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Laundry list of complaints and suggestions (And some good stuff for balance)

hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
While I've only played one previous PWE title, I'm noticing near-identical teething problems. This isn't a rage thread, just another list.

Still Around
  • Need to log out to change character
  • Claimed Astral Diamonds do not return to the pool when a character is deleted
  • Latency (I'll address this in its' own section)
  • No in-game latency measurement
  • No way to skip/mute tutorial section - Which always has a cacophony of overlaid mega-gruff voice.
  • World textures are a tad small, even on maximum.
  • Eye textures do not change significantly, even with polar opposite colours

Little Annoyances
  • Mail will sometimes appear twice, however both will be deleted at the same time
  • Oh look, another gambling system where we're not told what the odds are... Never seen THAT from PWE...
  • The exchange rates for internal currencies are... Well, horrendous. 2m AD gets... Not much of anything useful.
  • The Angel of Protection that costs 360 Ardent Coins... Will Neverwinter still be heavily active in a year or will PWE drive it into the ground with their insatiable greed?
  • We don't need to see the intro cinematic for every new character... It's pretty, nonetheless.
  • Gear suggestions don't appear to be weighted correctly. Recovery more important than power/penetration for a GWF?
  • NPCs talk far, far too much with far, far too little dialogue. Similar story with pet-companions, which desperately need a separate slider for their sounds.

From the three shards, I've collected the following addresses with Processhacker (These do change, though the range with the known addresses is 208.95.184.* to 208.95.186.* and they only seem to change when the client is restarted completely or when you join a different shard);




I do not imagine these to be the only addresses, these were brief tests, though they're all in the same datacenter. I hate to bring out the WoW comparison - I'm sure I'll be berated for it - but heh. Pinging these addresses, I get ~230ms from New Zealand. Pinging WoW's "Whirlwind" server ( nets ~170ms. Odd, since that datacenter is in Colorado and all of PWE's ones are in California, assuming IP correctness.

Latency usually doesn't matter too much in MMORPGs, especially under 500ms. Unfortunately, Neverwinter is an Action-MMORPG where poor reactions are punished. Blacklight had this same teething issue until it got Oceanic servers (Then again, those were unplayable for a month after their release). Being well out of a boss's attack but being hit anyway is frustrating as all hell. We need oceanic servers sooner rather than later if Neverwinter is going to play the way it was intended. Hopefully, it will not dilute the community.

Good Stuff
I don't want to end on a bad note, so here's all of the stuff that I'm liking so far;
  • Equipment models and textures look great
  • Being able to remove the equipped shirt for a small loss in stats appeases both the need for realism and the disgusting desire for objectification :p
  • Do you know what's more fun than playing a halfling GWF with dual ponytails? Nothing.
  • Quest progression feels well-designed - I'm not doing low-level quests or missing out on story because I advanced too quickly
  • Passive professions? Yay!
  • The dying customization makes my inner customizer squeel :3
Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
Post edited by hipolipolopigus on


  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    [*]No way to skip/mute tutorial section - Which always has a cacophony of overlaid mega-gruff voice.

    [*]We don't need to see the intro cinematic for every new character... It's pretty, nonetheless.

    ESC key cuts all that short.
  • hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lichlament wrote: »
    ESC key cuts all that short.

    I'm aware of this for the intro cinematic, but it does nothing for the tutorial and needs to be done each time, which gets repetitive when you're tinkering with classes.
    Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    I agree about the latency, something needs to be done fast, because this isn't STO you gotta have the ability to get well out of the way of attacks, this happens to me all the time I can run ten feet away from a swing they still hit me with it but I'm like 3 arm+sword lengths away from them.

    The whole eye texture thing was a problem for me, there wasn't any significant difference between blind or blue eyes. odd.

    gotta disagree with you on the textures those things are so big they keep causing crashes on many peoples machines, it's all over the bug forums.

    my personal complains are little things:

    unicorn mount is gone -- no significant +2 +3 mounts to replace them for those of us who actually do like the holy/pure/burning with white fire/onehorned ride/pegasus-like look on our mounts. The orcish wolves and the digger not my style and the horses being solely in the store isn't really much of a help when I have all this AD (not to mention they look way too normal even the armored ones if I pay real money I want there to be an energy effect or something).

