This thread is not intended for personal opinions or preferences, but rather technical issues pertaining to different browsers.
Okay, i keep seeing various posts in various threads where one browser works while another doesn't. This thread is an attempt to draw attention that there is a browser-to-browser issue that needs to be addressed by the staff.
I use Internet Explorer. Up until yesterday i had IE9, but finally went ahead and upgraded to IE10 again hoping they got the bugs worked out of it by now.
With Internet Explorer:
+ I have never had any trouble accessing the PWE Support Center system. I've seen other people saying they can't access it because of Firefox errors, but i've never had any problems using it.
+ I have never been randomly logged out of the forums while browsing or posting, as i've seen others describe.
- I could not log in to the Gateway system at all. After entering my username and password, the "Login" button did nothing. I could click on it until my finger went numb, but nothing would happen. No error, no getting stuck in a process, no process ever started, it did nothing.
- I have been using the PWE Support Center quite a bit because of an issue i've had where i randomly get locked out of the forums for no apparent reason. (Not logged out during a session, but locked out when trying to access the forums initially.) At one point someone from customer support told me others have reported the same issue, but then another reply said i was the only person that had ever had it. I use a desktop shortcut, and save my login, so all i have to do is double-click the icon shortcut and i should be in the forums. But, once in awhile, at random, every couple of weeks or so, for no reason, when i double-click the icon, i get the "You have failed to log in too many times. Your IP will be banned for 10 minutes." error, and it stays locked out for the rest of that day, from both of my computers.
Please use this thread to describe what you can and cannot access with your browser. There is a lot of bickering in these forums about which browser is better, and one person saying they have an issue where someone else does not, but it's not always being recognized that the different browsers are working differently.
Chrome never had a problem with anything. Don't know if its better then the next. but its what I prefer. To each his own
Appreciate your comment, but i'm more interested in technical issues than personal preferences or opinions. Maybe i should make that more clear in my OP. I know i haven't heard of as many technical issues with Chrome as with the others.
The issues you discuss are not related to the browser but are perhaps related to plugins, add-ons etc. Hence there is no best browser. Its just that for some X is better browser than Y due to updates, add-ons, incompatibility with some previous version of something on their PC etc.
Secondly, I would advise you not to use internet explorer. It is used by a few cryptic programs like launcher for NW and CO. So it should not be messed with by clicking a checkbox you later forget. If IE gets messed up, you may not be able to launch your game.
So install it without any addons and never use it for normal work. Just use it for official and work related things (as some organizations want you to have IE installed to get something).
jirodyneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I hate IE with a passion. I only use it to view Flash and GIF files.
I use Google Chrome. I used to use Firefox. Then it started killing my CPU, and became very Resource hogging. so I switched to Google Chrome, that is build a lot more stable, supports Multi-Core support so it's not bogging down my computer, and I have never had a single problem with it.
Everyone has their favorite browser and they are ALL good (including IE). This issue being experienced by the OP is actually pretty common for IE among many web sites. It is a known fact that Microsoft is *still* trying to get off proprietary code (a-la IE 6) and into standards, which is why they (and Opera) have announced the intention of moving to WebKit engine. Which is ironic that Google has just announced they will be moving off of WebKit. Mozilla is going their own route also.
In short, I personally get the least errors (on any web site, including Neverwinter Gateway) on Safari (both on the Mac and on Windows) which is a WebKit browser. I've heard that Chrome is is pretty rock solid (for the time-being).
I said all that to say all this: think of the web tech that goes into Gateway. This is some seriously technical stuff. To do this, (I am presuming) Cryptic must be using the most advanced PHP and HTML5 standards. IE10 is not "there" yet in HTML5. Chrome is "there". Mozilla is almost "there" Safari is the most "there" and Opera is trying hard to get "there".
What I'm saying is: the problems in Gateway OP is experiencing is 95% Browser issues and perhaps 10% Gateway issues.
My recommendation: as much as you love your chosen browser, perhaps give others a try to see if your experience changes.
My recommendation: as much as you love your chosen browser, perhaps give others a try to see if your experience changes.
A lot of people say the same thing, but i will not install another browser. As stated, there are some things that work in IE that do not work in others, and actually a reply i got from PWE customer support yesterday says that IE is "suggested." I don't use IE because i like it better than others, i use it because it's standard. I keep everything on my computer very standard, very minimal, very basic. I don't install any types of add-ons or plug-ins, on any software or game or anything. I use only "vanilla" software, period. I do the minimal basic updates and upgrades to function, that's it. I have no need to use the Gateway, so there's no way i would be willing to install anything on my computer for it. I'm not saying no one else should, i'm just stating my stand on it, i keep my computer very clean.
When the staff starts suggesting certain browsers for their forums or Gateway, that indicates that the staff knows there is a difference between the browsers, where their user sites are concerned. That's why i started this thread. Nearly every thread about technical issues has posts, from players or staff, suggesting the use of certain browsers. I just wanted to bring it all into one thread, to see if there is any pattern to which browser causes which technical issues with Neverwinter sites.
