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New Interview on MMORPG.com with Andy Velasquez

devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2012 in General Discussion (PC)
Post-pax interview

Nothing much but a little details on dungeon delves but more importantly Andy spoke about their stance on PvP. It wont be "just so we can say we have PvP" but that they want to do it right so seems like they will seriously invest in a PvP feature/mechanic.
Post edited by devoteoftempus on


  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Post-pax interview

    Nothing much but a little details on dungeon delves but more importantly Andy spoke about their stance on PvP. It wont be "just so we can say we have PvP" but that they want to do it right so seems like they will seriously invest in a PvP feature/mechanic.

    Decent interview..one of my concerns is the Dungeons delves.


    The concern being that content will be gated and used to force grouping. Far too often you hear "Oh this isn't necessary to progress" but what they aren't telling you is while not "necessary" it is the only way to obtain decent gear and see interesting content.

    SWTOR is currently finding out that every instance where they are forcing grouping,(Heroic Area's Flashpoints etc) hardly anyone is participating...it will be the exact same way in Neverwinter if Cryptic goes down that route. (despite all the snarky 'this is a MMO go play a single player game" comments ) A better system would be to make such areas accessible to all play styles but offer more in the forms of rewards and achievements for those who group together by making the entire game accessible to those that like to group, solo or Duo they are appealing to more play styles and thus opening the door for more revenue streams.

    /shrug...My two coppers.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • dabozerdabozer Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Or perhaps having a team could open new possibilities within the content, that allow you to experience it from a different point of view but not gating the content from the solo crowd altogether?

    Though not a direct comparison, the bonus quests in ship combat spring to mind in SWTOR. As you upgrade your ship, earlier quests are available for replay with more objectives (for example, when you get your hands on proton torpedoes you are now expected to target the previously-invincible bridge of the capital ship.) Apply that logic to team size instead of level and gear.

    The NPCs will react differently. Maybe instead of skirting a battlefield on your way to a lich's fortress, you are expected to cut a line straight through it to help the friendly forces. This draws the attention of the lich, who is now preparing for you.

    Solo players and teams of all sizes would have access to the content, yet each would get a unique experience. No one is gated from participating, but teaming is still encouraged and replay quality is enhanced.
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Good interview. I appreciate the candor about pvp. I'm not a fan of pvp but I liked hearing that they are working on doing what they want to accomplish right and not adding features just so they can market them. Gamers aren't fooled by that and it never bodes well for a game's reputation.

    I also liked hearing that 3 different combat systems were tested out and why the choice was made.

    It was a teaser article (with the hints of the foundry). I hope we'll hear more soon.
  • foxybatfoxybat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    First confirmation (I think) that there will be something like paragon paths.
  • aavarius1aavarius1 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2012
    I'm happy all three of those control schemes got considered. Go Andy, go!
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just a reminder one of the Video PAX interviews (or on that timeline range) did say it was solo-friendly but easier in a group (except Delves which seemingly require a group up to 5 players.)

    At least we understand the delve is now to minimize the grind time in long RAIDS. Whether it works or not we shall see.
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Just a reminder one of the Video PAX interviews (or on that timeline range) did say it was solo-friendly but easier in a group (except Delves which seemingly require a group up to 5 players.)

    At least we understand the delve is now to minimize the grind time in long RAIDS. Whether it works or not we shall see.

    Yeah but what confuses me though is how they said in some interview at PAX that raids will be included after launch (remember reading it, can't remember which article). This makes it a bit confusing between the statement that they will have raids and this interview's description of the dungeon delves.
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Yeah but what confuses me though is how they said in some interview at PAX that raids will be included after launch (remember reading it, can't remember which article). This makes it a bit confusing between the statement that they will have raids and this interview's description of the dungeon delves.

    It was said that raids would be the delves at launch and PvP would be after launch at 2013. Some are mixing up the two apparently. I like to refer to what I know from MMORPG's PAX East preview article and especially MMORPG's video interview at PAX. At 2:30 they mention that PvP is planned shortly after launch, and the game is live late 2012 and PvP is early 2013. The "Open World" is mentioned at 2:38. The multiplayer grouping is specifically is mentioned starting at 3:25 with the max party at 5 then, with "a lot of the content in the game most of the questing is solo-friendly...it makes it a lot more fun...may go a little faster if you team up...but there is 5-man content in the game also." The next question at 3:47 specifically asks about raiding, where the delving system is explained that it "...is accessible the end of an adventure zone which is a major chunk of their content....At the end of each of these adventure zones is a 5-man we call them dungeon delve. Which is about a forty-five minute to an hour and a half raid experience. "

    The problem with the preview is while the raiding experience was later described to be streamlined to remove the typical raiding grind and time consuming process in this other article, as well as confirming why PvP is coming out after launch (in early 2013,)

    MMORPG: Can you talk about how dungeon delves will fill that "raid mentality" for players looking for that type of content?

