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M27 Boon Update Feedback

Boons have been revamped so that players can buy more boons at the Tier 5 and Master level. Those additional boons will cost more (2 for the next, then 3, then 4, and so on), but you can now buy as many different boons as you like, within the limit of your boon points.

Because of the changes, players will need to re-buy their Tier 5 and Master boons (those boon points have been refunded to them).

If players want to exactly reproduce their previous boon purchases, they can; nothing has gone up in price. It's just that now there are some further options available for players to spend their boon points on.

There are many changes to Tier 6 (Master) campaign boons, particularly around the triggering conditions, to make those boons more appealing.

Changes to Master Boons
  • Various tooltip clarifications (in particular, proc chances are given).
  • "On kill" proc has become "On kill or on taking > 50% damage".
  • "On Encounter Use" has stayed the same.
  • "On At-Will Use" has had the < 30% HP requirement removed.
  • "On heal" has become "on heal or being healed".

Bugfixes to Specific Boons
  • Death's Bulwark boon should now correctly grant Critical Avoidance when it triggers.
  • Clarifed tooltips on the Campaign Boons Lingering Medicine, Lingering Fortification, and Lingering Power, to make it clear they can proc with Stones of Health. This is not a functional change, just a tooltip clarification.
  • The Blood Lust boon decreased the target's Defense. However, since only players have a Defense stat, this usually had no effect. That part of the boon has been changed to "Target takes 1% moire damage from you per rank for 10 seconds".

Known Issues
  • It's possible to spend more boon points than you actually have if you do clever combinations of buying, unbuying, and committing.


  • lolgibbslolgibbs Member Posts: 3 New User
    The Boon rework feels underwhelming. Here is my feedback on the current state of boons, Majority of the boons don't offer much for the value. Like what does 5 boons for 1% power do for a DPS or 5 boons for 1% defense on a tank.

    -I would recommend rebalancing boons for each tier to give 1% per each boon for a total of 5% in stat that way every role has a better option and a wide choice of selection. (Note: Read my following suggestion before saying but thats 20% in power)

    -Remove the 3 extra power and extra health boon slots in tier 2-4 and replace them with dmg bonuses for other enemy types since were lacking so many enemy types.

    -Tier 5 feels like it should match with ability bonuses. For example, Physical dmg boost, Magical dmg boost should replace Forte and Control Bonus because those two skills provide very little to no value to any role. You could put those instead in lower tier boons as replacement.

    -Death's bulwark is extremely niche and for the most part useless on a tank. Rather than being more def % it should be less incoming dmg because more than likely all tanks on higher end content already run 90% cap on def %. We also have blessed resilience for healers to provide tanks with extra def % if their new tanks or if tanks decide to build hybrid for mob clearing during a dungeon.

    -Enhanced application rank 1 would be much better if it gave 1% total healing stacking per rank to compensate healers. Since not of the other master boons really give healers bonuses directly to our healing.

    -Just a suggestion, would be nice if you guys gave us healers an Outgoing healing bonus in stronghold boons and change the current ratings to percentages to help better balance stats rather than a flat rating that over caps. Currently healers struggle much more than any other role to achieve their stats caps, so I hope this feedback alleviates with the current problems most players struggle.

    -I am also not a fan of the new bloodlust boon because one of the reasons endgame players in Xbox are so scarce. People want highest dps players in their groups. This just opens up to self center dps who solely rely on their on numbers rather than willing to work with others in a random group.

    I hope you guys take into consideration the feedback and considering adjusting the boons a bit more as they currently stand is terrible distribution of stats. I would like to see more of the gear you guys bring out to be used outside of the specific gear bonuses people use to meet percentage caps.
  • flo#9446 flo Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    The changes to tier 5 and master boons are ok so far. Please consider changes to lower levels as stated below.
    Boons that currently ad 0.2% stats per point --> to 0.5% for a max of 2.5%
    Gold Gain --> Rough AD Gain 2.5% per point to a max of 12.5% ( Currently gold gain is useless)
    Lingering Medicine/ Fortification/ Power -->Change them to Damage and Damage resistance to different type of creatures
    Dissenchanting Aura --> Change to Increase Incoming Healing 0.5% per Rank for a max of 2.5%
    Constant Control --> Change to Increased Magical Damage by 1% per rank ( Currently control is useless)
    Welcome Blessing --> Change to Reduce incoming Damage by 1% per Rank
    Master Class --> Change to Increase Physical Damage by 1% per Rank

    Guild Stronghold Boons
    Change all fixed stat boons to grant percentages.
    Power Bonus
    300 Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank --> 0.3 % Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank
    Hit Points Bonus
    1200 Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank --> 1.2% Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank

    Control Resist bonus --> Change to Deflect Severity Bonus
    Enchance Overload: Companion Ward and Slayer --> Change to Increase Companion Damage and Damage Resistance by 5%-50%.