To add: By the way, i use other forums and sites on a daily basis, and do not have any issues anywhere else, nor do i experience the issues with the Neverwinter forums that others talk about. Also, @angrysprite... didn't you mention not being able to access the support center with your browser?
When the staff starts suggesting certain browsers for their forums or Gateway, that indicates that the staff knows there is a difference between the browsers, where their user sites are concerned. That's why i started this thread. Nearly every thread about technical issues has posts, from players or staff, suggesting the use of certain browsers. I just wanted to bring it all into one thread, to see if there is any pattern to which browser causes which technical issues with Neverwinter sites.
The reason they suggest it is because of add-ons and incompatibility of the said add-ons.
Even standard add-ons sometimes have rare bugs in them which are not fixed.
example, if your browser is using Java applet add on, it may be built to interpret two simultaneous arguments X,Y as load X first and Y later. And other browser may be loading Y first and X later. In normal cases it wont matter and you wont see the difference, but in some cases, it may make a difference.
Sometimes an issue is known and the bug (especially if it is a rare bug) keeps getting moved between third party and broer company. For example there was a bug I faced with IE which MS kept insisting that it was Flash's fault while Flash's people kept saying IE should fix it. It was fixed eventually six months later with the next version.
Add-on update
Sometimes there is an update or a new feature on your particular OS, which needs your add-on (like adobe's flash, or java, etc.) to be upgraded. But such upgrade takes months to arrive if the issue is faced only by a small portion of community. Also, such a bug may happen only with a particular combination of OS-a particular essential software-a particular browser-a particular piece of hardware. So you can expect it will not be fixed anytime soon as a lot of parties are involved.
So many things are out of devs control. Hence they ask you to try various methods as a lot of things are out of their control, especially when there is no bug in their piece of software.
The reason they suggest it is because of add-ons and incompatibility of the said add-ons.
So many things are out of devs control. Hence they ask you to try various methods as a lot of things are out of their control, especially when there is no bug in their piece of software.
You seem bound and determined to argue with me, when i am in no way arguing anything. As stated, this thread is just gathering information. Maybe it will help the devs, and players, to see a consolidated list of issues that may be related to certain browsers. Okay you're saying it's not the browser, it's the add-ons yadda yadda with that particular browser... so you are saying it's the browser, as those add-ons yadda yadda are not present in or do not affect other browsers.
This thread was intended only to gather information, not for opinion, not for preference, not for arguing or bickering, just for a list of technical issues to see if there is a pattern. So please do not try to argue with me or give me advice (directed at everyone in general, not any one person), and just list some technical information or issues you may have.
I fail to understand why do you think I am "arguing", "bickering" or discussing with you in any way? I saw you facing an issue with your browser and I offered some information. If you do not like the information, fine do not read it.
But please do not accuse me of "not for opinion, not for preference, not for arguing or bickering," with you.
Are you still useing IE 10 to try to get into the gateway? I've tried IE 8 and couldn't get in but, the latest version of google crome and mozilla firefox worked great. Btw, I had all the same plugins for each browser. Er, actually I had an extra one "adblock" on firefox.
Are you still useing IE 10 to try to get into the gateway? I've tried IE 8 and couldn't get in but, the latest version of google crome and mozilla firefox worked great. Btw, I had all the same plugins for each browser. Er, actually I had an extra one "adblock" on firefox.
Actually i still had IE9 when i tried to log in to the Gateway system, and i haven't tried since upgrading to IE10. For me personally, the Gateway isn't offering me much benefit, as i pretty much have 24/7 access to the game itself (bored housewife type thing), so i'm not too worried about that right now. I'm just the type of person that tries to rally and organize people to solve problems, whether they are my problems or someone else's. Thank you for your input.
Actually i still had IE9 when i tried to log in to the Gateway system, and i haven't tried since upgrading to IE10. For me personally, the Gateway isn't offering me much benefit, as i pretty much have 24/7 access to the game itself (bored housewife type thing), so i'm not too worried about that right now. I'm just the type of person that tries to rally and organize people to solve problems, whether they are my problems or someone else's. Thank you for your input.
Ah, I see.
I did read the developers are aware of certain issues with browsers. I'm not sure if they'll try re-writeing the gateway or asking microsoft to fix thier IE software. I think re-writeing the gateway code would probably be more obtainable.
If you do end up crafting while non-gameing, your best bet is chrome at the moment. I ended up using firefox because chrome is a pain to cofigure to any other drive but C: (my ssd) Good luck with everything.
Its interesting... I also cannot get on gateway. I have IE9 and too lazy to try and upgrade it. HOWEVER... on my platform I can log in and see my characters and get into my profeesion even. I got to the collect rewards screen and....nada would not collect em kept bouncing back to the collect rewards screen. felt like its laughing at it oooo psych! LOL
dont if anyone has had this happen..none of my guildies have
Appreciate your comment, but i'm more interested in technical issues than personal preferences or opinions.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
The issues you discuss are not related to the browser but are perhaps related to plugins, add-ons etc. Hence there is no best browser. Its just that for some X is better browser than Y due to updates, add-ons, incompatibility with some previous version of something on their PC etc.