    Made a list of all of the other type mounts that could have been added to the game in my no unicorn post about it.

    Mail is also a problem in STO for months now whenever I receive a fleet mailing I get 4-6 copies of the same mailing. It's <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    I agree about the angel. somehow people are getting this angel (i have no idea how) but I can understand it being a buffer for those of us in healer classes but 360 is hardly worth it from what I'm being told from people.

    The VO's are the best in this game I hated SWTOR because I hated having to have long drawn out congress-like conversations for killing 5 womprats, and I didn't like GW2 because the people were just standing there doing some odd and often crazy looking facial expressions while keeping you talking in generic TV guide style romance short stories. This way at least I can go back and hear them or run along while they are explaining something.

    The only other complaint I can think of at the moment (because I'm not awake yet) is what they did with the founders packs. Our bag is still entirely too small. We are very much deserving of the large bag of holding.

    The second complaint about the founders pack is how utterly useless the panther is. Everything practically dies before it hits anything because the pounce animation takes 4 forevers to complete and like most mmo's the damage comes at the end of the long drawn out animations. He holds absolutely 0 aggro as well which is also very annoying in classes that rely on misdirection to stay alive.

    Now some good things:

    - Love how fast mounting is! So glad someone finally designed a game where one isn't slowed down by overindulgences in mount animations.
    - Love how mount speeds are no joke, you are gone before they actually have a chance to target you most of the time and how it takes alot of damage to dismount you instead of some level 1 zombie having the ability to thump you with it's toenail and it dismounting you-sending you flying across the continent causing massive damage and a concussion like most mmo's who were to zealous with penalties.
    -Love the sparklees! I get lost easily that was the best direction system because I hated the often messed up map bubbles and I hated the "take me there by double clicking" automatic running tools that some games do.
    -Love how healing with the DC can be totally passive and how there doesn't absolutely HAVE to be the trinity and one can still do dungeons. I like the trinity don't misunderstand but it can sometimes be extremely limiting especially when forming groups for dungeons. This is like trinity lite.
  • jeronanjeronan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    I am heavily dissapointed to see the only T3 healer Companion available ingame costs 360 Ardent Coins.

    Absolutely ridiculous! Especially since no matter how much you play, you cannot get more than 1 Ardent Coin a day!

    I seriously hope this is a bug and they mean it to be 36 Ardent Coins!

    I am playing as Guardian and this T3 Companion is pretty much the only Companion I would like to go for.
    This is a serious Instant turn off for me. Especially if their intent is to just put it up on the Zen store later for 40 dollars and so practically force you to spend that kind of Money to get it!

    I will be done real quick With this game, if this is the course Cryptic is going to follow With this game. That stuff ingame will be insanely hard to get, just to force People into the Zen store.
  • justawitnessjustawitness Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I love how all the people that paid to play are the ones complaining and the guy who didn't is just all "esc key brah"

    Face piles of trials with smiles.
  • hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jeronan wrote: »
    I will be done real quick With this game, if this is the course Cryptic is going to follow With this game. That stuff ingame will be insanely hard to get, just to force People into the Zen store.

    Be aware that this is not Cryptic. PWE have the final say in all money matters which, unfortunately, extends to AC because business logic dictates that if we're spending that much time on the game, we're spending a decent amount of money. I do hope it's meant to be 36 coins, though I doubt it.
    I love how all the people that paid to play are the ones complaining and the guy who didn't is just all "esc key brah"

    Are these complaints invalid because I chose to back a game that piqued my interest?
    Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
  • blindprophetblindprophet Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jeronan wrote: »
    I will be done real quick With this game, if this is the course Cryptic is going to follow With this game. That stuff ingame will be insanely hard to get, just to force People into the Zen store.

    Whats really hard about logging into the game on 360 different days and pressing a button?
  • maiku217maiku217 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Honestly they don't look like things that need to be 'fixed'.
  • jeronanjeronan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 54
    edited April 2013
    Whats really hard about logging into the game on 360 different days and pressing a button?

    How about holidays? Both vacation days and Public holidays People might spend With Family, go out, go on holiday, etc?
    I can at least Count a total of 3 months total a year combined I won't be able to log into the game.
    So for me, as example, it would take almost 2 years to get this Companion.

