So from a min/max standpoint, which race would currently be the best for playing the Devoted Cleric? I'm leaning towards Half-Elf for the +2 Con and Wis bonus, which is identical to the Dwarf, but I like the look of Half-Elves more.
How would a Human compare to a Half-Elf? They get +2 to any stat, so I can just as well dump those points into Wis too.
Surely all of this won't matter too much end game, but it doesn't hurt to buid the most optimal race. What do you guys think? What race will you play as Devoted Cleric?
Post edited by zeruin on
denkasaebaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
I'll probably go as Human, but i have yet to see the racials.
Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)
Based on what I saw during the first beta weekend, ability scores do not matter very much. Changing CON by two on my Guardian Fighter, for instance, which was a gain of at least 10% if memory serves, produced a negligible gain in HP; I did not look at what else it did, but I suspect not a heck of a lot. Many other players reported that they did not notice much difference in what their ability scores were, either. Now, this may change by launch, or in later levels, but right now I would not count on ability scores being overly important, to the point of not even worrying about two points.
Instead, it may be more prudent to base min-maxing on the passive racial abilities. Even those are of dubious worth in the long run, but I suppose every bit helps. Right now, if I were making a Devoted Cleric, I would go human, but that is based as much on aesthetics as their racial bonuses. I am assuming that in PvP, Devoted Clerics will be targeted, so Versatile Defense may extend my longevity. If I were going with a more offensive class I might be tempted to go tiefling, but their bonuses (Bloodhunt and Infernal Wrath) are largely wasted on a Devoted Cleric whose primary role is defensive.
I will respectfully disagree. I found it depends on the build/theme you are trying to acheive. The stats made little to no difference from my experience, yet the humans +2 feat bonus, if working, would have allowed for more customization (especially if the extra feat points can be used at Paragon/Elite level feats). Whereas the stats gave small % bonuses to secondary stats, the feat bonus would allow you get specific secondary/tertiary bonuses that may be more in line with your build/theme. If the bonus feat points were available in the last weekend they would have benefited my human cleric more based on the build I had than an increase in either of my secondary stats.
I got my Devoted Cleric to level 26 before the first Beta ended...could've easily hit 30 but I was trying out the Guardian Fighter and Trickster Rogue.
From what I saw from the first Beta, stats don't mean all. Regardless of what race you played. I hope that Cryptic changes that, because otherwise that's disappointing.
So if that stays that way, then just play whichever race you find visually appealing as there is no "best race".
EDIT: My racial preference for Devoted Cleric was dwarf with the +2 Con and +2 Wis.
In theory, any race with a Wisdom bonus is the way you want to go. That said, I wager the advantage is fairly minimal in the large scheme of things. These games are generally designed so that any race/class combo is quite valid, even the sometimes mocked Halfling Fighter.
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Dwarfs perks are only really active when you take those status effects like knockdown. Since the Cleric is a caster and not an oldschool plate and mace and shield kinda guy you'll get a lot more use out of half-elf perks.
You might be able to work something cool out with humans bonus feat points, but with current info I have I'd go with Half-elf. Maybe dwarf if you're PvP focused.
I'd recommend either a human or dwarf, if you really want to make it interesting try any other race. If your playing an evil character go for drow or teifling they were evil in 1st, 2nd and third edition D&D and AD&D. lol!
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited March 2013
Human is nice for the defense bonus and the extra feat points, and I think the extra feat points go farther than any racial ability.
Half elf is still very nice for the crit bonus - lots of cleric builds are crit based.
For that matter Tiefling might make a surprisingly good choice. Charisma aids in their recharge time and knockback/knockdown powers and the buff to damage for low health targets will be nice for smiters.
turokhammerstoneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
As far as stats (Die Rolls) it depends on what you are looking for. Crit is STR based so I was able to get a better overall sore as a Dwarf (18STR, 16WIS, 12CHA) That score was based on STR as being my Chosen Stat. If I chose WIS then it would have been (16STR, 18WIS, 12CHA)
If you want Recovery, go with Tiefling. I was able to get an 11% with a score of (14INT, 15 WIS, 17CHA) oh and a 13 STR for 3% crit. You get more bang for you buck on CHA than INT, so you can drop 1% recovery to pick up more action points gain and go with a (12INT, 16WIS, 18CHA) only 2% Crit (12STR).
