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Cant open chests in Cragmire Crypts [you're in combat bug]

robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
Just ran Cragmire Crypts with a random party, nobody could open end chests at first.
Later some could, but others still couldn't.
The hypothesis is that a companion was a problem (probably Pseudodragon).
Eventually I did open those chests (I was the last one who could, maybe because I was a tank)
Here the screenshot, also added extended chat:


  • percemerpercemer Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 1,048 Arc User
    Hello @robai#6206,

    We are aware of the issues affecting the Cragmire Crypts and the dev team is preparing the fixes.

    Thanks for your patience!

    EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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  • robai#6206 robai Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited November 2022
    Just had another bug: at the very beginning of the boss fight the Boss teleported above us.
    We used barrel, the boss was still there.
    Then we reset by selfkills, the same story repeated.

    Actually I think those bugs are related: I think we couldn't open chests because the boss also teleported (I think he did that before his death since I didn't see the body and I remember he had like 5% hp left before disappeared, I thought he was killed, but maybe he wasn't)

  • abwabwabaabwabwaba Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    There are mobs too, which are over up there (teleported or spawned I don't know). See the white half circle right from the boss? After party wipe and killing the boss with luck before he teleports upstairs again, there are some mobs still left over there, which causes that you stay in combat and can't open the chest.
    Hide The Pain Harold!
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