Not able to attend beta 4 ? Post up what u would like tested for those of us who will be playing in it.
Please keep this in regards to clerics only.
Post edited by frost168 on
jirodyneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I want people to test and see if the Threat for Clerics is still too high, or if it is much more better now.
Also, if they fixed the bug with the self debuff.
Also, again, test how the new pick your skills as you level, works with Clerics. Are you forced to be weak at first for higher builds, are you forced to waste points to try and specialize because you can't save them up, is it easy to respec at the higher levels when everything unlocks? That kinda stuff.
I will not be able to test it all, and honestly, will be too busy getting my NWO fix and enjoyment to try and last me till the 30th.
I am going to try to get some screenshots of the changes to the cleric power system this weekend as well as descriptions for those of us that like to theorycraft our builds. I know I absolutely hate wasting points in a skill I later realize I did not want and am stuck with it until I come across a respec.
Oh, I know I would love an indepth guide to the available companions, their abilities and where to acquire them. I know that is more difficult as some are from the Zen shop, AD purchased, and gold/quest acquired.
torg3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 18Arc User
Oh, I know I would love an indepth guide to the available companions, their abilities and where to acquire them. I know that is more difficult as some are from the Zen shop, AD purchased, and gold/quest acquired.
Cleric threat seems a bit high still. Was getting mowed a bit with just doing dps with a main cleric healer.
Cleric threat seems a bit high still. Was getting mowed a bit with just doing dps with a main cleric healer.
Unless you are claiming you played the cleric this VERY day and on the brand new update version of the game they put out just yesterday. then your words have the value of day old dung.
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Pretty sure my weekend is shot. Spending Songkran festival with the woman.
I was going to test:
1. Do powers scale by level, or only the 10% per rank invested. (fairly easy to get an average with a low damage spread wep, then compare to numbers with same weapon post character leveling)
2. Do all the +5% Heroic Feats only = 105% of the gear rating you are wearing, or is it different.
3. Are all runes/enchants past L5/6 linear in their bonuses (like +1% per tier etc). What tier drops in Gauntlgrym
4. Can the 5 points required per Power Tier (to open the next tier) be spent in just 2 abilities? Are there levels that you cannot due to min level restrictions (guessing pre-L30) Heard they lock rank 3 of powers until L30. Do they lock rank 2 until L20 ?
Thx a bunch!
frost168Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh, I know I would love an indepth guide to the available companions, their abilities and where to acquire them. I know that is more difficult as some are from the Zen shop, AD purchased, and gold/quest acquired.
Do a search on this, someone was compiling this info already.
jirodyneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
4. Can the 5 points required per Power Tier (to open the next tier) be spent in just 2 abilities?
What is the world are you talking about? From my understanding, when you level up and get the point, you can spend it on ANY skill for your class in the entire game. With the only limit before the number of skill points, and that rank 3 is locked till lvl 30.
If they making it like the Feats where you can't even pick which skills you want to have first, then what is the point of the change?!
I remember seeing a screenshot of the new system and skills were divided in tiers.
Before level 5 you can only pick some skills, then between levels 5-10 a few new ones, and a couple new ones once you reach level 15, and so on.
You must spend 5 points in a tier before being allowed to buy skills from the next tier.
It's the same skill progression as in BWE3, you can't buy Forgemaster's Flame at level 1.
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Actually Forgemaster is like L30 tier ><
L16 was when you got it in BW3. Daunting is much later as well. (L20 or 25 tier)
I deleted my rips of that French stream, or I would give you exact numbers
braxzanaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 215Arc User
edited April 2013
I got the impression that when you reached certain levels, some fixed number of specific skills would become available for point-purchase... not ALL the skills EVER available, just those few that become available at that specific level.
So, for example, you get your five points or however many, and instead of getting STUCK with updating Skill-A to rank 2 and gaining Skill-B at rank 1 you can instead choose to get Skill-C at rank 1 and then rank it up to rank 2 instead. You can NOT elect to buy some uber level 50 skill because those aren't available yet.
So, yes, more freedom to choose but still limited by what's available. Which is still better than it was, IMO ---- there were some rogue At-Will powers that I absolutely HATED and would never use, and with this new system I can ignore them entirely and instead buff up other skills I ~do~ like.
jirodyneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
What? But that... That's just stupid, and even more restrictive!
So let me get this straight... instead of getting every skill like before. We now have the illusion we can pick our own skills, but because it's tier'd and we can't actually pick what we want when we want. Lets add in that Rank 3 of skills are locked till lvl 30, I HAVE to pick at the very least, 3 skills before unlocking the next tier which MIGHT have 1 skill I want?
This just sounds to very very bad and stupid. Being forced to throw points into useless skills I don't want, just to unlock the next tier. Worse, since it works that way, whatever skill they put in the highest tier? You won't be able to use those skills together, not having enough points and level locking skills too, making it even worse than the old system. At least with the old system, you got every skill at maxed level. Now you can't even get most skills.