    Andy Velasquez: Personally I feel like our Dungeon Delves are huge improvement over the overall raiding experience that I have personally experienced playing MMOs. When I think about what I loved during my time raiding in other MMO?s it was always the joy of getting mah phat lewtz and the challenge of taking down interesting content with my buddies. What I hated was the slog that almost always came with it.
    Our Dungeon Delves are still the places where you will be going to get your phat lewt. They are still where you will find the some of the most interesting bosses, monsters and locations Neverwinter has to offer and you are your friends will be challenged to take down all of the content in them. Yet they are meant to be shorter less grindy affairs than traditional MMO raids.

    MMORPG: You mentioned PvP is coming after launch, but do you consider PvP as something core to the experience or is this being designed as more of a side activity for players?

    Andy Velasquez: We are focused on making our launch feature set as good as it can be so we were not interested in doing something quick and dirty just to say that we have PVP in the game.

    the PAX East previewer didn't get it back then and completely missed the point and said "no raids" in the written article incorrectly. So again, the delve is the raid with 5-people parties typical to D&D and is unlocked when you finish an adventure zone but only takes an hour and a half on average for the "phat lewtz" and big boss encounters bypassing the "slog" of most raiding. PvP is post-launch for early 2013 and will be done right, not added so they can list they have PvP yet it done inadequately.
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    the PAX East previewer didn't get it back then and completely missed the point and said "no raids" in the written article incorrectly. So again, the delve is the raid with 5-people parties typical to D&D and is unlocked when you finish an adventure zone but only takes an hour and a half on average for the "phat lewtz" and big boss encounters bypassing the "slog" of most raiding. PvP is post-launch for early 2013 and will be done right, not added so they can list they have PvP yet it done inadequately.

    I play RIFT and even though I do occasionally raid (mostly 10 mans not 20s) it's the 5 man master modes I find the most fun for that level of challenge. It's really the best of both worlds when it comes to challenge content because you can get nice drops and rewards but you don't have to put up with the drama and politics of raiding.

    Even regular 5 man dungeons and expert dungeons are more compelling to me when it comes to group content. Sometimes it's fun to run group content that is a little easier and sometimes it's fun to run hard stuff.
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    torskaldr wrote: »
    I play RIFT and even though I do occasionally raid (mostly 10 mans not 20s) it's the 5 man master modes I find the most fun for that level of challenge. It's really the best of both worlds when it comes to challenge content because you can get nice drops and rewards but you don't have to put up with the drama and politics of raiding.

    Even regular 5 man dungeons and expert dungeons are more compelling to me when it comes to group content. Sometimes it's fun to run group content that is a little easier and sometimes it's fun to run hard stuff.

    Yes i agree, one of the things that made me quit WoW was the raids, i wasnt able to raid every day so when finnaly the item i want droped there was always people with more points to get the item (people who raid every single day).

    Raids are fun but after 1 year raiding and get only 5-6 items rly upset me :/

    Anyways, 5 man can be the best solution but i would be happy if they implement 10man raid but NEVER more than that.

    But they should be HARD, not like DDO.... after play less than 1 year i already had all the items i needed (beside some epics) and after some time i quit coz to get the remaining items (2-3 items) i needed to grind the same epic dungeons ALL THE TIME.

    Edit: and yes, i already TRed 3x times.....
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Just a reminder one of the Video PAX interviews (or on that timeline range) did say it was solo-friendly but easier in a group (except Delves which seemingly require a group up to 5 players.)

    At least we understand the delve is now to minimize the grind time in long RAIDS. Whether it works or not we shall see.

    Yeah the quests are solo friendly which isn't a concern, even the most group centric games has a solo friendly leveling experience...the real question is what does cryptic have planned as far as end game goes for those people who aren't into group centric content?

    My suspicion is they are counting on those that create foundry modules to entertain the non-raid...excuse me... non-delving community. That to me is both good and bad; it would be nice that instead of being predictable, they would use that henchman system that most of us are pretty sure they scrapped to make the game more MMO-like. They need to be thinking big tent, not solo until you get to end game then delve or die.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I hope the foundry isn't the only option for solo progression and content. I do like to group, but my time doesn't always work out that way. I hate when my solo game time doesn't help work towards my overall character progression.
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Yeah the quests are solo friendly which isn't a concern, even the most group centric games has a solo friendly leveling experience...the real question is what does cryptic have planned as far as end game goes for those people who aren't into group centric content?

