did a daily skirmish. Did not receive the daily quest reward AD payout, and upon exiting the skirmish, all my other dailies were deleted from y journal (daily foundry, daily dungeon)
to make matters worse, I'm unable to pick up new Daily quests either from the L menu or direct from Rhix.
Today was my day to test the dailies (did not want to further spoil the main quest line) but I guess not if the system won't give me any daily quests.
Special note: when we 'beat' the boss of the Storming the Castle, he fell off the bridge instead of being killed, possibly did not trigger the end of the quest properly. Still should not have mucked up my
other two dailies.
Before anyone asks, yes I am certain that the ! as well as the diamond over Rhix's head was blue. On Sunday when I'd finished all the quests available at my level for him, I did notice that Sgt. Knox had a silver ! inside a blue diamond over his head (indicating that he had another quest for me when I got older) so I ran back to Rhix just to make absolutely sure that his ! was blue & it was.