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Review of stuff so far...

norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I like a lot of stuff about the game. These are the things that I noticed as suboptimal. Not complaints, just things to think about as "feedback" on a "beta" though I realize most of it is likely not to be changed "soon(tm)"

1) The fighter class seems very weak. I have tried all of them now, and my cleric does more damage than my 2h half orc. My wife's halfling rogue does more damage too. My wizard, as well. The only thing that probably does less is the sword and board fighter, which I did not try. Not only that, but the 2h guy has to get in melee range, the cleric and mage kill stuff before it can close. The 2h fighter should do more damage than a rogue or at least equal, IMHO. Or it should be tougher -- the damage received seems about the same, making rogue superior. At a glance I would take his second ability, with the long buildup and release, and make it a 10 second cooldown 360 aoe swing instead, representing the feat cleave/great cleave perhaps.

2) Always mouselook: make it a toggle, please!

3) Clerics should be able to heal others sooner, IMHO.

4) I would rather have a better indicator of my goal on the mini map and less rainbow trails to follow. The rainbow trail seems like the game was made for 6 year olds. If it can be turned off, I did not see that option, if it can't, add it as an option please. And either way, the map indication for quests needs a visibility revamp.

5) Let us roll all the stats, this pre-rolled set of 10 characters is poorish. Also let us pick what stats go in the locations. Why even roll --- its just a time-waster to click until you get the 1 out of 10 choice that suits you best (but I cannot tell that stats have any effect anyway).

6) Prespent points is confusing. I do not care for a "choice" screen that says I "spent" 5 points when I did no such thing. If I get a point to spend, let me spend it!!! If not, do not tell me I did!

7) While its kind of amusing for 10 seconds to be able to make a female character who's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> stick out farther than her arms, and while a few people IRL do have this condition, I would personally suggest they be toned down by 50% unless the game is, again, geared toward 6 year olds. I don't actually mind the skin but am concerned about the sort of players it will attract and behaviors it will encourage (the no-outfit outfit comes to mind).

8) Mobs seem to be very easy, the biggest threat seems to be overwhelming numbers, sort of diablo style. Actually, this game does seem to be a quasi first person or more 3-d version of diablo once the combat starts. Hmm. I guess this is the "action" bit but can't we have "action" *and* some demand for skilled play / teamwork?

9) everything apart from armor and weapons seems to be "flavor" that has no major impact on gameplay. Stats, race, limited choices in point allocation, --- every mage seems to be the same, every rogue the same.

10) being unable to group after entering the main city due to "level too low" is nonsense.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You can turn off the sparkly path by hitting the Z key. It's a toggle. :)

    Solo questing gets harder at around 30. Well, 35 or so. It depends a bit on the class.Mobs also gain more varied abilities.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    rainbow trail can be turned off and on with the Z key

    Don't try to compare rogue DPS versus single target to other classes, that's their specialty and main role here.
  • oatsmeeloatsmeel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there a lot of mindless grinding in this game or is it as good as GW2 when it comes to grinding?
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have not seen much of a grind at all so far. Level up is rapid and plenty of content so repeating stuff is not required. Crafting looks to be "the usual" grind but not "awful" nor even required (highly recommended, but not required best I can tell).

    Thanks for the z key tip. I need to sit down with the controls and poke at what can and cannot be tweaked more, may do that next time I cannot move from lag in town.
    elawyn wrote: »
    rainbow trail can be turned off and on with the Z key

    Don't try to compare rogue DPS versus single target to other classes, that's their specialty and main role here.

    what, praytell, is the role of the 2h fighter then? I am OK if the answer is NOT dps, but I was under the impression that was his job too? If its aoe or something, he is mighty weak at his primary job at lower levels (?).
  • iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The rainbow trail is indeed a feature designed for kids and people that want to rush through the content. The mini map is good enough to find your quests the old traditional way (I already disabled the z button)
  • iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Have not seen much of a grind at all so far.
    Thanks for the z key tip. I need to sit down with the controls and poke at what can and cannot be tweaked more, may do that next time I cannot move from lag in town.

    what, praytell, is the role of the 2h fighter then? I am OK if the answer is NOT dps, but I was under the impression that was his job too? If its aoe or something, he is mighty weak at his primary job at lower levels (?).

