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Pre-ordained unplaceable Stats STINK!!

jayraiderjayraider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited April 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Having played versions of D&D since roughly 1980, the inability to set my own stats to vary a character type is severely restricting. It means I'm another cookie cutter with little or no choice as to what my abilities are. My characters will be unremarkable and just like everyone else. What if I want a Wizard that's better at deflection than the 1% bonus chance I am going to get from my maximum of a 12 stat in DEX, or a cleric that doesn't have to wear full plate armor to be protected. Free placement of stats is one of the things that make a character your own. previous versions of this game have given different options for Stat placement ( such as a point base or actual random roll).
I also believe that you should take a look at the "Primary Stat" for Control Wizard as the way the abilities are set wisdom should be the primary stat as opposed to intelligence.
Post edited by jayraider on


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    moodaymooday Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    Sacrifices must be made for balance in an MMO.
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    deathsremnantdeathsremnant Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 185
    edited April 2013
    Game isnt even in OB yet...more customization I see in the future for this game, just like Champions has had upgrades in its customization. Side note, not all DnD rule sets allow total stat control...
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    starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We will have to wait a really long time for a "real D&D MMO" to come out and once that comes out why play anything else. I think the only way to do it would be a true AI that can create the character you want while balancing it with every other player's character. So I should be able to create a cybernetic alien wizard with such a system since the D&D manuals are merely a guide and players have created really weird characters with DM consent.
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    bcvaporbcvapor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 285 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    There is no multiclass either. It's an MMO, what can you really expect?

    It really feels like what DnD would in quick time to me though.
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    tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Game isnt even in OB yet...more customization I see in the future for this game, just like Champions has had upgrades in its customization. Side note, not all DnD rule sets allow total stat control...

    One of my longer running games i was in had it you played what you rolled, no do overs, no choosing. It was a nightmare, but also fun as could be.
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    diablomuertodiablomuerto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't really care I don't have much control over the stats but I would like it if they just made it automatic and removed that feature entirely. I just hit level 30 upon which I received 6 stat points to place but since there are only 6 stat pools and you can't place more than 1 point in any given stat basically all it did was give me 1 point in every stat automatically. Which is fine by me as I said I don't care if I can't control them but don't make me waste my time navigating to that UI page and clicking on the accepts for something that doesn't matter. Seriously just auto assign those things and be done with it, the stat placements as they are currently implemented are pointless anyway.
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    jeronanjeronan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    DDO from Turbine is as real as it gets to have the D&D ruleset Applied to an MMO.
    It allows the most customization possible in any MMO to date. Based on the 3.5 ruleset (as I recall).
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    zardoz007zardoz007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I ask why can't we just have the Stat arrays to place our stats instead of the imaginary rolling mechanic.

    Let the roll mechanic be an option for random stat placement. Then give us the Stat arrays to place our stats the way we want instead of hitting that roll button 50 times until we see the stat array placement we know can exist and want for our characters.
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    jeronanjeronan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    zardoz007 wrote: »
    I ask why can't we just have the Stat arrays to place our stats instead of the imaginary rolling mechanic.

    Let the roll mechanic be an option for random stat placement. Then give us the Stat arrays to place our stats the way we want instead of hitting that roll button 50 times until we see the stat array placement we know can exist and want for our characters.

