Thought to occupy your time while we wait, you may want to share what is your favorite or special piece of gaming memorabilia. Since this is D&D, the emphasis there but anything interesting would be fine.
So, What kind of gaming collectable or piece of memorabilia do you have? I have a few leftovers, Ultima cloth map, some huge fold outs that came packaged with the box in the good old days and other bits and pieces.
My most D&D related are four color prints. These are copyrighted 1996 and are about 12 x 20. Each is in matting with a small square underneath with the name of the print and artist imposed over the TSR logo. I received these as a gift from a person who had them and did not know what to do with them. We had discussed gaming in the past and that I collected dragon and gargoyle things now and then. Not sure how many prints there were of each. He had them from a print job that TSR could not pay for so they became the property of the printer and eventually went to this person. Soon after Wizards bought TSR. I got them about 12 years ago. I have found all of them online and you can see the original art used to create them. Two of the four are the same as the links. The other two were edited for these prints. I used the names on the prints for each.
Dragons of Krynn
Dragons of Faith. This is clipped below the dragons tail and no moon at top, less wingspan too.
Dragons of Duel
Dragons of Desolation. This only has the dragon head, the rest of the original is cut out.
Anyone else have something interesting?
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
I think I remember when the had those prints they also had ones that were Embossed and foil looking very nice...
I miss Milwaukee's Gen Cons, since TSR/Wotc moved and sold it off they have been pretty shoestring mostly just hordes of vendors trying to hawk their wares...there are much better RPG con's around the country that are cheaper and have more actual gaming than GC, I look at GC 95 and compare it to GC today ..and it really is a pale reflection of those days.
1. my OD&D woodgrain box 3rd print from 1975
2. the original Blackmoor booklet signed by Mr. Arneson from 1975
3. the Greyhawk blooklet from 1975 (cause Greyhawk will always beat the snot out of any other setting
Edit says: Those dragon paintings are great. I especially love the ones from Easley. I always was a big fan of his D&D art and I still have the "Art of Dungeons and Dragons Fantasy Game" art book somewhere where a lot of Easleys stuff is shown. Great stuff.
Wow I have only seen one of the woodgrain about super thing I'm truly hoping for in D&D next is a new Greyhawk setting love my Realms but Greyhawk was my very first campaign world...before that we really didn't use an established world in our games.
Last I heard that WotC wants to release their old stuff as PDF again. That should be enough to brigde the time for the eventual official Greyhawk reboot for those that do not own the original modules
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
I'll go you one better, the Blue box set didn't have dice, it came with numbered dropped the number range in a bag and then draw the also received a cupon to send in for real dice if you paid the postage. That was 77 or 78 I believe; wish I still had that set. b:chuckle
Anything that could be considered a D&D Collectible was well before my time hahaha!
I find it absolutely enthralling that early edition D&D content is akin to early baseball cards though. It makes you wonder about what we have which will be collectible in another twenty to thirty years...
Maybe I should have taken better care of my Baldur's Gate box and CD Pamphlet...
Ooooh, nice. I still have my red and white boxes, but never had the blue. So I guess you too knew the wonders of being an Elf. XD
People talk about the lack of female gamers now, but man, back in those days, so far as I could tell, I was the only female gamer across several states. I used to go to 2-3 cons a year, but never met another female gamer (other than the ones I created) until the mid 90s.
Yes I still remember those character creation arguments LOL
Yeah we had a unique group actually three guys and two girls,( all friends from my local high school) we went to Gencon it was 1980 I think and I think there was one other middle aged woman there and she wasn't there to game, but gradually more and more women began to show up.
Sorry, couldn't resist thinking of the old days pre late 80's even in places like Southern California.<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
Now days, my sons and I game together online as often as we can. With one living in Japan and the other in the Navy's sub program, our time is severely limited. But we still have a ball when we can get together. Both boys plan on picking up this game when it's released and we will play together when we can.
My Best,
Ezra Steel
Let's see, a set of my 2nd Ed. ADnD books
A box set for the Forgotten Realms, not sure which edition
Misc. Modules: Keep on the Border...
2nd Ed. Monster Manual vol 1 and 2
more dice than I know what to do with.
Some commissioned artwork I had done of some characters I played regularly from a local artist
And a whole shelf of misc DnD books below a whole shelf of R. A. Salvatore novels, all signed, including a 1st Ed. 1987 copy of Crystal Shard. b:victory
This city promises death for the meek, glory for the bold, danger for all, and riches for Jade!
Elven Trickster Rogue: Two-bladed elf, tons of stabby stabby and that sort of thing...
| R. A. Salvatore | My Minions | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Elven Translator |
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."
I desperately miss my original copy of the silver shard... wasn't signed or anything but it was a 1st ed...I did get Salvatore to sign Gauntlygrim and a hardback copy of the Icewind Dale trilogy....I guess that count's as memorabilia as well now that I think about it.