    Post edited by flo#9446 on
  • gweddeoran#4924 gweddeoran Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Since the Boons are being updated in Mod 27, it would be a good opportunity to properly organize the lower-ranking Boons based on how the stats have been reorganized post Mod 21. The aim is to properly represent all the stats and make sure we can make significant choices with reasonable benefit.

    Master Boons: Keep as on Mod 27 Preview, those are welcome changes.

    Advanced Boons: 5 Ranks Each
    1. Action Point Gain: 1% Per Rank
    2. Recharge Speed: 1% Per Rank
    3. Stamina Regeneration: 1% Per Rank
    4. Movement Speed: 2.5% Per Rank
    5. Potions Bonus: 2.5% Per Rank
    Regular Boons: 5 Ranks Each, 5 Layers
    Each Layer has Damage, Hit Points, 1 Offense, 1 Defense, 1 Utility
    1. Offense/Defense/Utility Stat: 0.5% Per Rank for 5 Ranks (Max 2.5% Per Stat)
    2. Damage/Hit Points: 0.1% Per Rank for 5x5 Ranks (Max 2.5% Per Stat when investing in all layers)
    As an example for 1 Layer of Regular Boons:
    Damage (0/5): 0.1% Per Rank, Hit Points (0/5): 0.1% Per Rank, Power (0/5): 0.5% Per Rank, Defense (0/5): 0.5% Per Rank, Forte (0/5): 0.5% Per Rank

    Utility Boons correspond to the Utility Stats in your Character Sheet, i.e., Forte, Outgoing Healing, Incoming Healing, Control Bonus, and Control Resistance.

    Damage Boons were specific to dealing more damage to a certain type of enemy and thus useless to Healers. This would change it to be a lower amount but be an overall Damage boost that helps both DPS and Healers, and is also way more consistent. Thus, no one loses out but rather has a better benefit that applies to all.
    As for the Damage Resistance Boons, those were all HP Boosts with flavored names (they never gave you DR against specific enemy types, just boosted to your total HP), so they still exist in this system as they were before, just being referred to as Hit Point Boons which reflects what they actually did in the older system as well.
  • forumaccount#7167 forumaccount Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    Enhanced Application:

    The healing seems to work properly but the not over time healing is way better on fast hitting at-wills like duellist's flurry than slower ones. Also having a different name for the heal over time and the direct heal in the combat log would make testing easier.

    Life Lessons:

    The extra damage is again way better on fast hitting at-wills than on slower ones

    Life Lessons:

    Sometimes I suddenly deal 10x the base damage compared to other procs according to the combat log:

    The healing is way lower than expected. According to the tooltip it should be 3*10% of the damage dealt (all damage or just the damage from life lessons?). In reality the heal is barely noticable at best and often not even healing 1k health:

    For reference that's my outgoing damage from the test above:

  • gastndorf#9723 gastndorf Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    You need to rework the regular boons too. It makes no sense to have 4 times as many Power and HP boons (especially when these get scaled anyway) than any other. Tiers are pretty much useless especially when you get bulks of 4-6 boons nowadays anyway, so you could do without.

    Just have the same number of boons for all stats, maybe take the opportunity to offer a little more than 1/4% per stats... Hell why not make it uncapped? So if one person decides they want to put 100 boons into power because it fits his build, then he can...

    And then keep the more creative/exotic stuff on the side, and for advanced boons.
  • gweddeoran#4924 gweddeoran Member Posts: 90 Arc User

    You need to rework the regular boons too. It makes no sense to have 4 times as many Power and HP boons (especially when these get scaled anyway) than any other. Tiers are pretty much useless especially when you get bulks of 4-6 boons nowadays anyway, so you could do without.

    Just have the same number of boons for all stats, maybe take the opportunity to offer a little more than 1/4% per stats... Hell why not make it uncapped? So if one person decides they want to put 100 boons into power because it fits his build, then he can...

    And then keep the more creative/exotic stuff on the side, and for advanced boons.