    Why are the other Companions available through different means? Like coin or AD or different ingame valuta? And this healer Companion ONLY via Ardent coins?
  • postagepaidpostagepaid Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've had a blinking mail icon for a couple of days now, The mailbox looked empty when I went to ge the hero pack stuff so I ended up using the reclaim option at the vendor. I suspect the blink might be from AH mails telling me stuff has sold but as the box shows as empty I dont know.

    Costs for a lot of things are incredibly high and sadly do scream out the suggestion that the game is more about lining the pockets from AD/zen sales than it is being an enjoyable game. And for 360 coins ( near enough a years playtime) that angel had better be bringing me freshly brewed coffee every time I summon it, assuing I'm still here in a year.

    There was a mission for a green cleric that has since vanished between BW2 or3 and now.

    Add the crafting system into the list of niggles.

    It's fine for leadership but unless you are doing most of the crafting offline then you outlevel the tiers by leaps and bounds. Apparently the only way to get shirts and trousers are from crafting but the system opens at level 10 and the gear is already underlevelled at that point and locked behind higher tiers. With the ever increasing XP needed to level it up the thing becomes a sick joke even if you were willing to waste AD's to speed it all up.

    I'm not too sure about for other classes but the choice of stats on control wizard gear from quest rewards of vendors is just utter rubbish. A ranged dps class with a focus towards CC's doesnt need to be stacking defense or deflection. Yes, those stats might be useful but they're not a melee fighter that will be getting hit let alone being a tank.

    Dungeons are quite good although the majority of the bosses predictably spawn adds at a % of their health. Mad dragon seemed to be the exception with a steady stream of trash. The respawn campfire just prior to an end boss is good although it'd be nice if that was also done in some of the instances. Running for more than a minute through an empty dungeon is tedious especially when the game's latency wobbled and you died from lag as the inevitable mobs spawned on top of you.

    Other thing about dungeons is that there's not an option to add the group to a queue should someone drop or have to leave. Unless you can get access to them later it also looks like the potential is there to outlevel them and miss out entirely. Could use a level matching system for sidekicking like in STO, migth help on queue times as well.

    And why it the world does loot have to be dispersed over such a wide area when something dies? If the thing doesnt explode on death then why is there the need to run around in circles gathering (or looking at) the rubbish it's ejected. Assuming of course it's not fallen down a gap in the world or got stuck halfway up a wall.
  • ravenhawk1ravenhawk1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I love this game. The quests, story and foundry are great. What concerns me is

    a) Lack of inventory space.
    b) The amount of gold needed to buy healing pots for a high level character compared to the drop rate of the gold.
    c) Non disposable lock boxes (pet peeve contributes to a).

    a) is solvable by purchasing banking slots and bags. I have no problems with doing this. What annoys me is the amount of space the founders bags/bank slots give us by default.

    b) is solvable by either increasing the drop rate of gold in dungeons/mobs.

    c) is just annoying.

    To end on a positive note I love the music and the graphics. I wish I could buy the soundtrack.
  • ambermajambermaj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It has more to do with the fact that this is the only T3 healing companion in the game (that folks have found so far). If it remains that way then tankish characters are 'hurtin' for certain' when they are outside of groups. Since it will only take a month or so (average) for folks to cap, that is a long time for them to wait.

    That said, I expect t3 healers in the cash store soon. I expect that demand will be too hard for PWE to ignore.
    Cuz you sebestimated me!
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why is it that every time I play an online game, there's always a group of vocal Australians complaining about lag? Did you stop to think that you are halfway around the world from the rest of us (in NA, where the servers are located for 95% of games, I'm not trying to exclude you, I'm just telling it like it is.)

    You'd think that after you guys jump from game to game, and experience the same lag problems in every game, that maybe it's not the Developers' fault for your lag? Basically, deal with it, or go play a game that has Oceanic servers. This is an f2p game, not everyone is going to be lucky enough to have a server in their backyard.
  • hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Why is it that every time I play an online game, there's always a group of vocal Australians complaining about lag? Did you stop to think that you are halfway around the world from the rest of us (in NA, where the servers are located for 95% of games, I'm not trying to exclude you, I'm just telling it like it is.)

