It is absolutely NUTS! Everywhere you turn there's some kind of *advertising*. "SPEND REAL MONEY" it screams. It's incessant, it's aggravating and annoying, it's not-stop and some would say borderline obnoxious. And it's always advertising
HAMSTER. Real garbage! The utter GREED knows no bounds. It interferes with time spent!
Can't I just enjoy things in peace for a moment without being begged to buy this and buy that every couple minutes? Your business practices are absolutely abhorring and you should be completely ashamed of yourself. Business model-shmizness model, I don't care. I am frustrated to no end!
Seriously, forget the "use it free and endure endless proffers to spend real money" nonsense - just let me BUY my way to some peace and quiet away from the constant advertising, already.
In fact, I am so darned FED-UP I'm
It's not a lot better, but at least BING doesn't data-mine me as much as you do and doesn't try to force-feed me into using all their service no matter how much I refuse to. I am so DONE WITH GOOGLE! And you so-called CLICK-BAIT BLOGS are absolutely NUTS-OLA.
Oh, wait... this is
Cryptic's forums? Pffft. Their efforts are ridiculously tame in comparison. And unlike the world Wide Web I get a massive amount of genuine entertainment here. Hell, I *want* buy stuff from here.
It's just more relevant all around.
//attn: all you Z-Store and lockbox whiners: get a clue. You *Google users, you*.
The whiners and trolls will call me a Cryptic Fan or apologist. Whatever, so be it. I've been a Cryptic fan for the last three years since the beginning of STO. Cryptic has screwed-up at times, but they always have tried to do right by their customers. Simple fact: they are giving you real entertainment worth real money, for *nothing*. If you don't like any part of it: deal with it or GTFO. Srsy. The incessant whining I see all over these forums are really getting crusty and old. If you have such a shameful self-entitlement attitude that that look a gift horse directly in the mouth, go on ahead with it. It reveals your true colors brightly. You know who you are.
@Cryptic, and Perfect World, and to all you managers and developers working so hard:
Thank you. For giving, not selling, but GIVING me, pro-bono huge entrainment that really is worth real money and all you're doing is asking me to buy a few fun little optional trinkets in return. You just go on continuing to remind all of us these trinkets are there every chance you get. I, for one, appreciate it.
I found it quite funny the amount of times I've had the quest "go look at the cash shop" only time my quest path bugged was when I did that quest once and it kept leading me back to the Zen guy, coincidence? Maybe, still there are plenty of better F2P MMOs out there with much more reasonably cash shops than this cash cow, also the PvP here is abhorrent, luckily so because it will probably be filled with the pay to win crowd at 60 anyway. This games PvE is OK, hardly anything revolutionary. Go to X kill X enemy, collect X piece of HAMSTER on the floor. Pretty basic stuff, I'll play for a little for free but with how restricted I feel already you won't be getting money from me with this business model.
Protip: All companies use MMORPGs as cash cows. At least until Red Cross Online makes its beta launch.
This post brought to you by Sarcasm. Sarcasm. Now in text flavor.
Anyway - they then later converted to free to play. This of course creates a problem - not so much for monthly subscribers as they could just discontinue the subscription thing altogether. HOWEVER, it would be a PR nightmare for Cryptic regarding the life-time account holders.
So the answer was to create the two tiers of game-play: the "silver" (free to play) and Gold (subscribers/Liftimers) and in the Gold tier to offer a few bonuses (like a free respec at each level, "veteran bonuses" and even some items in C-Store/Z-Store that Silvers must pay for, etc.).
Neverwinter is different because it is designed from the very beginning to be Free to Play - there was never any subscription and therefore, no reason to offer two tiers of game-play. I was hammering Support for months on how do I buy a lifetime subscription for Neverwinter!? (This was back in February 2012 or something). They finally decided to NOT have subscription/lifetimer tier.
So that is why there is no second tier of gameplay style. Personally I love the Lifetimer option I have in STO and CO. It's kind of like a lesser version of a Founders Package on a trickle-down format. Either way, since NW is designed from the ground-up as free-to-play, I can now understand why there are such huge economic sinks in the Astral Diamonds and a much larger push toward the Z-Store than you see in STO and CO - and I, frankly, don't blame them one bit.
Seeing how STO and CO work with two tiers, and understanding how they designed NW (business wise) - everything makes total sense to me now. But in fairness: I have three years experience being a Cryptic Customer so I have a bigger insight and understanding into not only the how things are done, but the WHY things are done.
Most of those making these complaints simply don't have the same understanding of the history of hows and whys to have a clear picture of the current how and why.
That's how I feel playing these games. The contant feeling of being grifted.
Lol - At least they know where they stand now... heh.