    I agree completely- have a look at my previous post on this thread- I have provided a layout for lesser boons which is exactly what you are talking about it.
  • lolgibbslolgibbs Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @"flo#9446" said:
    > The changes to tier 5 and master boons are ok so far. Please consider changes to lower levels as stated below.
    > Boons that currently ad 0.2% stats per point --> to 0.5% for a max of 2.5%
    > Gold Gain --> Rough AD Gain 2.5% per point to a max of 12.5% ( Currently gold gain is useless)
    > Lingering Medicine/ Fortification/ Power -->Change them to Damage and Damage resistance to different type of creatures
    > Dissenchanting Aura --> Change to Increase Incoming Healing 0.5% per Rank for a max of 2.5%
    > Constant Control --> Change to Increased Magical Damage by 1% per rank ( Currently control is useless)
    > Welcome Blessing --> Change to Reduce incoming Damage by 1% per Rank
    > Master Class --> Change to Increase Physical Damage by 1% per Rank
    > Edit:
    > Guild Stronghold Boons
    > Change all fixed stat boons to grant percentages.
    > Example:
    > Power Bonus
    > 300 Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank --> 0.3 % Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank
    > Hit Points Bonus
    > 1200 Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank --> 1.2% Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank
    > Control Resist bonus --> Change to Deflect Severity Bonus
    > Enchance Overload: Companion Ward and Slayer --> Change to Increase Companion Damage and Damage Resistance by 5%-50%.

    Exactly. I totally agree with you on this, the current boon rework feels like a patch over an open wound. They need to address the rest of the table and same goes with the guild bonuses. Boons should be a staple to fill in gaps in builds. They should provide every person the opportunity for diversity. Like if there was 2 rings and both offer a high amount of power. Then I would be capping power but then im short on another skill and maybe is by 1 or 2%. Boons would be able to adjust the builds. Each mod they offer us so much variety of gear that could potentially be used but then we are stuck with problems where were short 1 or 2% to hit a cap and we have to fall back on the "meta build." The current boon system is massive, and it would take a long time to fill it completely, it's just how terrible most of the boons are that they are even considering this rework to alleviate the pressure.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited October 2023
    lolgibbs said:

    The Boon rework feels underwhelming. Here is my feedback on the current state of boons, Majority of the boons don't offer much for the value. Like what does 5 boons for 1% power do for a DPS or 5 boons for 1% defense on a tank.

    -I would recommend rebalancing boons for each tier to give 1% per each boon for a total of 5% in stat that way every role has a better option and a wide choice of selection. (Note: Read my following suggestion before saying but thats 20% in power)

    -Remove the 3 extra power and extra health boon slots in tier 2-4 and replace them with dmg bonuses for other enemy types since were lacking so many enemy types.

    I've always thought you do an entire Campaign, and after earning 5 boons, you basically only EARN 1% bonus at 0.2% each. Still I do think there is a viable case for at least doubling the 0.2% out to 0.4% or 2% (max) per SET of 5.

    They also need to increase HitPoints up from 0.2% up to 1% given Artifacts often offer more for Hitpoints and Runspeed; and the Marathon Runner boon gives 2.5% each. Still there's only 1 movement boon, and there are 4 Hitpoint Tiers.

    Initial Reaction From BOON changes:

    Feedback: While I think allowing More Master & Tier 5 is good. :+1::+1:
    ╘ I like they now allow multiple Master & Tier 5 boons, it's also good they've extended the healing to include being healed.
    ╘ A double edge sword: MANY will drop those weak 0.2% boons in favor of far more Tier 5 & Master boons.

    Feedback: Tier 1-4 BOONs are a little underwhelming, as author above stated. :-1:
    ╘ I agree with the person above those that offer 0.2% bonus each, is underwhelming yet 1% is a bit too much!
    ╘ Suggest doubling 0.2% to at least 0.4% each, & reduce Power Boons by 50%; offering 2 new Enemy Dmg & Resist. :+1:
    ╚ This wouldn't offer any additional power, per the TOP suggestion; yet is also easier for them to consider.

    NOTE: It also allow Crit strike, Crit Severity, Accuracy, Combat Adv, & all defensive stats that only offer 1% for everything except power to at least go to 2%--this will also discourage everyone from simply clearing more lower tier tier BOONs, instead of adding 4th, or 5th set of Tier 5 or Master Boons which offer considerably more!

    Feedback: Finally, Hit Points Boons must at least offer 1% not 0.2% GIVEN Run Speed (offers 2.5% each) for total of 12.5% :-1:

    Be good to see all other Offensive & Defensive Boons also give 0.4% each for maximum 2% not 1%. :+1:
    Ensures people weight accordingly, as opposed to drop those at 0.2% or 1% for 5, in favor far more Tier 5 or Master.

    @rgutscheradev --I like several idea's others suggested, just tried to balance it a bit, so maybe it might be considered..