    You'd think that after you guys jump from game to game, and experience the same lag problems in every game, that maybe it's not the Developers' fault for your lag? Basically, deal with it, or go play a game that has Oceanic servers. This is an f2p game, not everyone is going to be lucky enough to have a server in their backyard.

    Did you stop to think that the world is mostly composed of places that aren't the USA?
    Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
  • flipsydesflipsydes Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jeronan wrote: »
    How about holidays? Both vacation days and Public holidays People might spend With Family, go out, go on holiday, etc?
    I can at least Count a total of 3 months total a year combined I won't be able to log into the game.
    So for me, as example, it would take almost 2 years to get this Companion.

    Why are the other Companions available through different means? Like coin or AD or different ingame valuta? And this healer Companion ONLY via Ardent coins?

    I agree. Hope they change this.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Did you stop to think that the world is mostly composed of places that aren't the USA?

    I knew a comment like this was coming, and I already had my answer thought up:

    First of all, I'm not an American. I only pointed out that the servers are in North America BECAUSE IT'S TRUE.

    Second, You can whine and complain about lag all you want: Have fun playing with >250ms pings while I get ~50 MS. Until you get an Oceanic server, you are SOL, end of story.

    As for your other concerns, PWE is aware of most of them, no need to come create another whine thread when 100s pointing out the same issues exist already. I understand that you want to be a special little snowflake, but you can submit bug reports rather than come QQ on forums about issues that have been discussed in length before.

    Please stop beating the dead horse.
  • hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I knew a comment like this was coming, and I already had my answer thought up:

    First of all, I'm not an American. I only pointed out that the servers are in North America BECAUSE IT'S TRUE.

    Second, You can whine and complain about lag all you want: Have fun playing with >250ms pings while I get ~50 MS. Until you get an Oceanic server, you are SOL, end of story.

    As for your other concerns, PWE is aware of most of them, no need to come create another whine thread when 100s pointing out the same issues exist already. I understand that you want to be a special little snowflake, but you can submit bug reports rather than come QQ on forums about issues that have been discussed in length before.

    Please stop beating the dead horse.
    At what point did I say you were American? I make no blind statements. Maybe, instead of the "hurr durr America" attitude, publishers should wake up and go "Huh, there's another seven eighths of the world? Do you think they'd like the same experience?".

    Good for you then. The rest of the world can get a sub-par experience, but that's okay, because you can play just fine.

    It's perfectly necessary until they're addressed. These are all easy fixes, PWE is just so obsessed with profit that they don't care.

    Leave this thread, Flamelord. You've no place here.
    Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At what point did I say you were American? I make no blind statements. Maybe, instead of the "hurr durr America" attitude, publishers should wake up and go "Huh, there's another seven eighths of the world? Do you think they'd like the same experience?".

    Good for you then. The rest of the world can get a sub-par experience, but that's okay, because you can play just fine.

    It's perfectly necessary until they're addressed. These are all easy fixes, PWE is just so obsessed with profit that they don't care.

    Leave this thread, Flamelord. You've no place here.

    I will leave, but I knew that at its core, this thread was a 'madcuzlag' thread. Maybe if you guys buy enough Zen, they'll install some Oceanic servers.


  • hipolipolopigushipolipolopigus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Quick example of what mean by stat weights;

    This item is recommended because it's higher level, not because it's actually better. Lazyness! D:
    Want to know why Neverwinter is so laggy? Check out the "Latency" section in this thread.
  • kdevillkdevill Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    Be aware that this is not Cryptic. PWE have the final say in all money matters which, unfortunately, extends to AC because business logic dictates that if we're spending that much time on the game, we're spending a decent amount of money. I do hope it's meant to be 36 coins, though I doubt it.

    The publisher's don't always have the final say. NCsoft has been known to be wildly p2w before yet GW2 is as fair as a cash shop can possibly get which was developed by ArenaNet.

    But there is a reason that PWE has the reputation it does I suppose.
  • daxx360daxx360 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kdevill wrote: »
    The publisher's don't always have the final say. NCsoft has been known to be wildly p2w before yet GW2 is as fair as a cash shop can possibly get which was developed by ArenaNet.

    But there is a reason that PWE has the reputation it does I suppose.

