I've made an in-game bug report about creeping death feat and after providing informations I was sent here by the GM to open a topic here too.
There was a similar PS4 topic opened by #mongol69, but the issue is still present and the newest weapon set acting the same way. issue is present since february of 2022 (when Dragonbone Vale expansion module came out - probably was present when that mod came out on preview). That bug started with the arriving of the Fortified weapon set, all other weapons prior this working properly. Fortified weapon set and Stormforged weapon set are a new type of weapon sets (can't be augmented), which doesn't follow the earlier methods and giving different fixed bonuses based on class roles (dps, healer, tank).
Currently, when using these weapons, warlocks with creeping death feat taken doin either 0 necrotic damage or creeping death gets totally dodged by enemies.