The Life Drinker Illusion on other players should come with a medical warning for triggering seizures.
It also overpowers all other effects on screen, blinding players and hindering gameplay.
Sometimes it makes the game crash.
Why would anyone want to kill his teammates for a bling?- it is a good question.
But why does the item exists in the game?- it is the primal question.
I had raids where 3 players had this enchant illusion . I left from the campfire, no idea if they finished, also it is not the point to be able to play the game IN SPITE of fashion choices.
Please, join an instance with a player having the Life Drinker Illusion and see with your own eyes.
It's amazing how players comes with various excuses so to get rid stuffs which they don't and hate that others do.. Or simply hate that item or as in this case visual effect..
Alright by your logic we should remove Soulforge effect too, cuz that's create effect of shadow, and some kids may be scared of shadows.. So we need to get rid it too.
Hellfire weapon transmute, and flaming enchantment.... Someone may have bad memories due fire accidents and can cause seizures or etc.. So get rid it too..
Frost weapon enchantment??? Same as with flaming.. Someone had bad case with frost and cold in general,, so this it may look as harmfull to them. So lets get rid them too..
Same can be said about all other weapon, armour illusions, and certain armour transmutes who's have glow visual effects..
Next,, blinding players with glow effect.. .Seriously? For next time try bring more serious reason..
If you get in fight, trial/skirmish/dungeon or any non party activity.. Just by using various class abilties who's easily overshadow Any of weapon/armour illusions,, they can blind players way more.. SO by your logic we should get rid them too??
Ohh look tiamat casting fire breath.. It;s may act harmfull to someone, so what we shoud get rid it too?? Poison clounds? Get rid too..
If you don't like games visual effets, it's your own issue, not the games..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
If I took the trouble to make a post about an item that makes the game unplayable for me, it is as serious as it gets, because playing the game is the reason we are here.
I asked the devs to join an instance and see with their own eyes.
I repeat - it makes the game unplayable for me, I must leave the instance where a player has this fashion item.
Let the devs decide if I am the only one forced out of an instance.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
I can play the game , including all master trials, where reaction time is important.
I can not play the game where in a trial or dungeon a player has this fashion item.
1 Are you saying that your fashion choice imposes on every other player the cost of a new laptop/pc?
If devs agree with that, good for you, I hope they do not.
2.Or are you saying that your fashion choice is reason enough to force players out of the game?
And I should quit in silence too, because how dare I raise my problem, it is not serious enough for the forum dwellers.
3. Or are you buying everybody a new laptop/pc ?
For me,
1. Lifedrinker is not flashing. My invocation is more flashing than Lifedrinker. The hit/damage numbers popping ups are way more flashing on the screen. The vorpal illusion of my Barbarian's sword is way more flashing too.
2. A player character occupies tiny space in the screen. It is not a on your face imaging (at least, not for me).
3. Obviously, people don't understand your problem based on what you wrote. Hence, posting a screen capture or video would point out what the problem is to anyone including dev so that they could have a clue how to 'fix' it.
I have no discriminations, neither hate to anyone specificly. Not as how you try portrait..
But one thing I want to be clear..
I am not guy who's think that one or two players personall needs should overshadow rest of playerbase..
He have issues with lifedrinker illusion( visuals).. ok..
Then perhaps first check what can be done on his/her own side( visual adjustment) and possible issues with software( drivers).
Then if that does not work ask for option to disable illusions animations..
Instead goes like >> remove lifedrinker illusion.. And totally ignoring other players who's have no issues with it..
So while it may sound brutal, but reality is that.. One players needs should never overshadow rest of playerbase.. Cuz while change may be so kindly and respectfull toward him/her, it's become totally disrespectfull for rest of playerbase...
As for kindness and respect.. Alright lets go for it..
If removing this lifedrinker illusion cuz it's flashing to one guy.
Then what's about like, person had issues with eyes and have problems to track fast moving elements/objects in game ? We should reduce game speed to meet his/her needs.
Then about players who's have pain in both hands due past injuries?? We also have to reduce action combat gamplay.. Or why even keep it.. Lets make it simplified tab target so it could be played with one hand.. .
But wait,, I knew play who had accident in past, and fire left marks on his body... And each time he see fire his face expression change and you can clearly can see how uneasy for him is. And yes I know that guy in real life...
For sake of kindness we also have to remove fire effect too.
What's about players who's have arachnophobia??? Lets remove spiders from game..
Should I keep writing list of issues???
This is not first game I play and obviously not the last one.. And in 20+ years I have encounted players who had/have various conditions and issues, both in game and in real life.. Some friends in real life due accident in work have issues to move hands and lost one eye.
And while any flashing stuffs make him hard to focus and clearly see, even he do go to such lengh to suggest to remove illusions...
So yeah, respect.. This very suggestion to remove lifedrinker sounded as disrespect to my friend...
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I have not seen it anymore in end game content, so I am very happy about it.
Also after this post replies, I took the hate directly to the store and bought the latest gaming laptop.
It was not on my priority list, but bought it because of you, so thank you for pushing me to spoil myself.
I have not updated the thread then, because I was busy.