    I completely agree with you in this regard. After playing GW2 and seeing F2P done right, I had such very high hopes for this game. Sadly some of their time/money sinks are really letting it down.

    Over all I think the OP has raised some very valid points. There are many good things about this game, most notably the combat system (it just requires a good ping to work properly). But there are also quite the number of down sides as well. At the moment the combat (when working properly) is keeping things fresh enough to be interesting. Will it be enough to keep people playing long term? Some. Do they need to make some changes and additions that have been a staple in MMO's for a few years now to keep a good number of people in the long run? You betcha.

    for now though most people will keep playing while it's fun. When the time/cash sinks become so much it removes that fun, that's when they'll see the numbers drop. Lets just hope they make the much needed changes before it's too late, I really would like this to be something I can play for a few years, not months.
  • cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Enable us to toggle off map icons. I could not find out how to do this last night. While in the main city, my map was cluttered and I didnt want that.

    A 'Sell all Junk' button would be great when visiting merchants. Again, could not find this.

    Quality of Life improvements.

    Solid game so far.
  • cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    daxx360 wrote: »
    I completely agree with you in this regard. After playing GW2 and seeing F2P done right, I had such very high hopes for this game. Sadly some of their time/money sinks are really letting it down.

    Over all I think the OP has raised some very valid points. There are many good things about this game, most notably the combat system (it just requires a good ping to work properly). But there are also quite the number of down sides as well. At the moment the combat (when working properly) is keeping things fresh enough to be interesting. Will it be enough to keep people playing long term? Some. Do they need to make some changes and additions that have been a staple in MMO's for a few years now to keep a good number of people in the long run? You betcha.

    for now though most people will keep playing while it's fun. When the time/cash sinks become so much it removes that fun, that's when they'll see the numbers drop. Lets just hope they make the much needed changes before it's too late, I really would like this to be something I can play for a few years, not months.

    You can say GW2 did F2P correctly and got the cash shop correct. I'll 100% agree there.
    What you cannot say is that the game PO'd most of its playerbase over the course of the last 5 months. Yes, ascended gear, grinds, grinds, grinds, no fixes to legendary issues, grinds, "gear treadmill". You can say that they never said there wont be gear treadmill. Then why was there a 50k post thread containing people outraged in November? Not to mention a slew of videos, interviews, blogs from Arenanet inferring the exact opposite of a treadmill. I was sold on no gear treadmill. I paid 60$ for no gear treadmill.

    No, their F2p model is good. Their development direction is not.

    Also, consider this: Their f2p model may be better, but you did pay 60 bucks, at least, to play. So if there are any game issues, you paid 60 bucks. I paid nothing to play NW. I am willing to deal with some bloated "gear" issues in the game from people spending $$ on it. And I can get there myself without spending money.
  • daxx360daxx360 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    cesmode8 wrote: »
    You can say GW2 did F2P correctly and got the cash shop correct. I'll 100% agree there.
    What you cannot say is that the game PO'd most of its playerbase over the course of the last 5 months. Yes, ascended gear, grinds, grinds, grinds, no fixes to legendary issues, grinds, "gear treadmill". You can say that they never said there wont be gear treadmill. Then why was there a 50k post thread containing people outraged in November? Not to mention a slew of videos, interviews, blogs from Arenanet inferring the exact opposite of a treadmill. I was sold on no gear treadmill. I paid 60$ for no gear treadmill.

    No, their F2p model is good. Their development direction is not.

    Also, consider this: Their f2p model may be better, but you did pay 60 bucks, at least, to play. So if there are any game issues, you paid 60 bucks. I paid nothing to play NW. I am willing to deal with some bloated "gear" issues in the game from people spending $$ on it. And I can get there myself without spending money.

    I never said GW2 was perfect, if it was I wouldn't sitting in a queue to play NW right now. My attitude towards GW2 is the same as my attitude towards NW, I will stay and play for as long as it's fun and the time/money sinks don't detracts from my enjoyment of the experience. I did gladly pay 35 GBP to play GW2, and if they used the same F2P cash shop system I would gladly pay the same to play NW. NW has done many things right, all in all it's a fun game. And while it remains fun, I, like many others, will continue to play. But I personally feel that the amount of time/money sinks they have placed in with the hopes that it will make them more money than a box price would have, will ultimately lead to them loosing players sooner than if they hadn't gone that route. But until that aspect of the game detracts from my enjoyable experience to the point it is no longer that enjoyable I will continue to play.

