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Warlock issues

mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
Passive shadowslip and gladiator guile do not work together properly, only 15% movement when used together instead of expected 20%.

Shadowslip not reducing damage when in combat properly. If atwill or encounters activated and shadowslip used full damage taken from direct hits and aoe, even when slipping out of range of aoe.

Creeping death does not give 10%, and does not stack, stops procing after 5 ticks for multiple rotations. Averaging less than 200 damage per tick average even after a 600k hit... getting less than 1% damage in full rotation...

Si stacks still drop off from multiple stacks to none or one when triggered consecutively at test dummies. Hfr will reliably stack qith hg, consuming curse from acc and atwill or fb si stack will vanish.

Only one daily and one encounter trigger ri feat making it unreliable and slow in actual gameplay. There was a patch note stating vampiric embrace properly triggers ri but does not still.

Warlocks share curse mechanic effectively breaking 10% damage feat, si stacking, and curse consume mechanics. Consume and reaplication from another warlock halts curse damage.
Making curses personal a effect similarly to arcane stacks to allow warlocks to run together properly. Shared si stacks like chill stacks would make warlocks synergistic. Cross curse consumption make warlocks counter productive in a group together.

Curse bite unaffected by cooldown reduction of spark usage.

Reduced dots, low magnitudes, lack of burst damage and broken feats, make warlock undiverse in build options and unbalanced with other dps classes.

Passives should be more meaningful than additional minimal stats making only 3 passives viable.

Daily magnitudes are less impactful than other classes and hit less than kf encounter.

Animation time for hfr is extremely slow and coupled with constant cancellation requiring recast and
halting any attacks and movement to pause for activation compounds the lack of burst damage. Many times hfr activates after everything is dead or already walked out of its radius. This being our second largest hitting encounter reliant on creatures standing in it for aoe and single target is just painful all together. It's just as slow and buggy as tyrannical curse but as an encounter its every rotation when used.

Soulweaver in preview can now generate sparks by the sacrifice of hp but upon death loose all sparks. If paladins and clerics die they maintain divinty making it quite unbalanced and uncompetitive still.

Hots and heal magnitudes still paltry in comparrison to other heal classes making it unbalanced and uncompetitive with other healing classes.

Most of these issues have been addressed by players since preview and never addressed by devs.

All these issues make warlocks subpar as both dps and healer making no place in meta for either role. This makes warlocks unable to competively fulfill either role compared to any other class.
Post edited by mongol69 on


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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    I have a wizard with only 160k power and It averages 74m damage in lomm while my 216k power warlock only averages 65m in 25min runs.

    I did a ray of frost only run just for laughs, just held the trigger and pulled off over 45 mil without a weapon enchant at the time.

    Also ran my cleric as arbiter and pulled off 55m damage with 137k power in a 25min run.

    Running lomm as healer is a sad joke compared to my pally and cleric. Even my pally with 111k power out heals and outperforms warlock when both have 25% outgoing heal bonus, cleric even more so. Almost impossible to complete lomm as healer on warlock without deaths while pally and cleric easily do it with a huge deficit of power in comparrison.

    Unbalanced is an understatement.
    Post edited by mongol69 on
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    frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Good to see the issues so clearly enumerated once again - though it feels like everyone's speaking into the void.
    Post edited by frogwalloper#6494 on
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    chimeraxchimerax Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    Warlocks are like the red-headed step children of Neverwinter.
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    dawndilion#7316 dawndilion Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    These issues have all been reported numerous times. They don't care about the class at all. I still main mine because I've put way too much time and energy into it. But they do us dirty every mod then throw us a bone for a mod or two before messing things up again.
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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    The main reason warlocks have a deficit in being competitive is that on average your loosing ri stacks and sparks to quickly. You can only usually get to 1 or 2 stacks of ri and get sparks maxed 1 or 2x in combat before it all drops off between hallways, phases, stuns, etc. Coupled with magnitudes. And extremely slow buff buildup. Only at full self buffs 25%ri 10% curse feat, 5%dtd, 4.5% max sparks for a total of 44.5% self buffs, are we even close to competitive with other dps classes at equivalent stats and gearing like cw, hr, tr.

    Let's compare wizards and warlocks magnitudes.
    Example being our at will hr does 30 (less with npnm) magnitude damage per second,
    Cw rof has 250 to 140 magnitude per 1/2 second.
    Cw can have 4 encounters 475 350 400 375 for 1600 magnitude per rotation with an instant 20% increase to damage to base magnitudes from roe increased by 250 for 1850 magnitude per rotation on encounters. Warlock is 400 255 175 for 820 encounter rotation up to 1020 when creature almost dead. Our personal buff fluctuates and takes up to 90 seconds to get full stacks of ri and sparks. Even at 44.5% additional damage to an almost dead creatures our max magnitude damage is 1473.9. With our feat for 20% additional damage as creature loses health our peak is damage 1768.68 at almost dead.

    Add in wizard smoulder feat 75% damage (another 25% on crit) vs 25% warlock additional necrotic/fire, plus chill/arcane stacks and which further increases the dps gap.

    In the end, even if we were capable of 100% full uptime of all possible self buff at max we still are at a deficit. Let alone starting at 45% damage a wizard has in first rotation going in before it's own stack mechanics accumulate.

    Thats why warlocks of equal gear, stats and skill typically end runs with aprox 30% less damage on average. Warlock mechanics, feats, magnitudes, cast times and passives, are just really in a bad place this mod with out even getting into the soulweaver issues which are magnitudes worse than other healing classes.

