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Roleplaying features - What we have, what we need, and more?

xaeosxaeos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
edited April 2013 in PvE Discussion
Hello everyone. I'm trying to make a decision regarding backing Neverwinter by purchasing the "Hero" pack. As I am a great fan of both tabletop and MMORPG roleplaying, I'd appreciate a discussion of Roleplay-centric features currently present and planned for Neverwinter. Searching the forums have directed me to discussions of RP features and wishlists that have been archived, based upon earlier versions of the game, so I was wondering if we could discuss the current state of mechanics and elements in Neverwinter that facilitate roleplayer, and implore the developers to add features for the RP playerbase in the future. It is very important to me that Cryptic at least maintains the same level of RP features that were present in Star Trek Online, here in Neverwinter and likely, goes beyond it.

First of all, lets start with the simple stuff. I've read that players can now toggle between walking and running, so that is good. However, there was some question if players could toggle between sheathing/holstering etc...their weapons and drawing them while taking an active stance? Is this now possible? Considering this was possible in Star Trek Online, it would be a real oversight for it not to be in Neverwinter. Can players interact with furniture? Click to sit, lounge etc... on chairs, stools, chaise, beds? Again, this was possible in Star Trek Online (eventually) et.c.. so I'd like to see it here as well. What about animations? Can I visually eat and drink? Sheath/Draw my weapons and items (hold torches etc..) Etc... if these elements are not present I have to admit I will greatly question the attention to detail when it comes to creating a fleshed out MMORPG world.

Next, how about RP clothing/outfits/flavor items? It seems as though there are a number of "flavor" items and cosmetic enhancements, so I am pleased about that. I hope that RP/cosmetic outfits will be there to "Mix and match" with varying slots, as opposed to a simple "skin" that either puts the whole thing on or takes the whole thing off. When it comes to cosmetic outfits, I'd much favor if they were in general made to be equipped in non-combat situations, as it suggests there has been time and energy put into creating non-combat areas/content. Even from a D&D standpoint, if I'm wearing Noble's Court Attire, it isn't going to protect me the same way as if I was wearing a full suit of plate armor. Thus, I'd prefer a system where one changes into "combat" and "non-combat" clothing as opposed to one where you can be wearing your full battle attire which is "overwritten" by cosmetic clothing. If this does happen, I'd prefer to to happen as a relatively rare actual game mechanic where say... it takes a high level spell/item etc.. to give the appearance of being dressed in a skimpy courtesan's "man-thong" while having the stats and protection of being in full plate.

How are things looking for "RP Hub" locations? The Hero pack speaks of a city Tavern with a VIP area no less, but I should hope that isn't the only gathering point for players and that there will be multiple places that are RP focused. I'd like to see the addition of minigames and other content to facilitate enjoyable "downtime". Star Trek Online did this pretty well with all the places to hang out in various stations, bridges of your own ship, quarters etc.... so it would be nice to see that level at least replicated. I'd love to see Foundry-created player "hangouts" as well and hope there is some sort of housing system on the horizon.

Finally, when it comes to RP-focused in game encounters/game content, I am hoping that The "Diplomacy" and possibly Bridge/Duty Officer system from STO will be used as a starting point to create missions and content in Neverwinter that are more than simply "Swing your weapon at X until it is dead". Everything from evading traps, puzzle solving, to "speech checks" to unlock all sorts of content and alternate progression are very much in line with the D&D platform. Being able to talk to a NPC with varying speech checks etc...to unlock a quest, or perhaps provide a pivotal piece of information that can be used later etc.. would be fantastic. It would be a waste to simply have the game based exclusively on action-combat mechanics and ignore the remainder of a AD&D MMORPG world. Combine this with allowing "RP/diplomacy" content within The Foundry for players to create compelling stories and the world becomes much better. For instance, allowing players within a Foundry mission to take on a "DM" role and actually inhabit a mission character as a storyteller etc... could provide excellent new depth.

So, how do Roleplaying mechanics and gameplay elements fare in Neverwinter at present, and does it appear that RP-focused content (and the players that enjoy it) are an important playerbase for which Cryptic plans content, or is Neverwinter simply more of the "Dungeon Siege" experience than the MMORPG and Roleplayers should look elsewhere. It would be a pity if it were the latter, especially with Cryptic's work on Star Trek Online and Champions Online catering to Roleplayers as important members of the player base.

Post edited by xaeos on


  • takigushitakigushi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Humm not really sure about the RP content, but Neverwinter do have a substantial amount of stuff to RP. The clothing system is one of the things: you can have a "casual" look (I think it works like the outfits in Guild Wars 2). I don't know about a RP hub since I was busy trying to make "Builds" for my future characters, but I'm pretty sure there will be points like that (taverns in RP-WoW anyone? =P).