    My suspicion is they are counting on those that create foundry modules to entertain the non-raid...excuse me... non-delving community. That to me is both good and bad; it would be nice that instead of being predictable, they would use that henchman system that most of us are pretty sure they scrapped to make the game more MMO-like. They need to be thinking big tent, not solo until you get to end game then delve or die.

    To be honest i rly think and hope delves wont allow henchman.

    Let me try to give my point of view about end-game on diferent MMO's ive played.

    1st Wow, i loved the game, 40 raid man at the begin was the most exciting game experience i have tryed since then but to be honest i wouldnt like to see it again coz needs big and organized guilds. The worst thing about WoW were the whinners...... at some point WoW became VERY EASY, people could get one of the best items ingame even without raiding which for me is totally unfair. Ofc some of u can say u dont have the time or the patience to do raids but in that case u shouldnt ask the game to be easier and spoil all the fun for some other people who rly like challanges.

    WoW became easy, now days everyone can even make all raids with a PUG... WTH ?!?!?
    (Edit:Before WoW became easier i didnt saw all the end game content but after Lich king expansion everyone was able to see all the end game content easly :/ )

    2nd is STOW, i didnt actually play the game but all my MMO's friends play it and as soon they reach the lvl cap almost all of them quit the game for lack of content SO PLSSSSSSS crypic make sure we will have PLENTY of content at the end-game (remenber not everyone likes to build 4-5 diferent characters). In NWO they should be delves and maybe some though events arround the world.... ?!?!

    3th DDO, this was one of the easier MMO's i have ever play, but to be honest i had a lot of fun playing it with my friends :) Lack of end-game content was also something i didnt enjoy and at some point DDO rly lack of game updates beside they are always promisse something new :/ In less than an year i already have enough intimidate to tank everything ingame on all modes which disapoint me a little bit :(

    And the funny thing is that im not rly an hardcore player, i wasnt online 12h a day and i didnt raid everyday and i mean on all the games i previous sayed.

    What could NWO do to avoid all those mistakes ??? well IMHO i liked the WoW style, they prob have more end-game content than actually lvling from 1-60, random world event would also improve end-game content. Maybe some "raids" aka delves can have some chain quests before u will able to enter (every time u want to do it), like all guild grinding specific items to summon that epic demon, this could avoid raid grinding.

    Foundry will be a GREAT feature to keep solo players busy but PLSSS make sure u guys take care of people who like to team up and do rly hard adventures aswell.

    Dont make the same mistakes thats mostly STWO and WoW, no much endgame content and easy end game will kill me :P

    But one thing i must admit, will be an epic efford for cryptic to please everyone :)
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    macabrivs wrote: »
    To be honest i rly think and hope delves wont allow henchman.

    Let me try to give my point of view about end-game on diferent MMO's ive played.

    1st Wow, i loved the game, 40 raid man at the begin was the most exciting game experience i have tryed since then but to be honest i wouldnt like to see it again coz needs big and organized guilds. The worst thing about WoW were the whinners...... at some point WoW became VERY EASY, people could get one of the best items ingame even without raiding which for me is totally unfair. Ofc some of u can say u dont have the time or the patience to do raids but in that case u shouldnt ask the game to be easier and spoil all the fun for some other people who rly like challanges.
    Whinners? No whinners did not cause it, it was because there was a shift in consumers. WoW brought into the fold of MMOs of many diverse groups of people, it was not just a dorky nerd of RPG that was the gamer. The shift to casuals was inevitable as that was the bulk of your consumers. The raiders only made of a small portion but that small potion are the loud and boisterous that on the forums made it appear a majority. The 40 man raids bred elitism beyond belief and was a very unhealthy lifestyle. If you wanted a challenge they had hardmodes incorporated.

    WoW became easy, now days everyone can even make all raids with a PUG... WTH ?!?!?
    (Edit:Before WoW became easier i didnt saw all the end game content but after Lich king expansion everyone was able to see all the end game content easly :/ )
    And whats wrong with puggable raids? Sounds like your are the old "elitists" who got all butt hurt when Blizz decided to encompass all their customers in raids. And every one seeing the content is PRECISELY why they did what they did. They did not want to exclude people from seeing all the content nor forcing people to join the bigger named guilds just to see the content. Back to my earlier comment Blizz incorporated Hardmodes to appease the "hardcore."

    2nd is STOW, i didnt actually play the game but all my MMO's friends play it and as soon they reach the lvl cap almost all of them quit the game for lack of content SO PLSSSSSSS crypic make sure we will have PLENTY of content at the end-game (remenber not everyone likes to build 4-5 diferent characters). In NWO they should be delves and maybe some though events arround the world.... ?!?!
    Actually there was content but there was horrible implementations. Everyone grinded PvP BGs as PvP gear was the best gear. And the difficulty in SWTOR was ridiculously retartedly easy. BW said that there is a 4th pillar in MMOs and that is the RPG portion that MMOs do not possess. While they did that pillar very well they neglected the 1st and 2nd pillar of PvE and PvP and forget what is the 3rd pillar. Even WoW itself had really no content at release, it was only after numerous patches that they had the content. Rift prime example. Little to no content at release but now have some very well diverse content to my understanding.

