Well I honestly didn't know that a Neverwinter MMO was hitting the streets. I've played all the Neverwinter games I could get my hands on and then some. I always loved the player driven servers and the creativity that flowed out of them. I am, of course, rambling.
Let me introduce myself.
I am Vara Del'Armgo, Cleric of Kiaransalee, Goddess of Drow Undeath.
Now for the person underneath. My name is Aaron, I've been playing D&D since I was 14 or so. My specialty is in 3.5e and Faerun. I am currently 25 and live with my wife and kids. I am apart of the community
Animosity and currently run a D&D game online through D20 pro with friends and acquaintances from that community.
I have been playing the character Vara since I was 19. I've probably spent more hours than I like working up builds, looking at spells, rules, all that fun stuff. Cleric is my bread and butter class and is arguably the best class in D&D 3.5 (I'm pretty biased).
I am a pretty helpful person, I don't mind answering questions about anything I might know about and if I don't know I will give you what I think but let you know that I am not totally sure. I do have a wealth of knowledge on 3.5 and Faerun so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Anyways, that is me and I look forward to getting to know everyone on the forums.
However, let me mention, these games have nothing to do with the older games Neverwinter nights 1&2. It is a completely different game by a different company (cryptic, old one were bioware) but happens to be in the city neverwinter - same city as those games - however it happens in 4e (i.e. after spellplague) around 1450 DR (as it is in continuation of novel gauntlgyrm by salvatore).
However, it is being made in close integration with WotC (PnP D&D) so most work would be cannon and find mention in D&D merchandise I suppose.
While I agree with you that 4e is complete HAMSTER as a PnP game I always thought that when I played it I was playing a PnP MMO so I think 4e might make a good ruleset for an MMO.
The spellplague is also pretty **** storytelling on top of that but maybe they can swing it.
They should have listened to Greenwood.
I think you misunderstood. I like 4e.
Also I believe that game will be pretty slick. Maybe not epic awesome but quite good than any other games, that is why I have been sticking here so long when they hadn't told us when it will be released.
Also, I am quite excited about foundry.
In case I made myself misunderstood, this time -
once again welcome :-)
(I used a smiley)
Oh and welcome
In the pics, cleric was wearing the chainmail (as you may already know in 4e, cleric can't wear anything above chain as default and for heavier armor, STR and CON have to be increased unlike 3e).
That is one sad thing for me in 4e. I liked shiny armor. But, there is a shiny orb hovering around cleric, so I guess its ok.
I am planning a human cleric of selune, btw.
I'm a very long time D&D player (as I have memories of the original red box when it was pretty new,) who has played all the editions (yes including 4th which I was brought into kicking and screaming and set straight about all the fallacies including how it was "like an MMO" because of the Role types....and no comment about D&D Next until the PDA allows it is all I can say about 5th ed.)
My favorite type of class is wizard, which is not my longest character concept played, that would now go back to 1990 and the truthseeker who often is a monk...but ends up reincarnated in different realities and as different roles and "classes" in multiple creative outlets.
Of course wizard is the best class (if you survive the beginning levels) as becoming the most powerful beings in the multi-verse (except those pesky gods and immortals you will become one day without that stupid lichdom option of course
I took a look at your multi-gaming community website Animosity and very slick indeed! Props to TSW countdown clock! We can hope they will share the love with Neverwinter Online here (or NWO for short.)
It need not be said, but (of course) the most important thing is your family and a special kudos to that and still finding the time to play. Perhaps when the familiars...err, kids are older, you can teach them the wonders of D&D. Whether she loves it or hates it or is in the middle, I'm guessing your wife has already made up her mind on this gaming thing
I tend to end up the sage in gaming and IRL (or philosopher as I am also known) so I am greatly thankful we have another helpful person here. Never be afraid t say (or type) "I don't know" to learn even more, and share what you have learned with others.
Of course, if you have further questions about this MMO game, feel free to browse this games's official About section (including FAQs), and a thread set up for new players' questions. Be waned, that last one is maintained by a user that is a bit of a know it all, and it being the first user-stickied post here hasn't helped his "massive ego"