Hello i am seriously considering buying this but i dont know how useful 750,000 astral diamonds will be or what they are for! Can anyone help me out here

Also, can the stuff i buy be traded to my buddy in game, so i can spread's the wealth a little?
Also, is there a "cut off date" for the $200 pack?
Thanks for any help!
With the Hero of the North pack, you'll be able to give a buddy a beta key, so they can join you in a beta weekend.
I don't think there's any kind of cutoff for any of the packs, but I recommend getting yours early -- the first beta weekend, which the Hero and Guardian packs get access to, starts on February 8.
I guess the only question on my mind is if we fork out $200 then can we keep our chars thru beta's
YA RIGHT we should be only be so lucky!
Beta Weekend Friend Invite - Invite a friend to join your adventure for one Beta Weekend Event!
Because that would mean an error on the info e-mail.
You are absolutely correct -- I used incorrect terminology there. Let me edit my original post to avoid confusion. Sorry about that, folks!