*shakes head sadly* I am actually starting to think for once, that spending $200 on this was a very bad idea.
prunetracyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
You can't pick level 30 powers at level 1 in DnD either. I wouldn't get too worked up until you can see the full tree. I doubt the tiers extend all the way to level 60. More likely, they end around level 30, and you spend the remaining 30 levels fleshing out the skills you've selected (particularly now that you can go to rank 3).
As for testing: I'm really interested in how different effects stack. Like there's a feat that increases the effect of Wisdom by 1/2/3%. This feat makes no sense to me. Either it adds a flat 1/2/3% to Wisdom stats (which makes its relation to the Wisdom stat irrelevant, i.e. same as just buffing the base stats) or it multiplies their effect by 1/2/3% (which would be a miniscule gain).
Also interested in how power stacks with static bonuses from ability scores and feat selections.
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Well to explain a little better:
Tiers have like 5 powers/3/3/5/3/3/5/5 Takes 5 spent to open next. So post 30 that is 3 skill points per power, pre-30 it would take 3 skills at 2/2/1 to open next tier.
Some powers you never got until L30, 40, 45 etc so those aren't too boned.
Its the powers we had in our teens than have been moved to L25-35 that hurt. So in essence you will have less spells as you level compared to BW3, but I think ... they will be stronger versions.
That is a good chunk of what I wanted to test with level scaling, if there is any at all. Or if it is solely rank scaling, which actually sucks almost as much as the original. (there will be lots of stuff maxed at L30 with no ability to get better then)
So recap .... L5-30 might suck compared to the last beta. Won't affect BW4 as much, but it will for the first few day of the launch with fresh characters.
Took me 2.5d to hit mid 30s, so not a ton of pain, but uncomfortable still.
If there indeed is scaling, at least L60 will have better option/balance than our previous build. I really hope they don't have our first half powers sputter and become useless. They did that last time and it gimped the class.
As for testing: I'm really interested in how different effects stack. Like there's a feat that increases the effect of Wisdom by 1/2/3%. This feat makes no sense to me. Either it adds a flat 1/2/3% to Wisdom stats (which makes its relation to the Wisdom stat irrelevant, i.e. same as just buffing the base stats) or it multiplies their effect by 1/2/3% (which would be a miniscule gain).
I was actually interesed in the same thing... I can't figure out how this is supposd to work.
frost168Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
What? But that... That's just stupid, and even more restrictive!
*shakes head sadly* I am actually starting to think for once, that spending $200 on this was a very bad idea.
I was very very...... disappointed after beta 3. dare I say a tad angry?? But I do have to say, that unlike many other betas, they appear to be using the info and feedback to make the game better. This is very appealing to me, that they are attempting to make the game something that I would want to play, and not just try out.
While we may not all agree with every aspect of their design changes, they are at least willing to do something. I am encouraged by their latest changes and look forward to future changes to make the game more and more enjoyable. I also look forward to commenting on those changes These changes may not be great, but demonstrates their willingness to give the community more customization of spells. So let's wait till tomorrow to see how good or how bad these new changes are.
Try not to be too discouraged. As we have seen changes from one beta to the next, I would not expect the final release to beta 4 either. After beta 4, they then have open beta, and free to make even more changes. I'd rather see changes that benefit the game being tested in beta, than patched in later to total disgust of the player base.
I'm with-holding comment on the new changes until I see them tomorrow. I would love to see more spell customization, but it's more important to me they get the characters playable. Customizations of spells can come in the next patch if they can't seem to get it all in this time, and continue to take advice from the community for improvements. A game company working on content is more important to me, than having it all in at launch and then forgetting us.
and for the record, no, I did not buy a pack. I have Zen in the game to buy the piecemeal things that I need/want and look forward to having more come open beta.
jirodyneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
*sighs and rubs forehead*
Well, we will see in 24 hours with Beta Weekend 4, how it will be.
My prediction? A lot of people are going to be mad, a lot more than was before.
Also, if they fixed the bug with the self debuff.
Also, again, test how the new pick your skills as you level, works with Clerics. Are you forced to be weak at first for higher builds, are you forced to waste points to try and specialize because you can't save them up, is it easy to respec at the higher levels when everything unlocks? That kinda stuff.
I will not be able to test it all, and honestly, will be too busy getting my NWO fix and enjoyment to try and last me till the 30th.
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Cleric threat seems a bit high still. Was getting mowed a bit with just doing dps with a main cleric healer.
Unless you are claiming you played the cleric this VERY day and on the brand new update version of the game they put out just yesterday. then your words have the value of day old dung.
I was going to test:
1. Do powers scale by level, or only the 10% per rank invested. (fairly easy to get an average with a low damage spread wep, then compare to numbers with same weapon post character leveling)
2. Do all the +5% Heroic Feats only = 105% of the gear rating you are wearing, or is it different.
3. Are all runes/enchants past L5/6 linear in their bonuses (like +1% per tier etc). What tier drops in Gauntlgrym
4. Can the 5 points required per Power Tier (to open the next tier) be spent in just 2 abilities? Are there levels that you cannot due to min level restrictions (guessing pre-L30) Heard they lock rank 3 of powers until L30. Do they lock rank 2 until L20 ?
Thx a bunch!