    You can just wait to see if it's worth buying it. I bought the Guardian pack because I wanted to support Cryptic on the making of this fantastic D&D title (I'm a huge D&D fan). The game will enter open beta on 04/30 and it will still have the packages if you want to support them at a latter time.

    If you are not so sure I'd say don't buy it. Unless you want to support them regardless of the game ending up sucking or not.
  • xaeosxaeos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well, I was considering a wait but I was to understand that the "Hero" package items (especially the Mero-Renegade Drow) were going away when Open Beta starts, so I was thinking if I was close enough to looking to support the title if suitable RP options were present. I really hope there will be the other things that I liked in D&D tabletop experiences (ie Non combat content, RP options for progression etc..) besides just the combat.

    Thanks for your input though. Can anyone else weigh in on their experiences in the current Beta (or previous ones) as to RP features (say, in comparison to Star Trek Online.) and or any of the questions I posed? Thanks!
  • xaeosxaeos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oh, lest I forget, I was told by someone who played in a previous beta that there was some document/thread/discussion regarding plans for the future for "RP centric" content from an official source as possible (ie a Cryptic dev or community manager, laying out plans for a rollout of RP features). If this is the case, I'd very much like to find it.

    If anyone can find me the "RP rollout thread" and let me know if it still applies, or just anyone who can tell me about the RP features and questions I listed above, at this very moment in the Head Start (ie can you sheathe and draw your weapons on command?), would be much appreciated.
  • acylionacylion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 93
    edited April 2013
    xaeos wrote: »
    I hope that RP/cosmetic outfits will be there to "Mix and match" with varying slots, as opposed to a simple "skin" that either puts the whole thing on or takes the whole thing off.

    They are mix-and-match, in the sense that all fashion items come as multiple pieces occupying different slots rather than a single item. They can also be recoloured with dye (primary and secondary details are separately colourable). The recolouring thing applies to combat gear as well, and you can replace a item's appearance with that of another. However, see below.
    When it comes to cosmetic outfits, I'd much favor if they were in general made to be equipped in non-combat situations ... Thus, I'd prefer a system where one changes into "combat" and "non-combat" clothing as opposed to one where you can be wearing your full battle attire which is "overwritten" by cosmetic clothing.

    What we have is exactly a system where adventuring gear is visually overwritten by fashion items - you have two paperdoll panels for slots. And I believe, like other games using this system, you keep your base gear stats even when displaying the fashion appearance. Look, let's face it. Even if you don't like it, it's extremely unlikely this will change, considering it's already been implemented and people like it. I'm a roleplayer, and I want it to work this way. Admittedly, I'm planning on putting my Control Wizard in formal attire, not a Great Weapon Fighter or anything.
    How are things looking for "RP Hub" locations? The Hero pack speaks of a city Tavern with a VIP area no less, but I should hope that isn't the only gathering point for players and that there will be multiple places that are RP focused.

    There's actually a fair number of locations that have interior spaces. Most are other taverns and buildings like that - but there are some options.
    I am hoping that The "Diplomacy" and possibly Bridge/Duty Officer system from STO will be used as a starting point to create missions and content in Neverwinter that are more than simply "Swing your weapon at X until it is dead". Everything from evading traps, puzzle solving, to "speech checks" to unlock all sorts of content and alternate progression

    I haven't delved much into it, but I'm told some Foundry authors have already made puzzle-type content. And of course STO demonstrates it's all possible in the engine. Many 'canon' Cryptic-created dungeon maps in the game have traps, but these are more...just, you know, random things that will cost you some health rather than puzzle-solving as such.
  • acylionacylion Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 93
    edited April 2013
    xaeos wrote: »
    Thanks for your input though. Can anyone else weigh in on their experiences in the current Beta (or previous ones) as to RP features (say, in comparison to Star Trek Online.) and or any of the questions I posed? Thanks!

    Figured I'd separate this from my last post, since that was mostly about technical aspects of the game. I'd say Neverwinter does a better job of supporting roleplayers than Champions Online, but doesn't do as good a job as Star Trek Online - though that's not a fair comparison, since STO's had time to add things like starship interiors and fleet starbases (player and guild housing).

    However, it's not just about technical support and game systems. In my opinion, Champions Online has a far better roleplay community than STO, despite the fact CO gets nearly no support from Cryptic these days. Not that STO's RP community is bad - quite the contrary, it's good. But CO's is just absolutely amazing. So it's about the people, not just the game. I'm personally keeping an eye on http://www.neverwinter-rp.com/ and the NWRP channel in-game, with the hopes that it develops into a community I'll be proud to be a part of, much like CORP and STORP.

    Thus far, signs are good.
  • idontcomehereidontcomehere Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 156 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    You have your imagination !
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