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Serious performance issues @ the Protector's Enclave

aurelploufaurelplouf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
edited May 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
Dear players and Devs,

I am posting this thread due to my performance issues in game and was wondering if other players had similar problems and found a solution OR if the devs could provide some insight on how to resolve the problem.

During BW4, I played up to level 18, and I was playing with High graphics without any issues. The protector's enclave was loading fine and the game was fluid. I saw some performance issues at maximum graphics, but I can settle with High rendering speed and quality.

However upon the release of the Open Beta, the Protector's Enclave is completely un-playable. It takes seconds to move a meter or two in certain areas of the city such as Sgt. Knox, the Auction house, merchant place and the mailbox. I now try to avoid ALL of these places making my gameplay experience less fun and hindering my growth... Yesterday I spent about 20 minutes going from the moneycoins area to Sgt. Knox.

I initially thought it could be a graphics problem, so I turned down all my settings to the lowest possible. but nothing changed and the problem is caused when there are a lot of players around (especially if they have mounts and companions). Now I am thinking that my Internet connection cannot keep up with the hundreds of players moving around and interacting... but maybe I am wrong.

So I was wondering if other players had similar problems and found a solution to resolve this problem, such as reducing the number of players showing up around you?

Another performance issue that I didn't have during BW4 but that I now suffer from: Whenever you speak to an NPC especially in crowded area and you quit the discussion interface, the game completely reloads the player UI and it greatly increases a slowdown and a memory leak that accumulates over time. It is as if the Garbage collector is incapable to clear memory processes during that transition. (programers will understand this). Also what happens is if you have accumulated these slowdowns during a course of a 1 or 2h, the entire game experience slows down and the only solution is to relaunch the game. Maybe there should be a system of caching the player UI and the NPC interface instead of reloading everything each time?

The final problem with the Protectors Enclave loading screen. I did a bunch of quests such as the Rhazzad quest where when you complete the sewers part escaping the Tower's destruction or you kill Rhazzad, the game leads you back to the protector's enclave. During the loading screen it gets stuck around 95% and the game crashes.

Once outside of the Protector's Enclave, I haven't had many problems (maybe just the enemies getting stuck in walls and you can't hit them) and I understand that it is still beta and I am patient for the devs to fix the problems. I just didn't have these issues during BW4 and I am surprised that now its worse. I haven't had much lag in game aside from all that.

I thought there could be a few solutions to the problems above:

1) Maybe players can load a set number of visible players around them or the game automatically visually generate them based on performance.
2) Create other cities where players can be at different locations and reducing the staggering in one place. Having one major NPC up to level 20 is a design flaw. It is sometimes impossible to target Sgt. Knox.
3) The options to hide other player's companions up to a certain amount.

For reference I play on a Macbook Pro (2009 or 2010 can't remember) on Bootcamp with Windows 7. 4G Ram DDR, Intel core i7, Nvidia Geforce GT 3300 and a 10mb equivalent ADSL connection. I also use Game Booster to increase the game performances.

Thanks for your answers!
Post edited by aurelplouf on


  • aurelploufaurelplouf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
    edited April 2013
    On another note, right now there are only the founders that have access to the game but I am really worried when the game will be public to everyone.
  • halahhalah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm having similar performance issues all over the place. Initially I thought I'd set the graphics too high, but then I turned them down and the same issues persisted. Like the other poster, I dread to think how this will go when the rest of the players arrive.
  • forumralcoreforumralcore Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't know if the root cause is related, but my Protector's Enclave issues are a bit different. I can play up to level 4 with 0 lag and no issues at all; as soon as I hit Protector's Enclave, its a required re-roll, because I can no longer play the game. I load quick and can move around without issue; however, the quest NPC Knox I need to talk to cannot be interracted with by any character I roll, and I continually get rubberbanded back to my spawn-in location. Chat stalls, until I eventually get a system message saying I am idle (which apparently my character is, even though I see myself running around from spawn to Knox 40+ times in a row, with no success. Rolled multiple alts to 4, cannot get past this one point. Going to try again with a new Toon when I get home from work, and attempt to avoid Protector's Enclave entirely.
  • tilviustilvius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 82
    edited April 2013
    Do you think you can frap it and link us? I'm planing in capturing my issues with the game now.
  • ohnishiohnishi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    same here.
    My problem goes further. Sometimes I can't walk in the city. My character is coming back to the same place all the time. It is impossible to play. I thought it was my connection, but I didn't find any similar problem in other mmo.
  • aurelploufaurelplouf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 36
    edited April 2013
    More and more I think there is a problem whenever you have to reload the UI for example:

    When you press B to go in screenshot mode and then leave to reload the UI
    When you interact with an NPC and you have to reload the UI
    When you enter/leave an instance zone

    and other instances such as:

    When you summon your mount

    Also when you press C to load the Character Sheet it seems it "downloading" the frame like you download a web page.

    Maybe the fact that we constantly reload everything stacks memory leaks? And the more you stack these leaks the slower the game becomes, after 3h of gameplay its impossible to play even in the lowest resolution.

    Skyrim works like a dream on my machine and I find it more graphics savvy than Neverwinter, so I am really confused!

    Devs, product managers, community managers any insight?
  • futuretefuturete Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Same problem here.

    i7 3,8Gh, 580 GTX, 8Gb ram, I can't walk smoothy in protector's enclave and UI frozen when I speak with NPC.
  • crazydavey804crazydavey804 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Unfortunately I am having similar problems to the OP in this thread. During BW1 and 2 protector's enclave loaded fine and there were no lag issues. BW3 and 4 is when things took a turn for the worse. Graphic spikes, glitches, buggy menus, huge frame-rate drops for no apparent reason, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. I have no problems connecting to the game and the issue is not the internet. I am running an AMD Phantom 3.4 ghz, 6gb of ram, with an AMD Radeon HD 6800 with the latest graphics drivers. I should have no problem running the game in Protector's Enclave as I have no problems running the game anywhere else in the world of Neverwinter.
  • hanskisaragihanskisaragi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    FPS drop like crazy in the enclave

    CPU: AMD FX-4100 4-Core (OC 4.3 GHZ)
    Kingston DDR3 HyperX blu 1600MHz 16GB
    HDD: WD Green SATA3 2TB
    PSU: Corsair HX 750W
    OS: Win8 Pro x64
  • logisitcslogisitcs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Can we get a dev input on this? It's pretty serious. Over time my framerates drop like crazy and dungeons/skirmishes are unplayable when I'm over and beyond the recommended specs
  • crazydavey804crazydavey804 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Eh it looks like this thread is buried. unfortunate.
  • logisitcslogisitcs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bump :\ bump
  • blockolasblockolas Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    20fps at recommended settings

    phenom2 quad 3ghz, gtx560, 8gbram, win7
  • markoepmarkoep Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    easy fix: set your client to high priority and it wotn stutter anymore.
  • kjersgaardkjersgaard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Only problem I have is that this game causes my computer to sound like a jet.

    I can play Skyrim with HD mods and my fans barely speed up. As soon as I log into a character in this game it's like every fan in my PC goes into overdrive. It's actually kinda scary hearing your fans whine in pain.

    Optimization issues? Bad coding? Idk, but this game certainly isn't graphically more demanding than HD Skyrim and needs some work.
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