Sorry for the last post who bugged...
After playing the two sessions of alfa test NeverWinter, i encountered some issues about my GPU (i guess).
I run the game with my GeForce 555 MGT DDR3go and i got 8go RAM, and after 5 minutes of perfect play (with no issues, great fluidity) , the game start to twitch. I got 1 FPS and it becomes unplayable
To remain this issues i just restart the game and it's again perfectly playable for 5-10 more minutes and there the issue come again.
According to
i'm supposed to run the game quite well.
I don't know what to do, i don't know where this come from, maybe some of you got the same thing?
Thanks for your advices and answers
Sorry for my english, it's not my native language
Thanks you for answering my request.
I have to admit that i though is was the heat, i tried to install Everest to see the temperature but i don't have the Trial version...
My computer is a laptop and i haven't opened it up yet (1 year old), but it might be the dust.
Anyway the game was supposed to run on a "toaster" from some tells me, and i can run SKyrim with Ultra high performances hours and hours, this is wierd...
Maybe my GPU driver?
I initially thought heat when i saw your op, but if you can run skyrim for hours its not a hardware issue, it could be a memory leak in the game or possibly a latency issue but if you could run the game for even 5 minutes smoothly then it will run, its just finding the issue causing your problems.
being a laptop I think its most likely memory related
Trouble at "The Rock" please play and review if you have the time, thanks
But i guess if it was memory leaks, someone else would have the same problem...
Plays game for 5-10 minutes and then it bombs out? Heat is building up and then gives out after 10 minutes:
Plays game again and heat builds up again:
If you can continuously play "fine" for 10 minutes just by restarting the game, it means that the GPU has cooled enough for you to run it again. I'd suggest you vaccuum out your PC, blow it out or try moving your GPU to another slot. May even want to consider adding an 80mm or 120mm case fan to assist with heat flow.
Thanks for answering!
Just an idea!?
Setup logging for whatever temps and loads you want. Then checkout the log file after it blows up. This is mainly for temps, as you could just run Performance Monitor for RAM/CPU/Network issues
i7 @ 3.2
16GB System RAM @ 1600
Dual HD6990M's 2GB each in crossfire with latest non-beta driver (13.1)
I have been having a very similar issue to this since beta 2. Just after launch, my PC beasts the game. FPS never drops below 50, even in Neverwinter city. But after being in game for 3-5 minutes FPS drops to around 12 and stays there as long as I play. never drops to 1 and never crashes, just stays there. Strange thing here, it also runs great for a while after i alt-tab. I thought the same things as most, heat issue. Well wrap your mind around this...
I run MSI Afterburner and here's what I've noticed... During the times when the game runs smoothly (fresh launch or alt-tab) GPU 1 never gets above 35% load or above 70 degrees. GPU 2 no activity. When the FPS drops neither GPU has ANY activity or temp rising what so ever. I get more activity out of mine sweeper or solitaire. So I'm guessing here that the game is running entirely off my CPU at this point. Also the game never puts more than 2.8GB of RAM to work (including windows).
So by this point I'm thinking... Driver? Ok, so I've rolled back to the 12 series, 10, 9, hell even the factory installed beta driver that came straight from Dell (8.9). Exact same result across the driver spectrum. I'm at a loss. Really would like that smooth fresh play FPS rate all the time since I KNOW my hardware can do it, it teases me with it everytime I play.
This issue is the only thing that's kept me from buying a founder's pack. I'm not investing money in a game that runs like tar on my machine NOW and may run worse later. Not with all the money I dropped to get this rig to beast graphically non-demanding games like this, hell no.
I know how you feel my rig isn't exactly beastly but i should be able to run this game at mid graphics and i just get in for maybe a round or half a round of pvp and boom pc restarts because card gets too hot. But from what i heard STO and CO did this in beta and was fixed for launch so I'm crossing my fingers.
I have a similar issue, i have tried everything, i have an i7 8gb nvidia geforce 635M 2GB i have to set everything to low cause im getting 15-20 fps, using the GPU tweak for asus i monitor the temp and never goes higher that 50 C, i have even changed from the game in troubleshoot forcing the game to use the graphics card but still no response, any ideas??