So far i'm impressed with the game

feels like an action RPG way more than D&D especially since no crossclassing and stuff like that but the traps and setting is amazing.
Curious will there be any more character wipes or is this it? I know alot of F2P MMO's stay in open beta forever and basically open beta is full launch :P I see FAQ's but they are all old from like last year and stuff.
So far i'm like level 7 on a rogue and trying to work out what other class to get for my other slot :S will end up buying slots to get the other classes but so no biggie there.
Whats level cap? How far in will it be before I fight dragons? I'm a dragon nut

Do you have to find groups manually or is there an LFG tool?
Lvl cap is 60 atm.
You will fight first dragon around lvl 35 afair.
There is some sort of LFG tool, you can enter queue from any place.
I found this game by my friends, today I registered and installed. First reaction was good
My questions:
1. When will be "full version" game? Now it's open beta
2. When "full version" will be avaible i lost my character?
1) Why can't I create threads on the forums?
2) Will it be possible to actually subscribe to the game? I really don't like F2P and spending hundreds of pounds/euros/dollars just to access the necessary gear when I could just have pitched in a little every moth. Not am I a fan of locked feature (such as the respec buttons, why are some of them Zen limited?!)
3) What is the final class?
4) Will Drow be a playable race?
1. Its basically full game now, as a mmo it will grow each day
2. No, you will not.
1. I dont know.
2. Probably not.
3. Not announced yet.
4. Yes, in more or less 2 months from now.
I create character in Cormyr - Purple Dragon.
When my friend create his character on the same server but in different place, we can in future going to dungeons together?
Yes, all characters start in the same place. Orgin of your char doesnt matter at all, its just "cosmetic".