    Have a good day!
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • mintmarkmintmark Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 483 Arc User
    flo#9446 said:

    Gold Gain --> Rough AD Gain 2.5% per point to a max of 12.5% ( Currently gold gain is useless)

    I just want to say, I don't think gold gain is useless.
    I have a whole loadout full of gold gain from various sources.
    I use it a lot.

    Thank you.

  • lolgibbslolgibbs Member Posts: 3 New User
    > @strathkin said:
    > I've always thought you do an entire Campaign, and after earning 5 boons, you basically only EARN 1% bonus at 0.2% each. Still I do think there is a viable case for at least doubling the 0.2% out to 0.4% or 2% (max) per SET of 5. They also need to increase HitPoints up from 0.2% up to 1% given Artifacts often offer more for Hitpoints and Runspeed; and the Marathon Runner boon gives 2.5% each. Still there's only 1 movement boon, and there are 4 Hitpoint Tiers.
    > Initial Reaction From BOON changes:
    > Feedback: While I think allowing More Master & Tier 5 is good. :+1: :+1:
    > ╘ I like they now allow multiple Master & Tier 5 boons, it's also good they've extended the healing to include being healed.
    > ╘ A double edge sword: MANY will drop those weak 0.2% boons in favor of far more Tier 5 & Master boons.
    > Feedback: Tier 1-4 are a little underwhelming, as author above stated. :-1:
    > ╘ I agree with the person above those that offer 0.2% bonus each, is underwhelming yet 1% is a bit too much!
    > ╘ Suggest doubling 0.2% to at least 0.4% each, & reduce Power Boons by 50%; offering 2 new Enemy Dmg & Resist. :+1:
    > ╚ This wouldn't offer any additional power, per the TOP suggestion; yet is also easier for them to consider.
    > NOTE: It also allow Crit strike, Crit Severity, Accuracy, Combat Adv, & all defensive stats that only offer 1% for everything except power to at least go to 2%--this will also discourage everyone from simply clearing more lower tier tier BOONs, instead of adding 4th, or 5th set of Tier 5 or Master Boons which offer considerably more!
    > Feedback: Finally, Hit Points Boons must at least offer 1% not 0.2% GIVEN Run Speed (offers 2.5% each) for total of 12.5% :-1:
    > Be good to see all other Offensive & Defensive Boons also give 0.4% each for maximum 2% not 1%. :+1:
    > ╘ Ensures people weight accordingly, as opposed to drop those at 0.2% or 1% for 5, in favor far more Tier 5 or Master.
    > -----
    > @rgutscheradev --I like several idea's others suggested, just tried to balance it a bit, so maybe it might be considered..
    > Have a good day!

    Thanks, I totally agree to bring it around 2.5% stat bonus for multiple skills rather than a flat line 1% for all. The idea behind boons should be to help new players progress while giving old players gap closers to perfect new builds without falling into a "meta build". Hopefully they adjust the lower tiers to fit for both early and late game players alike. The only master boon I would like to see rework is the death's bulwark as I think def % won't help much a struggling tank constantly dropping below 50% rather a flat damage reduction would be better.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited October 2023

    Bugfixes to Specific Boons

    • Death's Bulwark boon should now correctly grant Critical Avoidance when it triggers.
    • Clarifed tooltips on the Campaign Boons Lingering Medicine, Lingering Fortification, and Lingering Power, to make it clear they can proc with Stones of Health. This is not a functional change, just a tooltip clarification.
    • The Blood Lust boon decreased the target's Defense. However, since only players have a Defense stat, this usually had no effect. That part of the boon has been changed to "Target takes 1% moire damage from you per rank for 10 seconds".
    Since this was identified (above) would it not also be advisable to:

    Replace or Update the Companion Enchancement: Armor Break :+1:
    That gives a Chance on hit to reduce an Enemy's defense by up to 7.5% for 15 second's so does that also need to change to offer something else given Enemy don't have defense? :o

    The Mount Bonus for Armor Breaker provides Critical Severity, not sure why the Companion Armor Break does (not) also provide a 7.5% chance at Critical Severity?
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User

    Feedback: I've noted above that some people are requesting that healing-type boons on the lower levels are replaced by damage boons. I would like to offer input here that while some people are overly focused on being glass canon builds to be top of the damage leaderboards (that's their prerogative) and that every stat they apply will be offensive and they can never get enough offensive stats for their appetites, please remember that not all players are like this and while healers and tanks can need to rely on defensive stats to stay alive longer and therefore keep others alive too (and the hitpoints boons and healing potion buff boons being suggested to be removed fall into this category) dps players can also want to create a more sturdy durable build which incorporates some or all of the defensive options to offer more survivability for whatever reason they choose, such as soloing through content or just not being a hassle to the healer or others while running group content.

