It there scam method to make you buy it to get in the game. they all want use to spend $200 on f2p game when half just one want to buy on thing in the cash shop today. they had enough time to figure out how to make server bigger then game was up 25th they had enough time to expand servers
Just keep in mind...
I bought myself and my wife founders accounts on lord of the rings online, then 3 years later it went to a f2p model. Sure I get some turbine points every month but I still feel as if I was ripped off that they went to the f2p after selling founder lifetime accounts. At least here you know up front that if you buy a lifetime founder account, your buying it on a basically f2p model game anyway so at least you already know that up front.
But...but if he can't have one no one else should either!!! :rolleyes:
[Killed another Meme. Stop with the memes please
I can hardly make out any of that. Might be due to the fact English is my 3rd tounge or down to the fact the OP writes in Klingon.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
But I login near instantly...
I don't think he knows what grammar is.
Seriously people need to stop complaining. No the $200 pack is not a scam. This is a F2P game so the developers have to find ways to make a profit. The pack does not give an unfair advantage it simply gives you more content and services than a standard F2P account. I bought a lifetime sub when STO came out and it was well worth my investment
and I continue to enjoy it very much which is why I have high hopes for this game.
Anyways going off topic lol, No the $200 pack is not a scam.
Yes there were issues today but they are being resolved.
Let's leave the conspiracy theories off the forums and keep discussions about the good, bad and the ugly going.