There is an area mentioned that is a pvp zone at 60, is it something you queue for or is it an actual zone?
Also, where are the vendors for the level 60 gear (blue, if there is any, and the tier 1/2 sets)? Seem to have run out of quests with no clear idea of what to do next except foundry stuff and dungeons.
The area is secret. Only a couple players actually know where it is and how to get to it and since its under NDA we aren't allowed to talk about it.
Har Har Har.
tanerasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I'm not 60 yet (lv 46) but I'd imagine you just queue for events (dungeons/skirmishes/etc.) or do some founder missions. Or join a guild and skip the queue (its long atm, at least at my level) by getting premade groups. I'd say getting into a guild is the best bet, most randomly thrown together groups don't work too well unless the content is super easy.
fidalindidalinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited April 2013
Gods, this game soft launched today!
So you've had 5 days headstart from your HotN pack, and you're at cap? Maybe you could look back at everything you missed :P Oh, and all the foundry stuff to run through. There's plenty there, but if you're after gear progression (already), you'll just have to be patient, I'm afraid.
So you've had 5 days headstart from your HotN pack, and you're at cap? Maybe you could look back at everything you missed :P Oh, and all the foundry stuff to run through. There's plenty there, but if you're after gear progression (already), you'll just have to be patient, I'm afraid.
I hit 60 before the 3 day people started. There's nothing from level 1-59 except levels and tons of quests. To each their own. There are people who want endgame and people who don't get use to it becuase you're always going to experience this kthx bye
Maybe game devs need to start letting people make max lvl chars and skip all the lvl grind. This way the people who just want to run endgame dungeons, can do so, and people who just want to spend all their time leveling, can have a longer, more drawn out experience.
So you've had 5 days headstart from your HotN pack, and you're at cap? Maybe you could look back at everything you missed :P Oh, and all the foundry stuff to run through. There's plenty there, but if you're after gear progression (already), you'll just have to be patient, I'm afraid.
Leveling is quick, really quick. Toss in the xp gain gems, and you go even faster. It's not about missing stuff, just doing the regular quests will get you to max quickly. In fact, you miss out on things just doing quests and waiting for the dungeons or skirmishes to pop. They have such a narrow level zone, that if you keep questing while in line, you can miss out. Foundry quests scale to your level too, so no missing out there, you can do them whenever you want.
I think i know the zone the op is talking about though, i got told by some npc to meet them and they don't exist, and was told to go to Grym or something.
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
Lol. Is this true? xD
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
So you've had 5 days headstart from your HotN pack, and you're at cap? Maybe you could look back at everything you missed :P Oh, and all the foundry stuff to run through. There's plenty there, but if you're after gear progression (already), you'll just have to be patient, I'm afraid.
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I hit 60 before the 3 day people started. There's nothing from level 1-59 except levels and tons of quests. To each their own. There are people who want endgame and people who don't get use to it becuase you're always going to experience this
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
Leveling is quick, really quick. Toss in the xp gain gems, and you go even faster. It's not about missing stuff, just doing the regular quests will get you to max quickly. In fact, you miss out on things just doing quests and waiting for the dungeons or skirmishes to pop. They have such a narrow level zone, that if you keep questing while in line, you can miss out. Foundry quests scale to your level too, so no missing out there, you can do them whenever you want.
I think i know the zone the op is talking about though, i got told by some npc to meet them and they don't exist, and was told to go to Grym or something.