The most that I saw from the tri-stat (Prime and 2 alt stats) is 46 total points. How they are divided is the only difference.
Have to look at the mechanics and see how much healing can be done based on Crit (STR+WIS) vs Recovery (CHA+INT) The outlying factor is CHA also gives Action point gain so you can switch to Divine stance and really pump up the healing.
foundermeo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 20Arc User
edited March 2013
Right so hummies then, this could be interesting
kotliMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 577
edited March 2013
TBH the best race is the one with good stats and racial abilities, if you ask me theres not much in it ATM in the game races but that might change when new ones are added.
In 4ed D&D best race is Eberron Kalashtar but NWO is Forgotten Realms so no Kalashtars . The next best race is the Dwarf followed by Elves. But NWO is not a copy of 4ed D&D though, and as such things are different.
1.this game is MMo it has very small things from DnD and charckter creation is not from DnD
2.sadly tiefling is the best chaoice if you go min-max you charackter becuase of the cdr from int and cha, you will do more healing and dmg because power/dmg in game from items is very low and sacling for skills is bad so cdr is best way to do dmg(it applies to all classes i know very stupid)
3.through cdr your hots charges will charge quicker from cdr and your cd abilitys will be quicker to use and you will bost you action points and you can use more ultimates in fight
4. tieflings racial when you get hit 5% less power counts for bosses too ofc 5% is not much
5.cdr make quicker your skill abilitys wich make big amount of divine power wich after activasion make more action points
6. the longer the fight lasts the more dmg/heal you will be doing through cdr just stack cdr through items too
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
^ What he said
There will be balancing along the way, and expansion. But as it sits ... yes I am rerolling a Tiefling Cleric tomorrow.
There will be balancing along the way, and expansion. But as it sits ... yes I am rerolling a Tiefling Cleric tomorrow.
I'm leaning that way myself (been on the fence with Human or Tiefling long before this thread started). But dayam Tieflings are so ugly. No, not dayam, but DAYAM!. LOL
I have found that the beginning stat boosts do not benefit me enough in the long run to alter my choice of race. I have always been someone who min/maxes, but I am too sold on the Drows to see reason. I will be going Drow on release for my cleric.
on reales there is any drow as race to choose after 60 days EVRYONE will be able to play draw race
hero pack buyers can play draw renegate race but this is SEPARATE race from draws- they have other abilities and racial skills
i forgot to tell you- human race have 3 extra normal feats wich for cleric are very very strong for the endgame content BUT this pick needs to have very strong itemsatzion in game and as we now NW have very weak intemosation so fro point of view on bw2 tiefling is best choice
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
I did take Human in OBW2 due to extra feats (and looks)
Halfling...because I like to be the guy that people say...Why the F#E$# would someone do that. I played a dwarf during this beta...and unless gear is broken and not scaling correctly with doesn't matter at this point. So we'll see what they do...on release i'll be deciding between a halfling and a dwarf...unless something drastically changes during the next builds stat wise..then dwarf will be my final answer.
St. Augustinus
Instead, it may be more prudent to base min-maxing on the passive racial abilities. Even those are of dubious worth in the long run, but I suppose every bit helps. Right now, if I were making a Devoted Cleric, I would go human, but that is based as much on aesthetics as their racial bonuses. I am assuming that in PvP, Devoted Clerics will be targeted, so Versatile Defense may extend my longevity. If I were going with a more offensive class I might be tempted to go tiefling, but their bonuses (Bloodhunt and Infernal Wrath) are largely wasted on a Devoted Cleric whose primary role is defensive.
