Hi all! Just thought i should let everyone know that the GWF isnt a bad class. When I first started farming Epic CT with my GWF I really hated the class. No damage No threat Only has stuns. The gear that drops of bosses in 5700 and 6800 dungeons all have deflection and Defense. As this angered me I still pursued hoping that my gear will get better. Well to my suprise GWF are just AMAZING. You can pull groups of mobs real fast and just go to town. Now your AoE doesnt do alot BUT if build Correct you can max your dps and the parties. Doing this, I have came close to beating my Rogues dps in my Group. We were farming Pirates (8300 GS dungeon) doing 22 Minute runs. The closest I have came to him was 76k at the end of the dungeon. The AoE you provide is amazing. Also I am building up for the lightning shard. This shard after gettting 4 lessers and making it normal will only spike our damage even more. The shard equiped to the weapon does around 15% damage of the Weapon to the enemies you hit and have a 50% chance to chain to another target. THATS HUGE! think about this. 8300 dungeons have LOTs of adds if you hit 8 with your AoE swing. around 4 will chain to another 4 of 10% of your weapon damage. EVERY swing. It is really hard to do damage early you just have to find a group that knows they will become strong and get you gear. Right now my Gear Score is 9383 and still improving! Our group is about to start Never Castle, the last epic dungeon, tonight 8pm EST. If you have any questions about GWF please add me on Dragon server Djlovedrop@Djcarry. I will be happy to go over spec and what to do on certain fights. Also! I will be making guides VERY short on youtube! I feel as though with more gear my damage will maybe surpass a rogues. Yes i know they do alot single target but end game there is ALOT of adds. GWF are essential in every group!
Post edited by djcarry on
ryhsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2013
Where did you put your ability points at lvl 10, 20, 40 and 50? Also what were your starting ability scores?
keobiaaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
What are you using for AoE, Wicked Strike or Weapon Masters Strike?
You want to use Weapon Master Strike. All you Ability Points go into STR and DEX. Do not worry about constitution and start with max str and highest Dex ( IDK what that it tbh sorry)
Not counting racials, max STR when rolling a GWF should be 18. This is followed by 13 CON and 13 DEX.
I played a Drow, so I started with 18 STR and 15 DEX and then dumped all of my points into both stats through 60. This should work well for either a DPS spec or Sentinel. You can always address other areas of concern via equipment and the sub stats.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
I find having a rogue essential.
I find having an AOE class essential. But you're one of my three options... DPS cleric, CW (CC or DPS spec, I don't care) or GWF.
I don't know how I feel about the GF.
PS: I'd take any player that was more focused on group synergy than DPS charts. I find the DPS chart obsessed dudes to generally ignore ads and leave a lot to be desired.
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Can you post specifics? I've seen some others posted but not exactly in consensus. Can you post where you put power/feat points and which you normally use?
For example I use destroyer and crit class passive things, restoring strike, the level 50 strike (forgot name), and the lunge thing or charge (depending if I want more single target DPS or mobility).
I run into combat and hit everything with asters strike, then line up the big level 50 strike, followed by rstoing strike and either the lunge or rush. Then I use unstoppable and spam masters strike (or sure strike if there is only one monster) until CDs are up.
The only daily I use is avalanche.
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
PS: I'd take any player that was more focused on group synergy than DPS charts. I find the DPS chart obsessed dudes to generally ignore ads and leave a lot to be desired.
That's why I'm still sticking by Sentinel in the hope that the threat issues will be resolved. It's very easy to play an AoE DPS focused GWF at this time, although the long term utility may leave something to be desired if the day comes when encounters become truly challenging. I guess we'll see.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
That's why I'm still sticking by Sentinel in the hope that the threat issues will be resolved. It's very easy to play an AoE DPS focused GWF at this time, although the long term utility may leave something to be desired if the day comes when encounters become truly challenging. I guess we'll see.
I'm not 60 yet so maybe things will change, but prior to 60 that isn't practical. If a caster gets adds on them they use knock backs and run around. The adds end up dispersed all over the room with no way for the gwf to corall them.
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
PS: I'd take any player that was more focused on group synergy than DPS charts. I find the DPS chart obsessed dudes to generally ignore ads and leave a lot to be desired.
I generally find that GWF's who are high on the damage charts are up there precisely because they're trashing the ads with AoE attacks in a similar way to CW's.
The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Not counting racials, max STR when rolling a GWF should be 18. This is followed by 13 CON and 13 DEX.
I played a Drow, so I started with 18 STR and 15 DEX and then dumped all of my points into both stats through 60. This should work well for either a DPS spec or Sentinel. You can always address other areas of concern via equipment and the sub stats.
a drow gwf?? can they even lift it?? does the lore even allow that? unheard of
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Another thing to consider is the +11 in intelligence and charisma that gives you 1% companion stat bonus 1% combat advantage damage and 1% recharge speed increase
stonermkiiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
a drow gwf?? can they even lift it?? does the lore even allow that? unheard of
Sure it does. Ever play a Str based Halfling in NWN? No? Then your missing out. I had a Halfling with 30+ Str in NWN. Could Dev Crit **** near everything, with a ******* Sword.
PS: I'd take any player that was more focused on group synergy than DPS charts. I find the DPS chart obsessed dudes to generally ignore ads and leave a lot to be desired.
Which is 90% of TR's. They are far from essential.
projxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Go human + 2 STR. Stack Power > Def > Crit. Get the 15% ac / def talent using the 3 human feats. Get 20% of your total Def into Power feats. Raise STR / Dex as you level. Go down the destroyer line. Profit.