    As an example I have various builds myself as dps, but whatever build it is I always without fail select the healing potion boons and incorporate those into it, I get better bang for my buck when I use a potion and I like that feature being offered. Players need the option of having defensive stats to build a balanced dps build if that is their wish, and not everyone wants to be a glass canon so in my opinion the boons which offer some kind of defensive choices will always be needed, not only obviously by tanks and healers, but also by dps classes when relevant to the person making a more durable build. We have always had choices on what type of dps build we are making, if it is going to be glass canon or on the more durable side, to be more support, to be less of a bother to other players, to play completely solo, to do PVP, there are a multitude of reasons people make a build the way they do according to personal preference and need, and taking away those choices makes the game poorer and less engaging in the long run. And of course the tanks and healers are going to be needing those boon choices anyway which those people above are not really thinking about, they're forgetting not everyone plays the way they do or needs what they need. Cheers.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    mintmark said:

    flo#9446 said:

    Gold Gain --> Rough AD Gain 2.5% per point to a max of 12.5% ( Currently gold gain is useless)

    I just want to say, I don't think gold gain is useless.
    I have a whole loadout full of gold gain from various sources.
    I use it a lot.

    Thank you.

    People have to be very careful when they are suggesting changes to the overall structure of the game and think of all possibilities and needs, not just their own point of view and current state and needs. On this topic of gold, some players always have a need for gold bonuses - like those who make a toon just for professions for example - while others may focus on filling an AD void because their gameplay is AD heavy and they need that buff because they are always in need of more and more AD. My needs swing between both at different times and I use collars back and forth to help a little but my point is mainly that because someone has loads of gold right now, they need to remember that not everyone is in the same boat and they are suggesting changing the entire game to fit what they personally need which will adversely impact a bunch of other people which is why you always need to think carefully when you make these types of suggestions as you are suggesting for everyone and all events and occurrences, not just yourself.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    lolgibbs said:

    > @flo#9446 said:
    > The changes to tier 5 and master boons are ok so far. Please consider changes to lower levels as stated below.
    > Boons that currently ad 0.2% stats per point --> to 0.5% for a max of 2.5%
    > Gold Gain --> Rough AD Gain 2.5% per point to a max of 12.5% ( Currently gold gain is useless)
    > Lingering Medicine/ Fortification/ Power -->Change them to Damage and Damage resistance to different type of creatures
    > Dissenchanting Aura --> Change to Increase Incoming Healing 0.5% per Rank for a max of 2.5%
    > Constant Control --> Change to Increased Magical Damage by 1% per rank ( Currently control is useless)
    > Welcome Blessing --> Change to Reduce incoming Damage by 1% per Rank
    > Master Class --> Change to Increase Physical Damage by 1% per Rank
    > Edit:
    > Guild Stronghold Boons
    > Change all fixed stat boons to grant percentages.
    > Example:
    > Power Bonus
    > 300 Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank --> 0.3 % Power and 80 Combined Rating per Structure rank
    > Hit Points Bonus
    > 1200 Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank --> 1.2% Maximum Hit Points and 80 Combined Rating per Structure Rank
    > Control Resist bonus --> Change to Deflect Severity Bonus
    > Enchance Overload: Companion Ward and Slayer --> Change to Increase Companion Damage and Damage Resistance by 5%-50%.

    Exactly. I totally agree with you on this, the current boon rework feels like a patch over an open wound. They need to address the rest of the table and same goes with the guild bonuses. Boons should be a staple to fill in gaps in builds. They should provide every person the opportunity for diversity. Like if there was 2 rings and both offer a high amount of power. Then I would be capping power but then im short on another skill and maybe is by 1 or 2%. Boons would be able to adjust the builds. Each mod they offer us so much variety of gear that could potentially be used but then we are stuck with problems where were short 1 or 2% to hit a cap and we have to fall back on the "meta build." The current boon system is massive, and it would take a long time to fill it completely, it's just how terrible most of the boons are that they are even considering this rework to alleviate the pressure.