I will respectfully disagree. I found it depends on the build/theme you are trying to acheive. The stats made little to no difference from my experience, yet the humans +2 feat bonus, if working, would have allowed for more customization (especially if the extra feat points can be used at Paragon/Elite level feats). Whereas the stats gave small % bonuses to secondary stats, the feat bonus would allow you get specific secondary/tertiary bonuses that may be more in line with your build/theme. If the bonus feat points were available in the last weekend they would have benefited my human cleric more based on the build I had than an increase in either of my secondary stats.
From what I saw from the first Beta, stats don't mean all. Regardless of what race you played. I hope that Cryptic changes that, because otherwise that's disappointing.
So if that stays that way, then just play whichever race you find visually appealing as there is no "best race".
EDIT: My racial preference for Devoted Cleric was dwarf with the +2 Con and +2 Wis.
That way you can seek to get a feel for the arguments involved, allowing you to adapt them for NeverWinter Online.
A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
I'd say Half-elf.
Dwarfs perks are only really active when you take those status effects like knockdown. Since the Cleric is a caster and not an oldschool plate and mace and shield kinda guy you'll get a lot more use out of half-elf perks.
You might be able to work something cool out with humans bonus feat points, but with current info I have I'd go with Half-elf. Maybe dwarf if you're PvP focused.
i def agree
Half elf is still very nice for the crit bonus - lots of cleric builds are crit based.
For that matter Tiefling might make a surprisingly good choice. Charisma aids in their recharge time and knockback/knockdown powers and the buff to damage for low health targets will be nice for smiters.
As far as stats (Die Rolls) it depends on what you are looking for. Crit is STR based so I was able to get a better overall sore as a Dwarf (18STR, 16WIS, 12CHA) That score was based on STR as being my Chosen Stat. If I chose WIS then it would have been (16STR, 18WIS, 12CHA)
If you want Recovery, go with Tiefling. I was able to get an 11% with a score of (14INT, 15 WIS, 17CHA) oh and a 13 STR for 3% crit. You get more bang for you buck on CHA than INT, so you can drop 1% recovery to pick up more action points gain and go with a (12INT, 16WIS, 18CHA) only 2% Crit (12STR).
The most that I saw from the tri-stat (Prime and 2 alt stats) is 46 total points. How they are divided is the only difference.
Have to look at the mechanics and see how much healing can be done based on Crit (STR+WIS) vs Recovery (CHA+INT) The outlying factor is CHA also gives Action point gain so you can switch to Divine stance and really pump up the healing.
In 4ed D&D best race is Eberron Kalashtar but NWO is Forgotten Realms so no Kalashtars
2.sadly tiefling is the best chaoice if you go min-max you charackter becuase of the cdr from int and cha, you will do more healing and dmg because power/dmg in game from items is very low and sacling for skills is bad so cdr is best way to do dmg(it applies to all classes i know very stupid)
3.through cdr your hots charges will charge quicker from cdr and your cd abilitys will be quicker to use and you will bost you action points and you can use more ultimates in fight
4. tieflings racial when you get hit 5% less power counts for bosses too ofc 5% is not much
5.cdr make quicker your skill abilitys wich make big amount of divine power wich after activasion make more action points
6. the longer the fight lasts the more dmg/heal you will be doing through cdr just stack cdr through items too
There will be balancing along the way, and expansion. But as it sits ... yes I am rerolling a Tiefling Cleric tomorrow.
more gold find !!!!!!!
I'm leaning that way myself (been on the fence with Human or Tiefling long before this thread started). But dayam Tieflings are so ugly. No, not dayam, but DAYAM!. LOL
hero pack buyers can play draw renegate race but this is SEPARATE race from draws- they have other abilities and racial skills
i forgot to tell you- human race have 3 extra normal feats wich for cleric are very very strong for the endgame content BUT this pick needs to have very strong itemsatzion in game and as we now NW have very weak intemosation so fro point of view on bw2 tiefling is best choice
Plus you're a demon throwing big fire spells, what more could you ask for RP
Why? two words -
Fzoul Chembryl.
Mayhaps I will have to PM this Fzoul Chembryl