So, not complaining and could probably go the whole game without it bothering me.
However, I'm level 32 currently and I just feel like Reaping Strike is kind of useless.
The determination gain from it isn't all that great and the damage is low considering the charge/release time.
Also, you can be knocked down during your release a split second before it hits the enemy.
The charge and release is slow enough that I'm more inclined to use wicked strike.
Especially when I have to move.
Do any of the other Great Weapon Fighters feel this way?
(Please no whining)
1rst useful way- Charge it when approaching a group of mele mobs they will come towards you, release and pop a couple of aoe encounter powers. (insta kill)
2nd useful way- (this is the best way to use it) when you come across large mobs with slow animations, this is the best time to use it. Basically you want to charge it as they are heading towards you, release it, and sprint before their attack animation finishes, then rinse and repeat. This keeps you safe and gives you max dps while avoiding hard hit attacks. Say a caster is going to do an aoe around himself, obviously you cant hit him in the red circle because it wont give you time to run away. instead back out of the red circle and charge, as soon as his attack is done move in and release.
I wouldn't use it in regular combat, this attack is something you plan not something you charge while you're getting your a** kicked
TLDR- reaping strike gives gwf the opportunity to passively charge up a strong attack out of harms way.
I dont even bother with it.
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
I also use it a lot on bosses when they put a red splat down, I charge it up while their splat is going off. I am really not sure if I will take the 25% damage to a single target with it or not. I can tell you in beta I had that and it made reaping strike hit as hard as anything not slam. Or the Instigator Wicked Strike.
As many other skills, GWF class was rushed and if you look closer, some things there are just tottaly messed up
Old "Blood and Sand: Unchained" quest
Played more than 100 000 times!
If it's working for some of ya'll that's nice. But I just got Wicked and I'm not looking back - though I'll probably replace wicked with swordmasters.