Well now that I've slept on it, I see everyone posting a couple things here and there, but I found soooo many minor issues. Maybe you guys all ran into some of this too:
1. The fact that EVERY weapon on the ground shows as a sword, is lame. Not a performance issue, but i don't want to run around just picking up swords all day.
2. Tiefling tails are like lasers...they swing through ANYTHING like butter. I can't tell you how often I sliced my horse's rear off with it, plus with the Sit emote you swing it through the ground like nothing, as well as occasionally have it swing around in a cinema chat screen lol, that was amusing.
3. Animations didn't always work. Especially after teleport, my character would just freeze up and it would take a couple seconds for all my magic missiles to fly and hit at once before the animation fixed itself. This was very annoying, added with the small delay of using teleport made it difficult to time stuff sometimes.
4. Mission pathing didn't always go to where you needed to go. Couple times it took me to an older quest area i already completed.
5. Many zone/instance entrances had little spots in the middle if you stood too close you couldn't access it, had to back up and spin your cursor around just right, was a little annoying.
Combat and Utility:
1. Potion issue that sometimes at the same time you use a pot when you get hit, it wouldn't register but the cooldown would still kick in. Hooray for teleport!
2. Recommended items - were not always accurate. They based recommended items purely on item value, not stats. Can confuse new gamers.
3. Movement bonuses were useless. No matter how much movement you stacked up with, you could never outrun enemies chasing you. Reminded me of my EQ days, I wanted to yell out "TRAIN INCOMING!!!!!" a few times

. Clearly this needs to be tweaked, or remove this bonus from game.
4. Paragon skill. My 30 skill looked awesome, sounded cool, but was about my weakest attack. The single target AND aoe damage of the storm lightning was weaker then the other at will skills (include the time for charging up, dps was garbage). Not sure about other classes, but I imagine they need tweaks as well. Lvl 30 skill was about useless for a wizard.
5. Clearly a lot of balance issues to work out, but plenty of time for that. Cleric was overpowered, rogue seemed to be close to par, wiz (and fighter?) seemed a bit too weak. Hopefully beta weekend 3 we see some good balance changes and some active pvp.
Next time around i'll be trying a different class, but the wizard was the most fun visually and style-wise to play. Too bad I felt like a girl scout in any major fight
Also, I realize it's just a recommendation, but it doesn't seem to take your build into consideration because I had another shield with a lot more defense on it that I considered to be better than the one being recommended.
- Movement bonuses: Definitely feel completely worthless; I equipped some boots that had +20 movement on them and I noticed absolutely no difference. I recommend getting rid of this altogether since messing with movement speed in MMOs is a Pandora's box.
I would like to see some type of nerf on the Cleric and Wizard range or other abilities. For another example why does a Wizard with the HP boost and a Rogue with the HP boost have the same HP at the same level when both have thesame Constitution?
I have heard so many times from 1st Beta to 2nd how hard Rogues are on solo stuff comparied to the other classes. One class should not be OP that they can solo most of the content when another class cannot as easy.
Range means nothing to a solo wizard, because those enemies close in rather quickly. If you're comparing strictly to range dps on the TR, I would probably wait, as they may come out with some sort of archer rogue class, while trickster i think is meant more for melee/burst damage attacks. Just like we all complain about control wizard damage, but later on the attack wizard will blow everyone away i'm sure.
if you're having problems soloing a Rouge - you may want to look at what Encounter powers you're using as in this weekends beta on my Rougge Im never died once and I was top DPS on the PvE qued 5 person events. Rogues are fine if you use their powers wisely.
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I had some performance issues in the Graveyard quest. The grounds that were "cursed"...my Cleric could "heal" them. However the frame rate on the game dropped way down trying to render all of the cursed ground. When I left the area the frame rate returned to normal.
The rubberbanding and lag was annoying and frustrating too! I would walk half way through a room and get dragged back to the beginning, lol. Was not funny if fighting a mob at the time!
Also, only the first and 2nd bosses were dropping the badges, so there really was no reason for someone to stay after the 2nd boss if they had already ran the dungeon once (I completed it every time because I was having a lot of fun and the experience was good, but I can see tons of people just quitting halfway and re-queuing.).
The leveling seemed really fast. I am assuming that was intentional for the beta, to get people through the levels and test the whole game in a weekend.
I did notice the mission help pathing didn't always take you on a direct path to the quest. It some times took the long way around.
The recommended items did not seem helpful as others have mentioned. When I compared what I had to what it was recommending. It was back stepping me.
Erdan Loreweaver 60 CW 11.3 GS
Mika Hawklight 60 DC 11.5 GS
Rukia Stealthfoot 60 TR 11.5 GS
Ka D'Argo 60 HR 13.7 GS
Ivan Ironfist 60 GWF 11.6 GS