This is something the developers need to address. Filing a bug report is not an adequate response when money is involved. On entering Neverwinter one morning I notice my character's stats in the part where you choose your toon, was way off. I sent support informing them of this right away, even though my stats still said 75033. I proceeded to switch mounts and change mount powers and bought zen so I could get lockbox keys and got enough insignia powder to refine an insignia-which also upped my maximum hit points- not there anymore either. I was delighted I had gotten to 77,383 which I had been working on for ages. I went to a random dungeon-Tiamat and was defeated pretty early. While waiting for it to end I saw I was down to the stats that appeared on my character when I entered. I was so relieved I had notified support earlier. I then got the usual stupid reply that I must have changed something or some "boons or buffs" expired. I explained once again exactly what happened and how I hadn't changed anything. I got a reply that there was nothing they could do.
I am still furious. Anyhow I spent an afternoon going through my screenshots and found one from a long time ago that was 72,364 or something and one that was 74 something from a few months ago. There were tickets I had made asking why I couldn't get into the VOS or Masterspider when I had gotten to 75 something. In other words there is plenty of proof I was not an 69,892 (which I havent been for months).
Being told there is nothing they can do because it is a bug is pure BS, For one thing there is no away to progress on stats unless I get new gear, and no way to get any good new gear because now Ican't play in those arenas, I cant even get Blasphene gear unless I play in the Master Spider. All I can do is refine insignia and a lot of mine are maxed. I would think someone could add up everything and figure out what my stats are, the times I actually got an increase. Here are a list of some of the tickets where I was told I was just sol basically-nothing they could do submit a bug report. Ticket 844408 new gear should have given me a 100 increase- told it was a bug. ticket 75108 Armor reinforcement should have given me more than 50 told it was a bug.Ticket 728610 My Stats didnt go up after I used 9 Glyphs and 3 coalescent motes-they said the developers said they couldn't do anything about what it cost me or the stats not going up but at least my enchantment got maxxed. WOW
My Ticket page stopped at five. Why? Also I lost 35 Darkomen lockboxed I sent to myself from a toon I don't play with and I got everything she sent me but the lockboxes-changed characters and it was gone from her inventory. Sent a skeletal lockbox and I got that. Does anyone ever fix anything. Like I said oh well its a bug does not work when there is money involved. If anyone has had similar problems please post them here. And even if no one else has I expect this fixed. This is beyone discouraging and frustrating, and Support needs to stop asking questions that were already answered so it looks like there doing something.
If no one is going to fix this, I want all the money I have paid for ZEn back. Fair is fair. I would start with whoever put 69892 for stats on my character.
Yes, buff expiration is also irrelevant to item level because they change your stat. It does not change you item level.
There is no boon expiration but if you change guild boon (or guild), it may change item level.
Yes, support does not know the game. So, whatever they said regarding the game mean nothing to me.
What did you change? No, not just the gear. Did you change mount combat power, mount power, companion power, companion equipment, guild, guild boon, enchantment, artifact, .....?
Which enchantment you upgraded and did not give you item level? Is it bonus enchantment? If it is, it should not give any item level and it is a blessing for those who understand what that means. At least, the tooltip tells you that (by not showing any item level) so it is not mis-information.
By the way, FYI, many chose to upgrade their bonus enchantment first because it does not give any item level.
For many, having additional stat without increasing item level is a "good thing", bug or not.
Just now and yesterday when I was almost done with IN to the Tower in the NDR my hands sparked and couldn't finish when I only had a little left. Like I said they need to fix all these bugs, give me my stats back or refund the money I spent on ZEN.
Add them together + 5000 will be your item level.
Check them one by one, something was changed regardless you did it or not, intentionally or not.
This exercise would be wise for your current situation and future reference. It is your record. You will know exactly where the item level go or gone.
For them to know why your current item level is 69.892, they will need to do the same exercise. Well, they probably won't.
If it's not that you may have taken off an Enchantment, just didn't apply it to all loadouts; or moving Loadouts by accident had old Companions (not upgraded slotted) or perhaps something else. I'd start to check all Loadouts, or see if changing them changes your Item-Level back then apply all Mounts & Companions to "All Loadouts" or ensure all the highest item-level stuff is slotted from Gear, Enchantments, Mounts & each in the stable and their Insigia too, just like which Companion is slotted (may have accidently summoned a less upgraded one, taken off some companion gear, or the Companion (bonus) not to mention the Companion Buff powers (are the correct ones) and fully upgraded too.
That can easily happen if you change loadouts, and don't apply All to Mounts & Companions, and for Character you need to apply each Gear Piece, Enchantment, Overload, etc...
Note: You can also de-slot everything, take off all gear, enchantments, clear companions buff's, etc... and see if that helps too.
I admit one time I change a loadout & also couldn't understand why my Item Level dropped, it was noticeable and did or couldn't find out why. Then I changed to a loadout with higher item level and applied everything to all loadouts, &/or just take everything off that you can, including changing mount combat & equip powers to something less before changing it back.
If you checked your IL after being defeated, but without releasing to the campfire, it also doesn't show the IL from your pet, which is now unsummoned.
" then finding out my companion disappeared I got my stats not only back but higher."
How can you say you don't use pets when you then say you got one back?
Then, write down your item level after you dismiss your companion, B.
What is your A - B?
My A - B is 8200. It is NOT one companion that has 8200 item level. It is what you would lose if you unsummon your companion.
If I dismiss my companion, I lose companion item level Contribution (3000 for me) + 3 companion equipment item levels (1500 + 1350 + 1600 for me) + the item level of the first companion power (750 for me). Total: 8200 item level
As I mentioned before, record the item level of every item/power you have. Then, you would know where the item level comes from and gone. There is no magic.
Also treasure hunter boon is the only utility boon that gives rating/combined rating. Equipping treasure Hunter boon and then whatever other boon you actually want will fix that (briefly)
In addition, it is not utility boons not giving combined rating.
It is Treasure Hunter boon gives double combined rating and it is a bug.