    You don't have to worry.... I am pretty sure they gonna add a Nice little stat respec consumable in the Zen Store soon for 40 bucks.
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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't really care I don't have much control over the stats but I would like it if they just made it automatic and removed that feature entirely. I just hit level 30 upon which I received 6 stat points to place but since there are only 6 stat pools and you can't place more than 1 point in any given stat basically all it did was give me 1 point in every stat automatically. Which is fine by me as I said I don't care if I can't control them but don't make me waste my time navigating to that UI page and clicking on the accepts for something that doesn't matter. Seriously just auto assign those things and be done with it, the stat placements as they are currently implemented are pointless anyway.
    I would prefer it remain as is. It allows me to place my stats in such a way that I can tweak builds that follow non-standard class/race combinations. If the stats don't matter to you, you can skip adding any of them, and you'll never have to look at that screen.
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    draggonhatchlingdraggonhatchling Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Going to add my 2 cents here. 1) Its beta, Which will be open beta in the next 8 hours. Key word BETA; there is going to be room for improvements and some possible changes. 2) Instead of creating a troll post (yes some are probably thinking this thread is) and complaining. Start a poll see how many will say what you are saying would be a good idea. I'm pretty sure if there was a significant amount of players out there thinking it would be a good idea the dev's / cryptic would toss the idea around see were they could meet in the middle while keeping the game balanced.
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    knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jeronan wrote: »
    DDO from Turbine is as real as it gets to have the D&D ruleset Applied to an MMO.
    It allows the most customization possible in any MMO to date. Based on the 3.5 ruleset (as I recall).

    Yes, it is based on 3.5, though not completely accurate to 3.5. It allows for a huge amount of character customization, which you can apply in layers if you wish by resurrecting your character over and over, deriving additional benefits and character tweaks from each past life you had on the new life.
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    jeronanjeronan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    Going to add my 2 cents here. 1) Its beta, Which will be open beta in the next 8 hours. Key word BETA; there is going to be room for improvements and some possible changes. 2) Instead of creating a troll post (yes some are probably thinking this thread is) and complaining. Start a poll see how many will say what you are saying would be a good idea. I'm pretty sure if there was a significant amount of players out there thinking it would be a good idea the dev's / cryptic would toss the idea around see were they could meet in the middle while keeping the game balanced.

    You do know that F2P games go into Open Beta and stay that way? Have you ever seen a F2P game announce "now we move Open Beta to Launch status"?

    Nope! They just keep it in Open Beta forever, so they can basically get away With everything.
    And on top of that.... feed the White Knights With fuel to troll and bash every critic topic on the internet by defending Shady and bad Company practices and decisions by waving the "Beta" flag!

    /shrug ..... People never learn how F2P works and why so many People loath it.
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    malvolio11malvolio11 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nothing major is going to change, they aren't going to spurt out the missing customization last minute of open beta, they aren't going to magically summon more than 1 paragon class they are going to release the game in a half finished state and sell the rest of the stuff the game should have released with for money.

    Open beta is a precursor to release and yet people time and time again expect them to make drastic changes. Open beta will fix server issues, balance issues, and major bugs.

    That being said this game has nothing on EQ2 and SWTOR those games redefined the phrase "nickel and dime".
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    draggonhatchlingdraggonhatchling Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jeronan wrote: »
    You do know that F2P games go into Open Beta and stay that way? Have you ever seen a F2P game announce "now we move Open Beta to Launch status"?

    Nope! They just keep it in Open Beta forever, so they can basically get away With everything.
    And on top of that.... feed the White Knights With fuel to troll and bash every critic topic on the internet by defending Shady and bad Company practices and decisions by waving the "Beta" flag!

    /shrug ..... People never learn how F2P works and why so many People loath it.

    Yes, I know open beta stays that way LOL. Play plenty of them to know this. I was just stating a small point or my 2 cents. Also, you are right its away for the creators to get away with most anything. Cryptic has put out some good work in the past and I don't see them putting out something that will not be good.
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    sixvoltsixvolt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Game isnt even in OB yet...more customization I see in the future for this game, just like Champions has had upgrades in its customization. Side note, not all DnD rule sets allow total stat control...

    There are no more wipes in this "beta". People have paid in excess of a box price to play this "beta", and you're going to use the excuse that it's not even in open beta? Don't fool yourself, this is release. Somehow people still expect a game to be finished at release, PW is just being more realistic about what people are going to expect to be playing. A buggy client with tons of missing content, just like well over three-quarters of the MMO's released in the last 10 years.
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