Secondly, I would advise you not to use internet explorer. It is used by a few cryptic programs like launcher for NW and CO. So it should not be messed with by clicking a checkbox you later forget. If IE gets messed up, you may not be able to launch your game.
So install it without any addons and never use it for normal work. Just use it for official and work related things (as some organizations want you to have IE installed to get something).
I use Google Chrome. I used to use Firefox. Then it started killing my CPU, and became very Resource hogging. so I switched to Google Chrome, that is build a lot more stable, supports Multi-Core support so it's not bogging down my computer, and I have never had a single problem with it.
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
In short, I personally get the least errors (on any web site, including Neverwinter Gateway) on Safari (both on the Mac and on Windows) which is a WebKit browser. I've heard that Chrome is is pretty rock solid (for the time-being).
I said all that to say all this: think of the web tech that goes into Gateway. This is some seriously technical stuff. To do this, (I am presuming) Cryptic must be using the most advanced PHP and HTML5 standards. IE10 is not "there" yet in HTML5. Chrome is "there". Mozilla is almost "there" Safari is the most "there" and Opera is trying hard to get "there".
What I'm saying is: the problems in Gateway OP is experiencing is 95% Browser issues and perhaps 10% Gateway issues.
My recommendation: as much as you love your chosen browser, perhaps give others a try to see if your experience changes.
A lot of people say the same thing, but i will not install another browser.
When the staff starts suggesting certain browsers for their forums or Gateway, that indicates that the staff knows there is a difference between the browsers, where their user sites are concerned. That's why i started this thread. Nearly every thread about technical issues has posts, from players or staff, suggesting the use of certain browsers. I just wanted to bring it all into one thread, to see if there is any pattern to which browser causes which technical issues with Neverwinter sites.
To add: By the way, i use other forums and sites on a daily basis, and do not have any issues anywhere else, nor do i experience the issues with the Neverwinter forums that others talk about. Also, @angrysprite... didn't you mention not being able to access the support center with your browser?
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
The reason they suggest it is because of add-ons and incompatibility of the said add-ons.
Even standard add-ons sometimes have rare bugs in them which are not fixed.
example, if your browser is using Java applet add on, it may be built to interpret two simultaneous arguments X,Y as load X first and Y later. And other browser may be loading Y first and X later. In normal cases it wont matter and you wont see the difference, but in some cases, it may make a difference.
Sometimes an issue is known and the bug (especially if it is a rare bug) keeps getting moved between third party and broer company. For example there was a bug I faced with IE which MS kept insisting that it was Flash's fault while Flash's people kept saying IE should fix it. It was fixed eventually six months later with the next version.
Add-on update
Sometimes there is an update or a new feature on your particular OS, which needs your add-on (like adobe's flash, or java, etc.) to be upgraded. But such upgrade takes months to arrive if the issue is faced only by a small portion of community. Also, such a bug may happen only with a particular combination of OS-a particular essential software-a particular browser-a particular piece of hardware. So you can expect it will not be fixed anytime soon as a lot of parties are involved.
So many things are out of devs control. Hence they ask you to try various methods as a lot of things are out of their control, especially when there is no bug in their piece of software.
You seem bound and determined to argue with me, when i am in no way arguing anything. As stated, this thread is just gathering information. Maybe it will help the devs, and players, to see a consolidated list of issues that may be related to certain browsers. Okay you're saying it's not the browser, it's the add-ons yadda yadda with that particular browser... so you are saying it's the browser, as those add-ons yadda yadda are not present in or do not affect other browsers.
This thread was intended only to gather information, not for opinion, not for preference, not for arguing or bickering, just for a list of technical issues to see if there is a pattern. So please do not try to argue with me or give me advice (directed at everyone in general, not any one person), and just list some technical information or issues you may have.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
I fail to understand why do you think I am "arguing", "bickering" or discussing with you in any way? I saw you facing an issue with your browser and I offered some information. If you do not like the information, fine do not read it.
But please do not accuse me of "not for opinion, not for preference, not for arguing or bickering," with you.
Thank you.
Are you still useing IE 10 to try to get into the gateway? I've tried IE 8 and couldn't get in but, the latest version of google crome and mozilla firefox worked great. Btw, I had all the same plugins for each browser. Er, actually I had an extra one "adblock" on firefox.
Actually i still had IE9 when i tried to log in to the Gateway system, and i haven't tried since upgrading to IE10. For me personally, the Gateway isn't offering me much benefit, as i pretty much have 24/7 access to the game itself (bored housewife type thing), so i'm not too worried about that right now. I'm just the type of person that tries to rally and organize people to solve problems, whether they are my problems or someone else's. Thank you for your input.
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Ah, I see.
I did read the developers are aware of certain issues with browsers. I'm not sure if they'll try re-writeing the gateway or asking microsoft to fix thier IE software. I think re-writeing the gateway code would probably be more obtainable.
If you do end up crafting while non-gameing, your best bet is chrome at the moment. I ended up using firefox because chrome is a pain to cofigure to any other drive but C: (my ssd) Good luck with everything.
dont if anyone has had this happen..none of my guildies have