    Control bonus is not useless to control wizards and those others who specialize in CC'g mobs of various strengths. Do you know what CC is?
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    edited October 2023
    Feedback: I agree with others that the 0.2% point increase per boon point be increased to 1% per boon point, it has never been satisfactory that you only get 1% per 5 boon points and is a total disincentive to even bother with those choices. Points are better spent elsewhere because 1% total for all that hard work is an insult and won't make much of a noticeable difference in gameplay anyway. They are out of whack with the others like the ones which give 1% extra damage against certain types of enemies per point spent for a total of 5% which is a decent payoff for choosing that boon total set of points, and need to be brought up to align with those.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • samfandango#1314 samfandango Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited October 2023
    strathkin said:

    lolgibbs said:

    The Blood Lust boon decreased the target's Defense. However, since only players have a Defense stat, this usually had no effect. That part of the boon has been changed to "Target takes 1% more damage from you per rank for 10 seconds".
    Since this was identified (above) would it not also be advisable to:

    Replace or Update the Companion Enchancement: Armor Break :+1:
    That gives a Chance on hit to reduce an Enemy's defense by up to 7.5% for 15 second's so does that also need to change to offer something else given Enemy don't have defense? :o
    This is kind of confusing, the 2020 stat rework NPC enemy defense was set at 50% default, with no way to counter other than defense debuffs. This is what led to everyone stacking Armour Break on all 10 players in trials in the past to shred the boss. Was this changed? (admittedly, I have been away from the game for a while, so no idea if this was changed during that time.)

    Also, doesn't this mean Drow and Menzoberranzan Drow need to have their racial bonuses changed?
    Post edited by samfandango#1314 on
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited October 2023

    Bugfixes to Specific Boons

    • Death's Bulwark boon should now correctly grant Critical Avoidance when it triggers.
    • Clarifed tooltips on the Campaign Boons Lingering Medicine, Lingering Fortification, and Lingering Power, to make it clear they can proc with Stones of Health. This is not a functional change, just a tooltip clarification.
    • The Blood Lust boon decreased the target's Defense. However, since only players have a Defense stat, this usually had no effect. That part of the boon has been changed to "Target takes 1% moire damage from you per rank for 10 seconds".
    Sorry for the misquote (referenced above) it does correctly identify what the Developer had said somehow it just just confused it posted by someone else. Read the DEVs first post you'll also see it referenced there as well.


    That's the reason for my question should they consider perhaps revising this (shown above):

    Replace or Update the Companion Enchancement: Armor Break :+1:
    That gives a Chance on hit to reduce an Enemy's defense by up to 7.5% for 15 second's so does that also need to change to offer something else given Enemy don't have defense? :o

    The Mount Bonus for Armor Breaker provides Critical Severity, not sure why the Companion Armor Break does (not) also provide a 7.5% chance at Critical Severity?

    This is kind of confusing, the 2020 stat rework NPC enemy defense was set at 50% default, with no way to counter other than defense debuffs. This is what led to everyone stacking Armour Break on all 10 players in trials in the past to shred the boss. Was this changed? (admittedly, I have been away from the game for a while, so no idea if this was changed during that time.)

    Also, doesn't this mean Drow and Menzoberranzan Drow need to have their racial bonuses changed?

    So I kind of agree with why were both asking the same thing, still I prefer how they revised Blood Lust..
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    The changes so that master boons can proc more often and being able to possibly get more T5 and master boons seem "ok"...

    Those changes don't bring anything new to the game though, just more of what already exists...

    Necrotic mastery, dino power, demonic mastery and cultist mastery are specialty boons and could be more useful updated to something more universal?

    T4 and lower boons currently at .2% per rank (1% total) for 30+ day campaigns is and has been ridiculous. It's not motivational to run the same lengthy campaigns over and over on other characters for 1%... increase them, content is scaled anyway, increasing them won't simply allow the majority of players to blow through dungeons...

    Boons have been revamped so that players can buy more boons at the Tier 5 and Master level. Those additional boons will cost more (2 for the next, then 3, then 4, and so on), but you can now buy as many different boons as you like, within the limit of your boon points.

    So basically there won't be any new boons for like 10+ mods?...

    Players ought to keep in mind that boon choice isn't always based upon dungeon content. When you are running around solo those potion and HP boons can be the difference between being sent back to the campfire or surviving. Some people like additional gold gain. Adding additional boons ((T1-T4 at least)/(for non-dps classes?)) may be a more beneficial than suggesting that particular ones be removed simply because you believe they are not useful because you don't use them...
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited October 2023

    I would have thought they would have simply reduced the spaces between each boon, they they could add at least 2-3 row's on both the left & right sides. This was a graphic I did over a year ago suggesting they could add several additional boons...

    Would also give a lot of room for several new specific Enemy Damage & Resistence Boon's as well. Still I think 0.2% is a bit too low as 5 boons only gives 1% those should be at least 2% for 5; and Hitpoints should offer 1% (each) even if it reduces the # of power & hitpoint boons. Then they could add a few more enemy damage & resistence buff's as there far more than 4 types of enemy in game. There is in fact a lot of room to add boons, at least 130 additional ones without the additions made to Master & Tier 5!

