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Level 60s already?

justice4justice4 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I have seen quite a few players saying that they're already level 60 and doing end-game content. My question is, how on earth lol? I would say I've been playing quite a lot since the game released, and I've just barely passed level 20....if I had been super-hardcore I could see myself being 25 or 30 at most. But max level, no way lol! I didn't have those extra 3 days or whatever from the founders pack but still! I am not looking to rush up there or anything and I'm just enjoying my time in the game, but seeing all of these people already at cap just made me curious what on earth they're doing to level so fast.
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  • silverias7silverias7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They drink lots of Mountain Dew and pee in bottles.

    That, and they're Founders who got started about a week before everyone else ;)
  • beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    levels fly by without trying once you get to the upper 30's. Can easily get 4-5 levels in a night without trying, play on a weekend and boom your 60.
  • mortoriusmortorius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just see my /played is 23 hours, and im lvl 28 i don't rush i enjoy the game is really well made i don't want just hit 60 and start with end game.
    No Gods, no Masters. Knowledge is Power, and Power is Freedom.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Basically if you do every quest you get tons of XP. Like 3k for each one lots of the time at least at my level (48 currently). I've actually had to slow down and not play the game as I'm trying not to outlevel some of the events. Not playing is currently pretty easy as it entails joining the queue for a skirmish or dungeon and waiting. However not out leveling some events is proving difficult. Even invoking once an hour can get you XP... It's a bit crazy really. Honestly I'd like an option to turn off XP gain.
  • joeldgnjoeldgn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 76
    edited May 2013
    If you have gone through the beta weekends you know the content and how to blaze through it because you already have and also know that you can level fast enough to not bother with a lot of content, like every group dungeon before 50, mostly because you will out-level the gear too fast anyway so it is just a waste of time.

    My first day of 3-day head-start I got to level 31 just ignoring most everything that was not grinding quests and also remembering where to go and what to do. But then I have been through the content and already knew what was up and explored most everything. Most of the time you waste is just exploring around, checking out views and doing the group dungeons/raids.

    Slows down a bit after 30 and I have work so I am at 50 now instead of 60 if I had had another full day to grind through I would be there. (I am sort of interested in seeing what comes after 50 as that was the beta cap. So I am in no rush now.)

    Probably the best way to do it, find another person(s) to level with and just crank through the content if you just want to level and not explore the game world. Otherwise, have fun and don't worry about rushing to end game.
  • zuluzulutozuluzuluto Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2013
    I played one weekend beta and didnt even start til saturday morning, and I made it to level 36 and still went to bed early enough sunday night to get up at 5:30 monday morning.

    Leveling in this game super easy.
    If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There are a few "Tricks" you can use to speed the process. I only know a couple and only use one (and that because I have empty Utility slots and ONLY +exp. gear to go in them)
    1) As you level you will get items with empty Utility slots. One of the items that goes into these slots will give you a bonus to exp. gained. Individually they are small, but if you have enough Utility slots on your gear they can add up fast. I end up with these as, for some reason, I seem to be a magnate for items with Utility slots only and for the +exp items, and little else.

    2) You can do the repeatable Leadership Missions and spend boat loads of Astral Diamonds to rush them. Expensive as all Heck and I don't see the point, but apparently SOMEONE out there is doing it. I suppose if you are independently wealthy and want to be level 60 you could.

    3) Apparently you can grind certain Foundry missions that give a particularly good return of Time Vs. Exp. Gain. Don't ever plan to use this method myself, as it sound unbelievably boring and you would arrive at 60 with little to no level appropriate gear.

    But if any of these sound like good times to you, then more power to ya!

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • zuluzulutozuluzuluto Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2013
    jorifice1 wrote: »
    But if any of these sound like good times to you, then more power to ya!

    agreed... I did it to see as much as possible but DnD is definately not about the end.
    If I havent offended you today....dont worry!!!....there's always tomorrow. Of course, you could also go to here for all I care.
  • milquet0astmilquet0ast Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jorifice1 wrote: »
    There are a few "Tricks" you can use to speed the process. I only know a couple and only use one (and that because I have empty Utility slots and ONLY +exp. gear to go in them)
    1) As you level you will get items with empty Utility slots. One of the items that goes into these slots will give you a bonus to exp. gained. Individually they are small, but if you have enough Utility slots on your gear they can add up fast. I end up with these as, for some reason, I seem to be a magnate for items with Utility slots only and for the +exp items, and little else.

    Has anyone confirmed that multiple +xp enchantments will stack? My character sheet shows only 3.5% bonus xp no matter how many additional rank 2 azures I put in my utility slots. Same question for companion runes, by the way.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    beaghan1 wrote: »
    levels fly by without trying once you get to the upper 30's. Can easily get 4-5 levels in a night without trying, play on a weekend and boom your 60.

    Plus, since some of us started on the 25th, it gave us extra time. Far from a no lifer, but quests really do go by fast, and grant a lot of xp, and if you have the xp gems in, they go even faster. 5k xp a quest at higher levels, and you just burn through them quickly. I hit 60 the day before open beta even started, just doing quests.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Has anyone confirmed that multiple +xp enchantments will stack? My character sheet shows only 3.5% bonus xp no matter how many additional rank 2 azures I put in my utility slots. Same question for companion runes, by the way.

    Different ranks seem to stack, but not the same rank. Not sure if working as intended, but if you put different rank ones in there, you see a bonus that fits.
  • caidencaiden Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It took me 26 hours to hit 60. Playing on the 27th as a Guardian founder, I started PvPing and doing dungeons on the 29th. Right now I have almost all my purple gear, and I'm working on Tier 2 dungeons.

    It's a quick leveling speed, but thankfully there's plenty to do. Being an RPer helps kill time as well.
  • caige187caige187 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Took me 3 days to hit 60 would do the story lines also other map quest and if i was to low of a lvl for next area i would bust out a few foundry's
  • deahamletdeahamlet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    silverias7 wrote: »
    They drink lots of Mountain Dew and pee in bottles.

    That, and they're Founders who got started about a week before everyone else ;)

    Days off from work, been playing since Thursday, reached 60 on Monday and it wasn't even a ton of effort. I just liked the gameplay that much. Probably will take it much slower on my second character just because I'd like to do foundries and dungeons and be ahead of level of an area instead of below.
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