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Hero of the North Founder's Pack and why it isn't as big a deal as you may think!

zylaxxzylaxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 591 Bounty Hunter
edited February 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I know theres several threads on the subject but I really think what I am about to share warrants another thread. Hopefully some might begin to see why this isn't a big deal.

Watch the Gen Con 2012: D&D Digital (Part 2) here starting at the 11:14 mark


Jack Emmert explains this wonderfully. This pack is for enthusiasts because no one has to pay but if you enjoy there will be avenues to buy. Not that I have to but because I want too. No one has to buy because they don't want to make anyone pay but if you enjoy the game you get an opportunity to buy something you enjoy.

Hope this helps, so please watch the video it explains it wonderfully.
Character is what a man is in the dark
Post edited by zylaxx on


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    shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    But only alpha testers, press and people at conventions have played (and some, hopefully, enjoyed) the game. There rest of mortals must hope for these founder packs to last long enough to get a chance to actually play the game themselves and/or access to lots of "unnoficial" material, before they decide if they buy one or not. Or make a leap of faith and hope not to get burned.

    P.S. Not against Founder packs
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    deathssickledeathssickle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    yah I remember this
    I am usually Deaths Crowbar.

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    bluesteel8bluesteel8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Jack doesnt appear to be that interested lol

    The Older Gamers (25+) - Never too old to play games
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    nanudonanudo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I feel cheated and i did not buy nothing yet, so you can imagine how much hate i feel now with the creators of the founder pack, they can take the founder pack and stick into a hole that i dont wanna name.
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    bluesteel8bluesteel8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    And how have you been cheated?

    The Older Gamers (25+) - Never too old to play games
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    nanudo wrote: »
    I feel cheated and i did not buy nothing yet, so you can imagine how much hate i feel now with the creators of the founder pack, they can take the founder pack and stick into a hole that i dont wanna name.

    Do you have someone pointing a gun to your head, saying that you must buy HoNF pack?
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    vagrantzerovagrantzero Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    denkasaeba wrote: »
    Do you have someone pointing a gun to your head, saying that you must buy HoNF pack?

    Yes. That would be me. I'm personally pointing a gun to his head. :rolleyes:
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    denkasaebadenkasaeba Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes. That would be me. I'm personally pointing a gun to his head. :rolleyes:

    Less QQ more pewpew then :P
    Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)

    St. Augustinus
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    silestesileste Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    denkasaeba wrote: »
    Do you have someone pointing a gun to your head, saying that you must buy HoNF pack?

    This response I keep seeing is so annoying. Yes, none is being forced but there are people who actually really want the Hero's pack but CANNOT afford it because life is not easy for everyone. This can be one reason he might feel a bit cheated. There is a history of companies selling affordable items and making a lot of money by doing so. So I don't want to hear, "Oh but they wouldn't make any money that way!" That's bull and just an excuse to justify PWE's greedy action. >.>
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    xaxiusshadowxaxiusshadow Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sileste wrote: »
    This response I keep seeing is so annoying. Yes, none is being forced but there are people who actually really want the Hero's pack but CANNOT afford it because life is not easy for everyone.

    Isn't that applicable to ANYTHING that cost money though? Since money is finite for everyone in some way, doesn't everyone need to prioritize in some way how their money is spent? If someone can't afford something, they need to make the ultimate decision to either save, sacrifice, compromise or not purchase. Ultimately, someone who spends nothing probably gets a better deal than someone who pays $200.

    I don't understand vilifying a business for trying to make money. It PWE's responsibility to their shareholds to provide options to their customer's needs across various demographics in order to recoup development costs. The market will determine what price it will bear, not people on a messageboard. If they are not seeing the appropriate yields at the $200 price band, then expect them to lower it of add more honey to the pot. It's not complicated, cruel, of insensitive... it's just business.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    Isn't that applicable to ANYTHING that cost money though? Since money is finite for everyone in some way, doesn't everyone need to prioritize in some way how their money is spent? If someone can't afford something, they need to make the ultimate decision to either save, sacrifice, compromise or not purchase. Ultimately, someone who spends nothing probably gets a better deal than someone who pays $200.