    Still I do like they did allow more than 1 Master Boon, and also more than 2 Tier 5 Boon's. Still it's a bit late to expect them adding a few more Tier 1-4 choices for M27, maybe they'll slightly expand choice a few MODs later.. Still I mostly always though the 0.2% increment was a insignificant, and though it should have at least have been doubled up; even if that meant reducing a few like Power, Hitpoints, with a few new choices.

    Post edited by strathkin on
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    Your graphic edits are pretty damn good. Visuals can be quite effective.

    Additional master and T5 boons isn't bad for the most part. Personally it just seems like a lack of effort on the devs to keep reusing things already in the game (why is the avatar of orcus still being used as a boss anyway? Was somewhat disappointed to see it again after running demonweb pits for the first time a few days ago).

    When rgutscheradev stated: "Those additional boons will cost more (2 for the next, then 3, then 4, and so on) personally calculated the boon point cost of selecting 2 additional T5 and 3 additional master boons. At 4 boon points per mod it will take at least 9 mods to get them. "Ideally" don't see many players opting to spend 5 boon points for 1% boons when they can choose an additional T5 boon for 8 points and get 4%/an additional master boon for only 6 points and get various bonuses. The cost goes up as more higher tier boons are sought though so does the bonuses in total compared to the cheaper T1-T4 boons.

    Not seeing why increasing the T4 and below boons would need/warrant the reduction of anything because scaled content will essentially take care of any increases anyway.

    Chances are they will not add anything additional for Mod 27 in regard to boons (hell how many times have broken things in preview still get pushed through? lol). For the current state of what rgutscheradev posted, personally was expressing that boons can be expanded upon in the future. How cool it would have been for some new T1-T4 boons/reworks in the boon update as well to give players more of a variety of build changes rather than simply "you can get more T5 and master boons, enjoy another 10 week campaign".
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    @trinity706#8838 Thanks for your comment, I just wanted to show their is lots of room to add more; that doesn't include possibly reducing the # of Power or Hit Point boons if they increased each to 0.4% or 0.5% per boon point. They would be able to possibly double a few other's up, like Gold Bonus, or add a few new ones like RAD bonus.

    So it leaves lots of room for possibilities...
  • kuero21kuero21 Member Posts: 454 Arc User

    The Blood Lust boon decreased the target's Defense. However, since only players have a Defense stat, this usually had no effect."
    So how does this affect the Eilistraes Grace ring from mtos and the warlock/ bard debuff chest piece? Both of them are supposed to lower the targets defense. If only players have a defense stat, does this translate to their effects only doing half of what they are supposed to do?

    @rgutscheradev @ambassadorkael#6946
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    ??? Bug ???: Boons for Mods 24-26 now require SotSG (Seals of the Spider God)...
    Feedback: SotSG are the current primary seal which means they are capped weekly at 500. Why do older boons require the new SotSG instead of SotD (Seal of the Dragon)?...

    Bug: RDQ and RSQ do NOT award SotD...
    Feedback: How are players supposed to get SotD if ALL queues only reward SotSG?...


    Seals of the Dragon have been replaced by Seals of the Spider God in places they are given out, as Seals of the Spider God are in the current time-uncapped seal tier.

    11/7/23 Patch Notes


    Quoted part in bold - Patch notes don't state that SotSG are to replace SotD in regard to boon costs...

    Quoted part in italics - Is "Seals of the Spider God" supposed to be "Seals of the Dragon" being that SotD should be the current time-uncapped seal tier?...

    Overall Feedback: These seal changes/bugs are an even steeper setback on top of players having to wait four mods for a supposed to be uncapped secondary seal that was apparently botched. Sure for the time being players can get SotSG via easier content but so what though when the majority of the Mod 27 equipment is inferior...
    It's going to difficult for players to explore deeper into the boon update (if possible at all and especially in a timely fashion) if they don't already have the boons from Mods 24-26 (12 points) being that instead of the boons from those mods still using SotD (Seals of the Dragon), which are supposed to now be uncapped/the secondary seal (like what happened with SotN (Seals of the North) when SotD were introduced with Mod 24), for some reason they now require SotSG (Seals of the Spider God) which are capped at 500/week...

    Going for those 12 boon points will add another 3 weeks to a player's progression per character if they don't already have them...
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited November 2023

    ??? Bug ???: Boons for Mods 24-26 now require SotSG (Seals of the Spider God)...
    Feedback: SotSG are the current primary seal which means they are capped weekly at 500. Why do older boons require the new SotSG instead of SotD (Seal of the Dragon)?...

