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Too many forms of currency (Zen, AD, Gold, Seals, etc)!

kingeyeballkingkingeyeballking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Here are the forms of currencies (things you use to buy other things) I've been able to count so far:

1. Gold (split into copper, silver, gold)
2. Astral Diamonds
3. Zen
4. Seals (of which there are many)
5. Marks of Honor? Glory? (whatever it is you get in PvP)
6. Tokens in certain quest zones
*7. You could also argue that real money is another currency, since you spend it to get Zen and it isn't a 1-to-1 conversion.

For someone who has been playing for a couple days, this is extremely confusing. It's not intuitive to figure out what costs AD or Zen or Gold or Seals, and deciding which to spend during the leveling process and which to hoard for later is equally confusing. I understand that eventually, with time and experience, you learn what to do with all the currencies you accumulate, but right at level 5 you already have to deal with all of them, and at 10-11 seals come into play. And then in certain areas you can acquire tokens to spend on more stuff. Not to mention that you can buy currency WITH currency.

It's too much...

Maybe this is a really well designed system to get people to spend money in the game or to make sure there are multiple avenues to acquire stuff, but to me it feels extremely convoluted.

Some questions:

-Why do Seals even exist?
-What is the purpose of gold besides adhering to AD&D standards and giving you more stuff to loot when you kill stuff?
Post edited by kingeyeballking on


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    erluciuserlucius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 213 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    different items you can purchase with different currencies, so if you gather many of all you can get multiple items at the same time
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    dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    did you honestly think it would be any different than star trek online?

    credits, dil, zen, several types of rep and event marks, fleet marks, neural processors, ship token htings (forget what they are called).
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    kingeyeballkingkingeyeballking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I played STO for like 2 days. Wasn't for me.

    But compared to every other MMO I've played (which is a LOT), this game has the most currency types BY FAR.
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    dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I played STO for like 2 days. Wasn't for me.

    But compared to every other MMO I've played (which is a LOT), this game has the most currency types BY FAR.

    it's standard fare for games from this company pairing. just wait until classes and races become lockbox-drop only.
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    kingeyeballkingkingeyeballking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't understand the purpose. Maybe this form of currency overload forces people to spend money more often, but it sure isn't good user experience...
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    clurdgeclurdge Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Well of course some design is to push people into spending money. Others though are related to incentivizing people to try all aspects of game like pvp, collection bounties, etc. I agree it is a bit confusing, but it does not all boil down to forc8ng people into spending money. From what I can tell money is obviously easiest route but you can get great gear through other avenues as well. The different currencies are a way of pushing people to be 8nvolved in different adpects of
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    kingeyeballkingkingeyeballking Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why would multiple currencies be an incentive to try different aspects of the game? This makes no sense.
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    dixa1dixa1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why would multiple currencies be an incentive to try different aspects of the game? This makes no sense.

    multiple currencies that can't be traded helps keep the gold sellers from being too profitable.

    they went a little too far here though, gold has almost no use outside of vendor bought pots and kits, horse rentals and white pets - which you probably have to pay zen or diamonds to upgrade eventually.
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    demonical3demonical3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 49
    edited April 2013
    Money seems to be only for Health potions, Resource kits and Injury kits, AD is the main currency in game for buying stuff on AH etc.
    Seals are like dungeon tokens, the marks dropped are just annoying.. they clutter up your inventory and the rate of exchange for seals is just bad... i just waste them on the gear bags before leaving a area and maybe get some cool looking gear. the praying tokens are just daily reward for logging in etc
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    banicksbanicks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 66
    edited April 2013
    It's pretty much your standard MMORPG token system, with the F2P model element included.

    1. Gold (split into copper, silver, gold) - Potions, Injury Scrolls, minor consumables.
    2. Astral Diamonds - Gear, Vendor Gear. Obtainable through Dailies and so forth.
    3. Zen - Real money.
    4. Seals (of which there are many) - One for every 10-15 levels practically
    5. Marks of Honor? Glory? (whatever it is you get in PvP) - Like you said, PvP.
    6. Tokens in certain quest zones - dropped by mobs in areas where a certain # handed in for bag of random item @ your level or a seal
    *7. You could also argue that real money is another currency, since you spend it to get Zen and it isn't a 1-to-1 conversion. - eh, real money is zen and can't be put into the game otherwise.

    Pretty straight forward once you just look at each of the items separately, and have experience with WoW or similar. Oh but you have also forgotten Celestial Seals, two versions, a daily and a weekly collectable which can then be traded in for their rewards.

    Ultimately the seals are tiered by levels to prevent a character saving from 1 to 60 and trading it all in for the epic level seals and thus gearing almost immediately for epic level dungeons.

    Zen is questionable in my opinion, especially the current exchange rate whereby a single vanity item like a dress/suit costs $30 real currency. Considering it has no in-game application other than aesthetics, whale gouging the vanity players seems to be the target of Cryptic at this stage.

    AD is the bread and butter currency, it will take a while to gain a decent amount and probably be quite easy to spend it all. In-game gold is just consumables as I said, I haven't had an issue saving and don't even need to spend any of it yet.

    I'm not too fussed overall with the different currencies. You gain ingame gold for consumables, which doesnt affect your ADs, you want ADs for good gear, enchants and so forth. And Zen only for aesthetical goop. The rest is just if you want to earn a special item on the way, or save up from your prayers.
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