    I don't understand vilifying a business for trying to make money. It PWE's responsibility to their shareholds to provide options to their customer's needs across various demographics in order to recoup development costs. The market will determine what price it will bear, not people on a messageboard. If they are not seeing the appropriate yields at the $200 price band, then expect them to lower it of add more honey to the pot. It's not complicated, cruel, of insensitive... it's just business.

    Exactly. I mean, we ARE talking about spending money on a video game. There is no such thing as a necessity here; it's ALL luxuries.
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    pwferretpwferret Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yet another example of PWE over-monetizing one of its games.
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    xaxiusshadowxaxiusshadow Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pwferret wrote: »
    Yet another example of PWE over-monetizing one of its games.

    How exactly? The game is launching without a box cost and no subscription. Please elaborate.
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    silestesileste Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Isn't that applicable to ANYTHING that cost money though? Since money is finite for everyone in some way, doesn't everyone need to prioritize in some way how their money is spent? If someone can't afford something, they need to make the ultimate decision to either save, sacrifice, compromise or not purchase. Ultimately, someone who spends nothing probably gets a better deal than someone who pays $200.

    I don't understand vilifying a business for trying to make money. It PWE's responsibility to their shareholds to provide options to their customer's needs across various demographics in order to recoup development costs. The market will determine what price it will bear, not people on a messageboard. If they are not seeing the appropriate yields at the $200 price band, then expect them to lower it of add more honey to the pot. It's not complicated, cruel, of insensitive... it's just business.
    syberghost wrote: »
    Exactly. I mean, we ARE talking about spending money on a video game. There is no such thing as a necessity here; it's ALL luxuries.

    LOL I never said anything of it being fair or not. I know life isn't fair, people must compromise and yadda yadda ya. PWE won't make money this way. They are just grabbing what they can out of everyone right now. We will see when we get introduced to their most awesome cash shop. And what they will actually do to improve the game for the long run. That's where the real showdown begins.

    Anyway the purpose of that response, was just saying that comment is one of the most useless responses people can give.

    Chill out and stop trying to justify why you did what you did and why PWE is doing what they are doing. I've dealt with this company for about 4 1/2 years. I'm a bit biased against them.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited February 2013
    sileste wrote: »
    I'm a bit biased against them.

    Perhaps you should remember that when examining the motivations behind your decisions. :)
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    xaxiusshadowxaxiusshadow Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Perhaps you should remember that when examining the motivations behind your decisions. :)

    Exactly. Maybe it's just time to "chill out". :)
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    geddings12geddings12 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree. Your basically getting a bunch of neat perks it may be nothing earth shattering over all but if you really are a fan of the game.. of Neverwinter of the lore and such. Then its not a bad choice. You do not HAVE to get pack if you do not want it. and the nice thing is the 60 buck pack gets you into all 3 betas and a 3 day head start as well (just not the 5 day head start and VIP login) for me honestly i like that it provides more in game perks then many so called boxed collectors edition have. I mean some you may pay 200 bucks or so for or 100 or so and you only end up getting like a few small in game items. and the boxes while are pretty end up collecting dust after a while. I like whats included in the Hero of the North pack and for me its just kinda cool to see the blue bold title in the forums and hopefully in the game. It makes me feel like a supporter for Neverwinter. I am glad to pay the price too as i feel user generated content is the way that MMOs should go.....it is how they can create a bigger passion for the game and longitivity for it.

    I mean its one thing to just run around mindless in a MMO and take on all the quests, but its another thing entirely to be able to forge your own quests from the game assets to sort of carve out a peace of this world as your own to share with others. Ok this is how i see Neverwinter.. so to speak.

    In the area of "me too MMOS' that often end up doing nothing but copying what has been given before them 100 times. Its nice to see this brought forth in Neverwinter even more so then STO. (which often made starting UGC quests confusing to know where to go) with Neverwinter hopefuly every quest is plugged into a NPC in the game already so youll know exactly where to go in starting it :-).

    I believe in Neverwinter and am glad to be a part of its beginnings :-)
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    silestesileste Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Perhaps you should remember that when examining the motivations behind your decisions. :)

    LOL I would but I can't help if I have something to say. <3 I admitted I was biased but that doesn't mean that anything and/or everything I say isn't valid. Point out something I already admitted and that's the only response. Great, no fun at all. D:
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