    3th DDO, this was one of the easier MMO's i have ever play, but to be honest i had a lot of fun playing it with my friends :) Lack of end-game content was also something i didnt enjoy and at some point DDO rly lack of game updates beside they are always promisse something new :/ In less than an year i already have enough intimidate to tank everything ingame on all modes which disapoint me a little bit :(
    Not gonna touch DDO as I don't want to start a DDO fanboism vs Haters pissing contest.

    And the funny thing is that im not rly an hardcore player, i wasnt online 12h a day and i didnt raid everyday and i mean on all the games i previous sayed.
    People who were in 40 man guilds had no life, there was a stringent schedule that make what was suppose to be fun and a hobby into a 2nd job. This is precisely why needed to be rid of or drastically changed.

    What could NWO do to avoid all those mistakes ??? well IMHO i liked the WoW style, they prob have more end-game content than actually lvling from 1-60, random world event would also improve end-game content. Maybe some "raids" aka delves can have some chain quests before u will able to enter (every time u want to do it), like all guild grinding specific items to summon that epic demon, this could avoid raid grinding.

    Foundry will be a GREAT feature to keep solo players busy but PLSSS make sure u guys take care of people who like to team up and do rly hard adventures aswell.

    Dont make the same mistakes thats mostly STWO and WoW, no much endgame content and easy end game will kill me :P

    But one thing i must admit, will be an epic efford for cryptic to please everyone :)

    blah blah blah need 10 characters
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    U see, thats why i call people whinners in WoW, if u want to see all the end game content play for it, just dont ask to make it easy so everyone can see.

    The end game content is meant to be hard and i know some people dont have the time/skill/patient, whatever u wish to call to make raids but u cant just ask them to make it easier... it would spoil some other players fun :(

    For some reason Blizz make the end game easy after lich king and the funny thing is that they actually losse ALOT of players. And excuse me but PUG raid success == EASY RAID.

    And i did 40 man raid and trust me i had a fully and Wealthy life by then :P

    About myself, im not an ellitist and i was actually on an average guild which DIDNT allowed me to see all the content (only 1 guild actually saw all the content in my server) and i was rly HAPPY with that coz it kept me interested in the game and want to see and get more and more and more. As soon i see all the content and get all the items i want i will QUIT any MMO. (Like it happen in DDO)

    That is just my point of view, i dont want to be right or wrong... its just me. If u want to see wasy content in NWO thats ok it have certenly good things and bad things but in a big picture i think u will kill a game for some people who are actually enjoying it :/
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Every one should see all the content though. What's wrong with two difficulties, one for those just to see it and another for that challenge? I've done pugs in *** where the fights were not all that simple. Any raid should be puggable as most players a pretty damn competent. And what bout Cata? People have said it's "too hard" at least with heroics.

    Problem with WoW is that it was too focused on end game raiding, it's either raid. pvp, or gtfo. DDO is a very grindy game which is why I always hang up the game after a month or two along with the trickle of content that came through. Sry but I got better things to do than do a quest for the 50th time or more for whatever it is I want from there. If all a game has is that carrot on a stick of gear and raid content then thats a very shallow game.

    GW2 has a good mechanic, story mode for the personal story thing and then there is the exploration mode for that challenge and cosmetic items.

    Vanilla/BC WoW content is an old outdated mechanic and only served the minority which only served to fuel epeens. People are sick and tired of the gear treadmill effect or the carrot on the stick which is one of the main perks people see in GW2.
  • devoteoftempusdevoteoftempus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 473 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Okay...WTF. Why the hell is Age of Conan acronym being blocked.
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2012
    Vanilla/BC WoW content is an old outdated mechanic and only served the minority which only served to fuel epeens. People are sick and tired of the gear treadmill effect or the carrot on the stick which is one of the main perks people see in GW2.

    And i 100% agree with u, i left WoW because the end game is all about raid griding and that was on BC, guess i predict what was comming :P

    I prefer the idea of getting unique items and see people asking "WTH u get those" than "how many raid runs u did to get that" but thats a diferent story which is about how loot will work?!?!?

    About multiple dificulties, yes why not but then u will see everyone with the same gear.... well with less 50stamina or something....

    For me easy content or end game available to everyone dont rly bother me much but i bet i wont play such games for much time and maybe some times i was enjoying them....
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