I'm a returning player. Last time i played was around 2015. I am completely lost, everything is different. For example, the GWF is now a Barbarian!? At the moment, I just need some basic character build info, gear, and suggestions.
I tried the WIKI but there were so many ads it was hard to find stuff. This is the wiki I looked at:
https://neverwinter.fandom.com/wiki/Neverwinter_WikiSome help would be great. Thanks in advance!
So, forget what you knew. Play your existing characters as newbie and start from Knox. It gives gear, mount, bags, ....
By the way, don't throw away your gear although they are useless. Convert them to be appearance Library item. Right click the gear. Certain ancient gear appearance cannot be found anymore.
Your bank account has shared slots available. Go to Manycoins in PE; press M, find it in the list on the right side. You can move gold and Astral Diamonds into the bank to be withdrawn on whichever character you want it on.