When entering the fight in Zariel's Challenge and Gzemnid Reliquary, the Lifespark (little green ball from Soulweaver Warlock) stays outside instead of being teleported with the player.
While it's stuck outside, most things related to the Lifespark don't work. Inspirit doesn't trigger, tab healing can't be used and Soul Reclamation isn't activated when below 30% Soulweave. Warlock's Bargain still works and seems to be the only reliable way to get the Lifespark back, as it destroys the spark stuck outside and creates a new one.
On Gzemnid, the Lifespark sometimes teleports inside after some time has passed in the fight. However, I haven't seen this happen on Zariel.
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Thanks for reporting! This issue has been escalated and is being investigated.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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The latest patch notes mention:
Gzemnid’s Reliquary
Soulweaver's Lifespark should now properly enter the combat arena of Gzemnid's Reliquary along with the player.
Zariel’s Challenge
Soulweaver's Lifespark should now properly enter the combat arena of Zariel's Challenge along with the player.
However, this is not the case. The Lifespark still waits outside for some time in both Zariel and Gzemnid.
Here's a video demonstrating it in Zariel (recorded after the patch was live on PC):
The Lifespark does seem to enter the arena after some time in Zariel now, but considering we have a big mitigation check right at the beginning and Zariel hits the tank pretty hard, it would be ideal to have it from the start.
Also, this is a widespread issue with the Lifespark, which is happenning much more frequently since Northdark was released last year. Fixing individual instances (like what this patch is trying to do) doesn't seem a good way to handle this, specially considering that this issue was so less frequent before.
Here are *some* of the places where the issue happens:
- Gzemnid, entering the fight
- Gzemnid, during the transition from P2 to P3 (bad)
- Gzemnid, during the transition from P3 to P4 (very very very bad)
- Zariel, entering the fight
- Vault of Stars, during the transition from first boss to the "Lumi area" and from there to the next stage (before second boss)
- Grey Wolf Den, when entering the door after defeating the first boss
- Menzoberanzan, where the Lifespark may disappear after you use the door to change between the quest hub area and the two travel points in the city
In most content, this isn't a big deal. But when we consider Gzemnid Master:Thanks for checking. We will investigate this.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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