Do a search on this, someone was compiling this info already.
What is the world are you talking about? From my understanding, when you level up and get the point, you can spend it on ANY skill for your class in the entire game. With the only limit before the number of skill points, and that rank 3 is locked till lvl 30.
If they making it like the Feats where you can't even pick which skills you want to have first, then what is the point of the change?!
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Before level 5 you can only pick some skills, then between levels 5-10 a few new ones, and a couple new ones once you reach level 15, and so on.
You must spend 5 points in a tier before being allowed to buy skills from the next tier.
It's the same skill progression as in BWE3, you can't buy Forgemaster's Flame at level 1.
L16 was when you got it in BW3. Daunting is much later as well. (L20 or 25 tier)
I deleted my rips of that French stream, or I would give you exact numbers
So, for example, you get your five points or however many, and instead of getting STUCK with updating Skill-A to rank 2 and gaining Skill-B at rank 1 you can instead choose to get Skill-C at rank 1 and then rank it up to rank 2 instead. You can NOT elect to buy some uber level 50 skill because those aren't available yet.
So, yes, more freedom to choose but still limited by what's available. Which is still better than it was, IMO ---- there were some rogue At-Will powers that I absolutely HATED and would never use, and with this new system I can ignore them entirely and instead buff up other skills I ~do~ like.
So let me get this straight... instead of getting every skill like before. We now have the illusion we can pick our own skills, but because it's tier'd and we can't actually pick what we want when we want. Lets add in that Rank 3 of skills are locked till lvl 30, I HAVE to pick at the very least, 3 skills before unlocking the next tier which MIGHT have 1 skill I want?
This just sounds to very very bad and stupid. Being forced to throw points into useless skills I don't want, just to unlock the next tier. Worse, since it works that way, whatever skill they put in the highest tier? You won't be able to use those skills together, not having enough points and level locking skills too, making it even worse than the old system. At least with the old system, you got every skill at maxed level. Now you can't even get most skills.
*shakes head sadly* I am actually starting to think for once, that spending $200 on this was a very bad idea.
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
As for testing: I'm really interested in how different effects stack. Like there's a feat that increases the effect of Wisdom by 1/2/3%. This feat makes no sense to me. Either it adds a flat 1/2/3% to Wisdom stats (which makes its relation to the Wisdom stat irrelevant, i.e. same as just buffing the base stats) or it multiplies their effect by 1/2/3% (which would be a miniscule gain).
Also interested in how power stacks with static bonuses from ability scores and feat selections.
Tiers have like 5 powers/3/3/5/3/3/5/5 Takes 5 spent to open next. So post 30 that is 3 skill points per power, pre-30 it would take 3 skills at 2/2/1 to open next tier.
Some powers you never got until L30, 40, 45 etc so those aren't too boned.
Its the powers we had in our teens than have been moved to L25-35 that hurt. So in essence you will have less spells as you level compared to BW3, but I think ... they will be stronger versions.
That is a good chunk of what I wanted to test with level scaling, if there is any at all. Or if it is solely rank scaling, which actually sucks almost as much as the original. (there will be lots of stuff maxed at L30 with no ability to get better then)
So recap .... L5-30 might suck compared to the last beta. Won't affect BW4 as much, but it will for the first few day of the launch with fresh characters.
Took me 2.5d to hit mid 30s, so not a ton of pain, but uncomfortable still.
If there indeed is scaling, at least L60 will have better option/balance than our previous build. I really hope they don't have our first half powers sputter and become useless. They did that last time and it gimped the class.
I was very very...... disappointed after beta 3. dare I say a tad angry?? But I do have to say, that unlike many other betas, they appear to be using the info and feedback to make the game better. This is very appealing to me, that they are attempting to make the game something that I would want to play, and not just try out.
While we may not all agree with every aspect of their design changes, they are at least willing to do something. I am encouraged by their latest changes and look forward to future changes to make the game more and more enjoyable. I also look forward to commenting on those changes
Try not to be too discouraged. As we have seen changes from one beta to the next, I would not expect the final release to beta 4 either. After beta 4, they then have open beta, and free to make even more changes. I'd rather see changes that benefit the game being tested in beta, than patched in later to total disgust of the player base.
I'm with-holding comment on the new changes until I see them tomorrow. I would love to see more spell customization, but it's more important to me they get the characters playable. Customizations of spells can come in the next patch if they can't seem to get it all in this time, and continue to take advice from the community for improvements. A game company working on content is more important to me, than having it all in at launch and then forgetting us.
and for the record, no, I did not buy a pack. I have Zen in the game to buy the piecemeal things that I need/want and look forward to having more come open beta.
Well, we will see in 24 hours with Beta Weekend 4, how it will be.
My prediction? A lot of people are going to be mad, a lot more than was before.
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
As Frost says, at least they looked at BW2 and within a day realized that power gains on level were pretty much a joke.
"You have a new power" .... ya right.
It is still far from a finished product, so I too reserve full opinion until further notice.
Hope you all enjoy the weekend. (Hoping mine is very enjoyable too ... but who knows lol .. girls are so hard to understand)