    Most warlocks I know have outright quit playing neverwinter or changed to another class if they could afford to build another character after spending upwards of 30m ad to rework and get endgame in mod 16 and find out how bad it really is.

    Very disheartening to see and warlock class feedback ignored since preview and not even a word of possible improvements like what was announced after the owlbear cub nerf. At least back then devs acknowledged there was an issues and warlocks had some hope of improvement.

    But hey, "Spiders should no longer all be the same size".
    Post edited by mongol69 on
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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    I had a talk just a bit ago with another warlock and he reminded me that most if these issues were all initially covered over 5 months ago...

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    droidonroids#1509 droidonroids Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Have to agree, my warlock with the exact same stats as a ranger etc. and my damage output is half of what other toons make. Unfortunately i cannot change build, like race roll or i would. Barbie is sitting stagnant and now my warlock is trying to keep its head above water.
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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited August 2019
    Mod 16 warlocks lost the two working class features that actually helped the class. Murderous flames made relevant in mod 15 alongside a working creeping death with a higher damage % and both stacking damage quickly even as dot damage.

    Changing the new dps core class mechanics based off soulsparks which was a very limited and only situationally viable with slow ramp up and damnation si stacks which was always broken/slow making it nonviable dps path in prior mods is just bad.

    Mod16 dps warlocks are equivalent to "dps" paladins last mod. Possible to run but no one wants one in a endgame group since any other dps perform better. Endgame groups want classes that can perform thier role, not dead weight. Especially if it will cause failures in endgame content.
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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    Still broken feats like creeping death and si stacking
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    mongol69mongol69 Member Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited December 2022
    Crazy that the same issues are still a problem at this point. Same broken mechanics, same damage disparities, only diffrence now is cws have even faster cast times than before making it even easier on a cw at this point.

    Just sad that my cw built similarly, with 5k less il can can put out 30% more damage than my warlock. For example my cw can kill cocoons in mtos with 1 daily and rotation and a half by myself, while my warlock is lucky to reduce its bar by 50% with 2 rotations( if sitting with full sparks) and a daily...the struggle is real.

    Even before the cw rework it's damage was on par on with my warlock in single target at a lower il after the boa nerf.
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    ivybyrne#8781 ivybyrne Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Picking up on this thread because due the status of new member, I cannot open another one specific to this topic.

    The Soulweaver's Lifemark is randomly not spawning on platforms. This bug happens in Tower of the Mad Mage from Phase 3 onwards and in Gzemnid's Reliquary Phase 3. The Lifemark is used to heal the marked target with R1 and the Daily Soul Barrier (both consuming the Lifespark temporarily). I haven't tested if Warlock's Bargain works since I don't play it. The Lifemark does not reappear at any point. This is incredibly frustrating to not be able to utilize it since the Warlock's R1 heal is the strongest in game and gives the Soulweaver an advantage and viability.

    I'm adding a YouTube video I have taken featuring how I encounter this bug in the newest Master trial (I slowed the video in the critical moments). Please have a look at it and help your fellow Soulweavers. 😉

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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,272 Arc User
    edited May 2023

    Picking up on this thread because due the status of new member, I cannot open another one specific to this topic.

    The Soulweaver's Lifemark is randomly not spawning on platforms. This bug happens in Tower of the Mad Mage from Phase 3 onwards and in Gzemnid's Reliquary Phase 3. The Lifemark is used to heal the marked target with R1 and the Daily Soul Barrier (both consuming the Lifespark temporarily). I haven't tested if Warlock's Bargain works since I don't play it. The Lifemark does not reappear at any point. This is incredibly frustrating to not be able to utilize it since the Warlock's R1 heal is the strongest in game and gives the Soulweaver an advantage and viability.

    I'm adding a YouTube video I have taken featuring how I encounter this bug in the newest Master trial (I slowed the video in the critical moments). Please have a look at it and help your fellow Soulweavers. 😉


    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
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    ivybyrne#8781 ivybyrne Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    So, I opened a ticket and got a reply from Arc Games Support to give some more details on the bug and they are saying to look into it.

    Here's my answer to them and my new findings concerning another or similar bug in Master Zariel Challenge:

    "So, for ToMM and Gzemnid Master:
    The Lifespark does not seem to spawn at all on the platforms. When reaching p4 in Gzemnid, I had access to my Lifespark again since it seemed to stay in the arena where Gzemnid and his clones are. For ToMM there's no way I will gain access to my Lifespark from p3 onwards since everything happens on the platform.

    I cannot confirm to find this bug in places like Cradle of the Death God and Crown of Celdegonn Master or other content. I have not had any issues in these instances so far but both are involving platforms so I cannot be too sure.

    Another issue happens in Master Zariel Challenge:

    What it used to be like the last couple of weeks is: I enter the arena and my Lifespark would not enter with me. So when doing the mitigation I would not have my daily and R1. After a certain amount of time (like 30 seconds in), my Lifespark would spawn in finally. That's how it used to be. However, recently my Lifespark is not spawning in at all. There's a chance at dying that it will spawn with me. That's not ideal at all.

    I took a video of an entire deathless run where I did not have access of my Lifespark for a single second. You can see it stuck behind the door casting my daily behind the arena:

    Refers to this bug but not exclusive for PC instead happening to PS too:

    Please do look into this. It is a struggle already to convince people of taking in a soulweaver and I love the class but it cannot be that buggy in content. :'("

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