Dupe post in general discussion
Post-Pax interview
Nothing much but a little details on dungeon delves but more importantly Andy spoke about their stance on PvP. It wont be "just so we can say we have PvP" but that they want to do it right so seems like they will seriously invest in a PvP feature/mechanic.
"Well Neverwinter is not exclusively a D&D 4th edition rules game and we draw inspiration from all of the different versions of D&D. For example we have things like Magic Missile as an ability for Control Wizards which is incredibly evocative of the D&D experience regardless of which edition you are a fan of. Our use of At Will, Encounter and Daily powers obviously draw directly from D&D 4th edition but we did that because we liked how it fit onto what we were trying to do with combat, not because we are beholden to a specific edition. For example Healing Surges, another mechanic from 4E, didn?t really work for the game we were making and so we did not implement it into our game."
ENTERPRISING......... indeed
"Personally I feel like our Dungeon Delves are huge improvement over the overall raiding experience that I have personally experienced playing MMOs. When I think about what I loved during my time raiding in other MMO?s it was always the joy of getting mah phat lewtz and the challenge of taking down interesting content with my buddies. What I hated was the slog that almost always came with it."
I really hope they allow for everyone's class to get phat lewt's, annoyed me in other mmo's everyone runs the dungeon and only one specific item drops, why cant everyone be rewarded with specific lewt for there class for the hard slog.
PVP....... meh....... keep the pvp heads happy though
Healing surges...... GOONNNNEEEEEEEEEEEE..... be interesting to see how the healing is going to roll.
Fast forward a few years from early action games like DDO and its finally nice to play some mmos were missile attacks dont go through walls, or whip around corners even though your out of line of site. It's nice now to be able to anticipate attacks and roll out the way, the way you know your character can and be awesome at (or at least feel awesome) level one.
I hope its not all about the phat lewt. While thats nice, I want to be surprised and say, "whoa, I didnt see THAT coming!" and at the same time I want to enjoy the small nuances that the game offers.
and for the sake of all that is good and glory in mmos, please have a decent lfg system. Im pointing to COH, where you can log on and get a pug within 1 minute on a busy server, and 5 to 10 with some effort on a dead one. After the first few days of play you should have a collection of friends and mates to join up with at any time. I don't know if its the chemistry over there or what, but they really nailed grouping in that game.