    The role of the weapon fighter is pure AOE damage and off-tanking.The class is excellent in that department and whoever says otherwise just isn't experienced enough in MMOs.
    The truth is that weapon fighter is a bit weak until level 10 (weak=need potion usage) but after that he is a beast. Especially in pvp I pawn people so hard it isn;'t even fair..
  • mgs1legacymgs1legacy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    im starting to get very worried about my Human Guardian now.. my attacks have gotten very weak very fast at lvl 14 o.o.. I just done my Dungeon and my block skill was kinda getting worrying now, the dungeon bosses do multiple powerful attacks that basically use up all ur blocking energy, if im going to lose all my blocking energy as fast as people who dive away, whats the point in having extremely low damage?
    Also I kinda cant kill any1 at all in PvP now, rogues can spam ranged attacks at me with high damage and spam 200s on me at close range, I do 50s on them O . O.. gah idk wat the problem is, I done Pvp for the 1st time at about lvl 10 and won like 10 times in a row, only just lost my 1st game, I could seem to kill people normal, but now im about lvl 14 its strangely turned impossible to do damage people, any1 know why o . o ?
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fair enough. 2h must come into his role later than the others, as his aoe and toughness and pretty much everything else (single target, lacks a ranged attack) stinks so far (again, getting the feel for it I was just taking all the classes to 10 on a test drive).
  • mgs1legacymgs1legacy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also.. judging by my 1st dungeon so far.. guardians aren't needed at all, just healers, mages and rogues, don't think Guardians fit in on this game.. since u can dodge easily with any other class and deal very high DPS
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    oatsmeel wrote: »
    Is there a lot of mindless grinding in this game or is it as good as GW2 when it comes to grinding?

    No, you actually never have to grind. The game sends you from quest hub to quest hub (most quests have voice overs) and XP rewards from quest turn-ins are far superior to XP from mobs. I'm at 55 right now and there was never an area where I started to get annoyed or agitated, or where I felt I'm a bot. The pacing is well done and the game hasn't felt like work to me at all so far.

    You can always do foundries too (player-created modules and campaigns) or PvP. Both give good XP as well.
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mgs1legacy wrote: »
    im starting to get very worried about my Human Guardian now.. my attacks have gotten very weak very fast at lvl 14 o.o.. I just done my Dungeon and my block skill was kinda getting worrying now, the dungeon bosses do multiple powerful attacks that basically use up all ur blocking energy, if im going to lose all my blocking energy as fast as people who dive away, whats the point in having extremely low damage?
    Also I kinda cant kill any1 at all in PvP now, rogues can spam ranged attacks at me with high damage and spam 200s on me at close range, I do 50s on them O . O.. gah idk wat the problem is, I done Pvp for the 1st time at about lvl 10 and won like 10 times in a row, only just lost my 1st game, I could seem to kill people normal, but now im about lvl 14 its strangely turned impossible to do damage people, any1 know why o . o ?

    Lowest dps class against (possibly THE highest) with probably mehish gear (dunno about you but I wear what I find and I have not found a ton of great items yet, seems I level twice for every 1 item upgrade I find...). So you lack the ability to mitigate his high damage, and you lack the ability to damage him. That is not going to end well. I do not know what the long term result will be but historically tanks do well in pvp once they can ignore most of the incoming damage via good gear. That typically (in most games I have tried) means the tank needs awesome gear and max level before thinking about pvp in serious terms.
  • spodeanspodean Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mgs1legacy wrote: »
    im starting to get very worried about my Human Guardian now.. my attacks have gotten very weak very fast at lvl 14 o.o.. I just done my Dungeon and my block skill was kinda getting worrying now, the dungeon bosses do multiple powerful attacks that basically use up all ur blocking energy, if im going to lose all my blocking energy as fast as people who dive away, whats the point in having extremely low damage?
    Also I kinda cant kill any1 at all in PvP now, rogues can spam ranged attacks at me with high damage and spam 200s on me at close range, I do 50s on them O . O.. gah idk wat the problem is, I done Pvp for the 1st time at about lvl 10 and won like 10 times in a row, only just lost my 1st game, I could seem to kill people normal, but now im about lvl 14 its strangely turned impossible to do damage people, any1 know why o . o ?