Gave in to that momentary sadistic twitch...
projxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Darkstar go 20 STR at the start... Your T1 feats multiply STR by 6%. If you're stacking power / defense that initial 2% damage becomes a big deal. Especially with combat advantage thrown in.
Gave in to that momentary sadistic twitch...
rudulinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I started a GWF Tiefling and I find it challenging to beat dps of some other characters as I compare this class to a Retribution Paladin from WoW...I do have to say the dps is poorly distributed amongst the classes and the GWF should be able to outdps almost any class. They also should make them more effective in pvp. It may be that they are a late bloomer, but I don't think a Guardian Fighter should do more damage to a single boss than a GWF and just does not make any sense. Also I would like to add that they developers should work on improving combat dynamics to let one move a character while swinging their weapon in combat. It really restricts gameplay.
dixa1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
gwf sucks ....:( worst class i ever played it have so low damage ,u need to use tab skill and daily few times on 1 mob to can kill it....
purutzilMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
The problem with GWF is it has such a horrible start. It really makes you feel like your rolling a Support/healer without the support/healer part which... is quite painful.
Its fine being a late bloomer, but it blooms to be a on par-ish. Its horrible early game is just way to rough. Sure, I'll be happy hitting mx on my GWF when it actually becomes good and having far less then what I might normally have around me, but its still silly just how out against the GWF the game is.
GWF level 60 (Beholder) - The pains of leveling!
Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
I started a GWF Tiefling and I find it challenging to beat dps of some other characters as I compare this class to a Retribution Paladin from WoW...I do have to say the dps is poorly distributed amongst the classes and the GWF should be able to outdps almost any class. They also should make them more effective in pvp. It may be that they are a late bloomer, but I don't think a Guardian Fighter should do more damage to a single boss than a GWF and just does not make any sense. Also I would like to add that they developers should work on improving combat dynamics to let one move a character while swinging their weapon in combat. It really restricts gameplay.
Hey that was my exactly my thoughts too .
My first class in WOW was a Retribution Paladin and it had the very same issues of truly awful damage. No matter what I did I ended up last amongst the DPS, being lucky to beat the tank. That is until Blizzard (eventually) buffed it from ridiculously bad to only slightly worse than the other DPS classes....
I played a Drow, so I started with 18 STR and 15 DEX and then dumped all of my points into both stats through 60. This should work well for either a DPS spec or Sentinel. You can always address other areas of concern via equipment and the sub stats.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
I find having a rogue essential.
I find having an AOE class essential. But you're one of my three options... DPS cleric, CW (CC or DPS spec, I don't care) or GWF.
I don't know how I feel about the GF.
PS: I'd take any player that was more focused on group synergy than DPS charts. I find the DPS chart obsessed dudes to generally ignore ads and leave a lot to be desired.
For example I use destroyer and crit class passive things, restoring strike, the level 50 strike (forgot name), and the lunge thing or charge (depending if I want more single target DPS or mobility).
I run into combat and hit everything with asters strike, then line up the big level 50 strike, followed by rstoing strike and either the lunge or rush. Then I use unstoppable and spam masters strike (or sure strike if there is only one monster) until CDs are up.
The only daily I use is avalanche.
That's why I'm still sticking by Sentinel in the hope that the threat issues will be resolved. It's very easy to play an AoE DPS focused GWF at this time, although the long term utility may leave something to be desired if the day comes when encounters become truly challenging. I guess we'll see.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
I'm not 60 yet so maybe things will change, but prior to 60 that isn't practical. If a caster gets adds on them they use knock backs and run around. The adds end up dispersed all over the room with no way for the gwf to corall them.
I generally find that GWF's who are high on the damage charts are up there precisely because they're trashing the ads with AoE attacks in a similar way to CW's.
a drow gwf?? can they even lift it?? does the lore even allow that? unheard of
Uthegental and Ryld Argith would disagree. :-P
at end game it should be
str 26 16% damage bonus 16% stam regen DoT damage resist 16%
con 15 10% hp - 5% resistance ignored
dex 19 9% crit chance 9% aoe damage res 4.5% deflection chance
str 24 14% damage bonus 14% stam regen DoT damage resist 14%
con 15 10% hp - 5% resistance ignored
dex 21 11% crit chance 11% aoe damage res 5.5% deflection chance
I think that's right.
Another thing to consider is the +11 in intelligence and charisma that gives you 1% companion stat bonus 1% combat advantage damage and 1% recharge speed increase
Sure it does. Ever play a Str based Halfling in NWN? No? Then your missing out. I had a Halfling with 30+ Str in NWN. Could Dev Crit **** near everything, with a ******* Sword.
Which is 90% of TR's. They are far from essential.
bleh dont bring book characters into the mix. drizzt was and is still considered an abomination. and then there was pickle...
I'm glad our static TR has the crit group buff and also slays adds on me (the cleric). She's the 1%!
...what about the other 9% difference between her and the bad 90%? O.o
Its fine being a late bloomer, but it blooms to be a on par-ish. Its horrible early game is just way to rough. Sure, I'll be happy hitting mx on my GWF when it actually becomes good and having far less then what I might normally have around me, but its still silly just how out against the GWF the game is.
Cleric level 5X (Dragon) - Holy goblin so much easier!
Hey that was my exactly my thoughts too
My first class in WOW was a Retribution Paladin and it had the very same issues of truly awful damage. No matter what I did I ended up last amongst the DPS, being lucky to beat the tank. That is until Blizzard (eventually) buffed it from ridiculously bad to only slightly worse than the other DPS classes....