So it looks like Juma has gone from Menzobarranzan, and gone from Narbondellyn, and now is only on the Moondancer.
And Juma only sells bags for wildspace doubloons.
Oh well. I had been using Juma bags as a way to spend excess currency in Menzobarranzan... the gear drops were filling in my collections and appearance library. I guess I have no reason to go there any more.
It will be a while before I have excess doubloons...
That Menzobarranzan currency is just less useful now because they've taken away a place where it could be spent.
Yes, the devs knew that removing Juma was removing most of the foot traffic, but what you are failing to do is give the devs credit, since your whole schtick seems to be to bash on the dev team. They knew moving Juma would remove traffic there, and made the Insurgencies easier when they did it, not later after complaints.
Let me reiterate my position: moving Juma makes the game feel more dynamic. Juma knows that most players are going to be in the new zones, so he moves to where the most business is. Do I miss Juma in Vallenhas? Only on 2x currency weeks.
There is no good reason to "move" Juma who could have coexisted in all the relevant zones. Of course, since certain old prizes were removed intentionally, one may think it is not relevant anymore.
Now please explain to us what your motive is for defending mistakes and errors and thinking we should never say anything about them and just put up with whatever is thrown at us no matter how bad it is.