    I do feel you have misunderstood the meaning of my post. It wasn't to *****/moan/whine/put NW down. I enjoy the game, and (when I'm able to get in) have a great deal of fun with it. I just personally feel that that joy will drop off faster than it did with say GW2 due to the time/money sinks that are present. And if these were to be changed, that doing it sooner rather than later will keep the games population higher for longer.

    There was a bunch of other stuff I'd originally wrote but due to the fact the GBP symbol causes posts to be cut off at the point it's used I've had to rewrite, but it has the same basic message here, give or take :)
  • skydiversrskydiversr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tracert leads to te4-2.ccr01.bos06.atlas.cogentco.com which means all servers r in usa

    so i am wondring, r there gonan be europe players support? cuz seems proxys does not reduce ping much
  • shattrnerdsshattrnerds Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -let us scale the buff/debuff UI (makes maintaining hots easier)
    -fix the "rooting" of a character while attempting to cast an instant cast spell
    -implement a better stat value comparison tool when comparing potential gear upgrades
    -allow respecs from gold, earned currency, or daily quest/s
    -allow players to immediately whisper others before level 15

    that's all I can think of atm, minor nuisances really, overall I found the game to be generally agreeable minus all the instanced monotony of fetch quests.
  • mskwadratemskwadrate Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i don't know if this been mentioned but this game need MORE AXES !! a dwarf with an sword is just ... ridiculous...
  • elfkicker5000elfkicker5000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't mean to be troll-like, but I find it funny that the OP has such a negative impression of Perfect World's business practices and still gave them $200. I guess their polices are not bad enough to make the OP not be a customer.
    Thanks, Dave and Gary.
  • inspector135711inspector135711 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, shield+flail or mace for cleric... Warpick/hammer, & Maul too, while were at it.
    Actually, ANYTHING more than single wep/class selection. This isn't funny, I ain't laughing(much:P), and I hope the Foundry doesn't reflect this design dynamic.
    Add Paladin, Ranger, Druid, Thrown weps, bow/xbows, and Half-Giants in there while "we're" at it.
    Heck, since I digress and the thread title is what it is, ballance bunnies should just be glad I'm not suggesting crafting based necro Suel Lich w/"unlimited qty" perm destroyable xp component req'd cursed enchantable minion constructs with durability, regen, corrupting thorns, bursting blood and or other misc assorted functional automata IE clockworks, animate statues/armor, golem... -____- ...
    Displacer beast rider tactical quickling henchmen teams with mastercraft artificer made elemental vortex accelerated bolt throwers and lurker cloaks, when there not in the tinkerer's clockwork planar steam powered armor... all of which I would be suggesting if I were a true gentleman...
    No, I'll just stick with the "Axe proposal" for now, since I do love what we have, even as TOUGH as thy pill is to swallow, considering the genre let alone IP's potential...

    And on the things done right and expertly hidden in-game: Guild realms!
    Yup, that's a hidden feature, you just have to find the dots and connect them. Its in no way called that BTW, but... Again I digress...
    To sum up my feelings on the subject, I just think we should start at the begining for our design guidance. That said, I think were close to the core, now its time to really address supplement 1:

    Anyway, from someone that rarely feels all-capital text appropriate:

    I offer a small reward for valiantly diligent and penultimate integrity to our most cordial of hosts:
    Plox Enjoi!
  • spyke2009spyke2009 Member Posts: 674 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Whats really hard about logging into the game on 360 different days and pressing a button?

    There's so many things wrong with it in general, what's really shocking is that you don't see this at all.

    Also please stop citing GW2, which are a B2P model of gaming as the natural "holy grail" of these game types. they're ok at a push, but far from as amazing as they could have been. This game wouldn't even be a blip on the radar if GW2 was handled right. Instead it's now just a time gated grind to keep you busy or at least until you realize the game is corner cut all over the shop. And class homogenization is insane

    Then again there is people here who will mistake "good faith" purchases of a founders pack as oxymoronic so yeah...
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