Well, first of all, I'm not very happy with the changes in the new module. I reported in another post that we were so close to what we were in module 16 before the changes. Here I will demonstrate that there are few options and how simple it is to build characters that will now have a higher risk of dying and will hardly have a status cap in battles. I will use my GWF as an example, but this will be an almost standard build for all classes. >>> It does not include equipment that is very difficult to obtain <<<
GWF Mod 29 with equipament of module 30:
https://ibb.co/hXtMsG6Helmets: For some classes there are only 2 options, the Lair of Mad Dragon helmet (10% CA in master or 8% CA in advanced) and the Dragon Hunt helmet that gives 10% Critical Severity, the latter would be my favorite because it is easy to activate the bonus, but because it has much less item level I chose the MLoMD one. Wizard and Warlock have the Bregan Helmet that gives 7.5% Power and 5% movement, in mathematical terms it is the best helmet in the game, but you would have to have a specific build with it. There is a similar helmet that can be used on any class that drops from the VoS HC mini bosses, I think this is ideal for new players and secondary characters or for support class loadouts to execute quests;
Armor: For armor, there are only 2 options, which are the Bregan Armor (18% CA) for Fighter and GWF and the MDWP armor (18% Critical Severity). For new players, there is the Dragon Hunt armor, which is the same armor as MDWP, only with 15% of the stat. I already liked this armor design, despite having a debuff that increases the chance of you dying, it works for AoE and ST builds since it stacks very quickly;
Arms: Following the build standardization, for gloves I suggest the ADoM gloves that have offensive status and maintain stacks for a long time compared to the second option which would be the MDWP ''tank gloves'' that give 10% Power and Awareness, but have a debuff. There is also an old version of this glove (and with a little less status) in VoS HC, I suggest it as the best choice for new players;
Set Weapons: MDWP set because it has bonus damage, but I think Magma weapons are an excellent option to build an alternative build;
Boots: Here is the only complicated part, because it will involve Forte, seal store options and even insignias.Classes that have Forte with the Combat Advantage and Critical Severity stat have a comparative advantage over the others. Where is this advantage? Forte = 50% Power, 25% offensive secondary stat and 25% defensive stat. These classes are easier to build and even cheaper.
Barbarian and Cleric have Forte Critical Severity, but the boots from the GWF seal shop give 10k CA while the DC seal boots give 10k ACC. Following the premise of the build, it would be necessary for the DC to ignore the seal boots and will have to buy the Masterwork boots with 10k Critical Severity or make an alternative build with the seal boots that give 7.8K AC (this is the best option for new players). All other classes that do not have boots with 10K CA or Critical Severity should follow this line. An option for Rogue and Ranger (Warden full melee) would be the Bregan boots that give 7.5% Critical Severity;
As I mentioned before, the standard pattern would be for classes with Forte CA and Critical Severity to use Dominance and for the other classes to use Brutality. In this build of my GWF I'm using full Brutality, since the class has a class feat "Overpenetration" that gives me 10% bonus damage when my stats are capped;
Artifact Set: There is only one alternative, Detector Set. For an alternative build maybe the Magma set is an option. The latter would also be the best choice for a new player since the Dragon Hunt sets have much lower item level;
Rings:Are there better ones? Yes! But I don't have them since I sometimes ignore some content. But in mathematical terms and in ease of acquisition (when finishing the campaign of module 26, one of the campaign prizes is a package with the option to choose an MToS ring) and because I already have it, I chose these. To mention something much better, there is a profession ring that has a 7.5% bonus to Critical Severity and the MTiC Ring that gives 7% Power - at the cost of a lot of ad both;
Pants and Shirt: I chose the ADoM/MDoM pants and Invasion shirt in Wildspace. In terms of numbers, there are more gains than using the Commanders set in Mount Houtenow, which would be my second choice. The latter would be the best choice for a beginner player, but there is also the seal set for solo farming (the shirt proc bonus if you use Redemption in Companion Enhancement.
Potions and Buffs: Sunlord's Elixir + Soup + Flask of Potenc + Ratatouille (SH food) + Rage of Flames + Devil's Precision + Spider Toten - the only active one in the picture. With this build I reach 120% Power, AC and Critical Severity, 88% Critical Strike and 62.5% Acc. To do this it requires the group to have the following buffs: Pack Tactics, Mystic Aura, Runica Aura, Portobello, Flapjack and Tutor (one of these can be replaced when there is a Ranger using Aspect of the Pack);
Ultility enchant: Movement or Recharge Speed;
Companion Enhancement: Precision;
Companion gear: 3xMolten Ring (Crit.Severity and Crit.Strike);
Mount equip power: Ferocity Predator.
Delzoun Cap - Helmet from the Mount Houtenow store, 5k power and 5k AC.
Ashen Ring - also available at the Mount Houtenow store, 5.7k Power + 4.8k Forte, in addition to other good stats.
Bloodbrass Band - ring from the mini hunts in Pirate Skyhold, 5k Forte and 3% Power, in addition to other good stats.