have mages and at low levels like around level 9 or even before has aoe skills !
    and the hp pots don't drop enough in the game and we don't get enough gold from quest or drops to buy enough pots to stay alive in the game.
    the only class I see having any survivability in the game even with large hords of mobs like this zombie one I am on is the tanker defender warrior and at least that class the basic attack is a aoe one and its defense is way larger with regular defense and deflect.
    and at least with that one you can hold down the block key to block and still attack and do some damage to the mobs and survive !
    mages need some sort of defense in the game cause the teleport only allows you to zap around so many times then boom your stuck and dead between a horde of living dead and a brick wall.
    and there's NO aoe skill yet and I wonder if we do get one besides the one time use support power number 1 key aoe skill which is a huge power one and can only be used in long periods of time in between use.
    only does huge enough damage if there's only 5 max mobs if there's more then that it does HAMSTER for damage.
    so i think something needs to be changed or fixed here.
    specialy the lag issue is a major headache and some times I die cause of it cause I freeze up some times.
    and I can't use the mouse to turn around or attack with.
    and the zombies horde there should be no respawn time on there on that quest, cause with them spawning back even fast like they are theres no way to finish this quest even in group.
  • llphantomllllphantomll Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Whoa there dude, this thread is supposed to be for lagg issues, a lot of those are just complains (not that i don't find some of them valid) so lets see if i can help a bit.
    1)For the mage problems other than learning to dodge(or failing due to lag) u just need to do a bit more research, the aoe daily skill does take a while to charge at low lvls but u can improve that with how u build your characters skills and feat points.
    Additionally, encounter skills can be placed in the tab slot to gain strength and special abilities (like the ice shard spell will do more damage and add an explosion on contact giving another aoe). Try googling some guides online or something.
    2)As far as potions go u are absolutely right in terms of normal dungeons and quests. However I found out its not too hard to farm potions in foundry dungeons, if u need potions just find a good, short, easy foundry dungeon (like I think one is called "the arena" or something) to grind for potions, I was able to collect around 30 in about an hour and the experience was pretty good too.
    3)Also FWI, mages are not usually great for solo classes, they are meant to deal high dmg and as such they have a proportionally low defense because otherwise they would be too overpowered, I'd say either find some people to group with, a friend to tank for you, or get a tanky companion from the quest you get at lvl 15.
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey everybody! We're collecting feedback about this; please head here for more info: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?185612-Feedback-Lag-and-Rubberbanding

    Thanks! :)
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
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