    The reason you are getting weak is the weapon you get for the "pack" is no longer OP as it was. Start looking on the AH for replacements, Keeping your weapon as high as possible is critical for you.

    The Weapon they gave you is only good for leveling to around 15 or so. Each level after 10 you should notice it taking a bit longer to take stuff out. I replaced my clerics at 15, My wizards at 18 I think.
  • iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Fair enough. 2h must come into his role later than the others, as his aoe and toughness and pretty much everything else (single target, lacks a ranged attack) stinks so far (again, getting the feel for it I was just taking all the classes to 10 on a test drive).

    haha nothing "stinks" although I know what you mean. At level 10 or 11(can't remember exactly) I got a 90 dps sword and after that as I said the class is a beast. Before level 10 you need to know what chaining means in an MMO to make it work:)
  • mgs1legacymgs1legacy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i was hoping this game was very long like Runescape.. o.o.. but games never are these days.. i was excited about GW2, got to max lvl in a week i think and then spent hours and hours making my character look good and had nothing at all to do =/, then i got excited about Defiance and that's just the same, complete it and have nothing to do.. And now im assuming this game is the same T_T i don't care about PvP on mmorpg's.. but every game is based on PvP now.. (guessing u just get to max lvl super fast on this game then get the best gear to do PvP..), such a **** world these days o.o /slitsWrists
  • floredonfloredon Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nice review, I agree with most of it. I would add some thoughts on the first impression the game makes. The opening cinematic is beyond horrible, apologies to any artist(s) who put any time into it at all. It just comes across as bad, really bad. So bad that I don't think that is what you want a new player's first impression to be.
  • thevlakathevlaka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oatsmeel wrote: »
    Is there a lot of mindless grinding in this game or is it as good as GW2 when it comes to grinding?

    NWO has absolutely nothing close to GW2.
    Stick to GW2. Trust me.
  • voidacusvoidacus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Press B to toggle mouselook, it puts you in a view mode that you can use to cycle around your character and zoom in and out.

    I agree about the armor and gear - wish there were more variation.

    I also wish keys dropped in rare cases, maybe during events or something.
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    mgs1legacy wrote: »
    i was hoping this game was very long like Runescape.. o.o.. but games never are these days..

    Already now there is so much content in the Foundry that will keep you busy for weeks if not months. High quality modules and campaigns, all waiting for you to play them! Some have really amazing writing and storylines, too. This game is, just like NWN1 a decade ago, an endless fountain of user-created content.

    I don't get why you say games are never long anymore, and then you write you will just rush to max level ...? If you play normally, it will take you 60-70 hours. That is more than most games offer. And the Foundry adds hundreds of hours of "not doing the same" content on top. If you PvP or start doing epic dungeons, you can also do that for a long time (but it is same-y and I think the Foundry is the real highlight of this game).
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • wythore210wythore210 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    The fighter class seems very weak. I have tried all of them now,

    I just stopped there, I'm curious as to how you did that with the latest problems with lag and queue time :P
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    thevlaka wrote: »
    NWO has absolutely nothing close to GW2.
    Stick to GW2. Trust me.

    GW2 is like WoW for people who don't want a monthly subscription. I could barely get through it and stopped within a month, because it was all so familiar. Neverwinter's combat is about ten times better than that dated click/hotkey mechanic.