    Bug: RDQ and RSQ do NOT award SotD...
    Feedback: How are players supposed to get SotD if ALL queues only reward SotSG?...


    Seals of the Dragon have been replaced by Seals of the Spider God in places they are given out, as Seals of the Spider God are in the current time-uncapped seal tier.

    11/7/23 Patch Notes


    Quoted part in bold - Patch notes don't state that SotSG are to replace SotD in regard to boon costs...

    Quoted part in italics - Is "Seals of the Spider God" supposed to be "Seals of the Dragon" being that SotD should be the current time-uncapped seal tier?...

    Overall Feedback: These seal changes/bugs are an even steeper setback on top of players having to wait four mods for a supposed to be uncapped secondary seal that was apparently botched. Sure for the time being players can get SotSG via easier content but so what though when the majority of the Mod 27 equipment is inferior...
    It's going to difficult for players to explore deeper into the boon update (if possible at all and especially in a timely fashion) if they don't already have the boons from Mods 24-26 (12 points) being that instead of the boons from those mods still using SotD (Seals of the Dragon), which are supposed to now be uncapped/the secondary seal (like what happened with SotN (Seals of the North) when SotD were introduced with Mod 24), for some reason they now require SotSG (Seals of the Spider God) which are capped at 500/week...

    Going for those 12 boon points will add another 3 weeks to a player's progression per character if they don't already have them...
    Using SotSG is GREAT for those who refused to do RQ to get Seal of the Dragon (i.e. me). No, I do not have any boons point from Mod 24 to 26 (12 points). The reason is you now can earn SotSG everywhere. My toon are getting their mod 24-26 boon slowly (and I can still refuse to do RQ) while getting mod 27 boon point (which does not need SotSG) at the same time.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User

    Using SotSG is GREAT for those who refused to do RQ to get Seal of the Dragon (i.e. me). No, I do not have any boons point from Mod 24 to 26 (12 points). The reason is you now can earn SotSG everywhere. My toon are getting their mod 24-26 boon slowly (and I can still refuse to do RQ) while getting mod 27 boon point (which does not need SotSG) at the same time.

    Currently on one hand it is a positive some though for others it may not be.

    SotD don't drop from ANYWHERE so that alone puts the dragon seal equipment out of reach for players who don't already have the currency. Even if they did have the currency prior it was capped at 1500 so they wouldn't have enough to get all vendor pieces anyway...

    If they change it to where SotD drop in RDQ's and RSQ's (like with SotN in Mod 24) while keeping everything else the same then that will open things up for players seeking the dragon seal equipment and players that don't like RQ's would still be able to get SotSG outside of RQ's, essentially all the players win.
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited November 2023

    Using SotSG is GREAT for those who refused to do RQ to get Seal of the Dragon (i.e. me). No, I do not have any boons point from Mod 24 to 26 (12 points). The reason is you now can earn SotSG everywhere. My toon are getting their mod 24-26 boon slowly (and I can still refuse to do RQ) while getting mod 27 boon point (which does not need SotSG) at the same time.

    Currently on one hand it is a positive some though for others it may not be.

    SotD don't drop from ANYWHERE so that alone puts the dragon seal equipment out of reach for players who don't already have the currency. Even if they did have the currency prior it was capped at 1500 so they wouldn't have enough to get all vendor pieces anyway...

    If they change it to where SotD drop in RDQ's and RSQ's (like with SotN in Mod 24) while keeping everything else the same then that will open things up for players seeking the dragon seal equipment and players that don't like RQ's would still be able to get SotSG outside of RQ's, essentially all the players win.
    Well, I still do Random Skirmish (which did not drop new seal) because of battle pass. It drops SotSG. So, it is great for me.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • trinity706#8838 trinity706 Member Posts: 853 Arc User


    Random Queues for Skirmishes and Dungeons now correctly reward Seals of the Dragon.

    This not being the case previously did seem very odd.


    Campaign Special Tasks from Underdark, Menzoberranzan, and Demonweb Pits no longer require seals as part of their cost.

    This is different indeed. A step forward.

    If they change it to where SotD drop in RDQ's and RSQ's (like with SotN in Mod 24) while keeping everything else the same then that will open things up for players seeking the dragon seal equipment and players that don't like RQ's would still be able to get SotSG outside of RQ's, essentially all the players win.

    Unfortunately for those that don't like RQ's, heroics drop SotD now. Maybe major heroic could be changed to drop the primary seal (currently SotSG)?
    ALL Rights Reserved for any and all suggestions, ideas, etc. from this user.

    “There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
    "No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY

    Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players

    Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
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