    He also doesn't need to trust you. Or me, or anyone else. Neverwinter is f2p and he can make up his own opinion, which I think he is entirely capable of. :)
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • shattrnerdsshattrnerds Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    please address the issue of being "rooted" when attempting an instant cast spell. this is an action oriented mmorpg--we should be mobile while casting insta casts at the very least.
  • valdoraxvaldorax Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    imivo wrote: »
    GW2 is like WoW for people who don't want a monthly subscription. I could barely get through it and stopped within a month, because it was all so familiar. Neverwinter's combat is about ten times better than that dated click/hotkey mechanic.

    He also doesn't need to trust you. Or me, or anyone else. Neverwinter is f2p and he can make up his own opinion, which I think he is entirely capable of. :)

    GW2 has art style and a huge persistent world. That's about all it has going for it IMO. NWO is much more fun, especially some of the boss fights. The "dungeons" in GW2 if you can call them that were just .... ugh.
  • valdoraxvaldorax Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    please address the issue of being "rooted" when attempting an instant cast spell. this is an action oriented mmorpg--we should be mobile while casting insta casts at the very least.

    I felt the same at first but then I got used to it and honestly I think that if we could run around while doing most of our skills at the same time, killing mobs would be even more of a faceroll than it is now. The game needs more challenge not less.
  • shattrnerdsshattrnerds Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    valdorax wrote: »
    I felt the same at first but then I got used to it and honestly I think that if we could run around while doing most of our skills at the same time, killing mobs would be even more of a faceroll than it is now. The game needs more challenge not less.

    I am all for a challenge--however gimping a core mechanic present in almost every action oriented mmorpg is kinda dumb imo. scaling mob HP/AI/dmg is easily remedied. not being able to insta-cast on the movie is unrealistic.
  • kilo418kilo418 Member Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am all for a challenge--however gimping a core mechanic present in almost every action oriented mmorpg is kinda dumb imo. scaling mob HP/AI/dmg is easily remedied. not being able to insta-cast on the movie is unrealistic.

    I'm playing a spider-riding, light spear throwing, cleric of a god in a fantasy environment.... and not casting on the move is unrealistic?
  • labbblabbb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    8) and this is why you want a GWF around . Shure they are slow in single boss fights , but they chew up adds. Does take awhile to get all the attacks to pull it off , but by 30 you can be very good at area damage. You also get some tanky stuff if you want and be more tank like . I run tanky style when solo , and if I remember to switch up , more AOE for skirmishes and dungeons .
  • shattrnerdsshattrnerds Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kilo418 wrote: »
    I'm playing a spider-riding, light spear throwing, cleric of a god in a fantasy environment.... and not casting on the move is unrealistic?

    context man. realistic in the sense that 99.9% of ammorpg's allow users to cast instant spells on the move. it's really just a small gripe but well within the constraints of the game.
  • iluvatarrulesiluvatarrules Member Posts: 172 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Most of the people in here haven't even played the game or are only level 10. There is really no other way for me to explain what I'm reading here.Let me clear a few things:
    1) GWF is not just "helpfull" at level 30. He is one of the most damaging classes in this game with a very very small disadvantage when it comes to bosses. A level 30 GWF can kill 20 adds before the others have time to even cast their spells 2 times..
    2) Comparing NWO to GW2 is like comparing starcraft2 with civilization4. Sure CIV and SC are both strategy games but the two games have nothing in common really. Same goes for GW2 and NW. The games are both MMO. That's it. Everything else is not comparable..
    3) Casting on the move? Really? I don't get why anyone with common sense would prefer people jumping around while spamming spells in pvp instead of people that actually know what they're doing. Do you really like bunny hoping that much?Seriously now....

    As a final note I'm waiting for people to finally get that this is not a traditional MMO. I read stupid things in these forums all the time like "we want raids", "we want more difficult content" etc etc. People haven't realize that the end game will be carried by the foundry in a few weeks. We will have our insanely difficult dungeons people. DOn't worry..If none will create one I promise that I will lol. As for the raids...This is not WoW..
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